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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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<title>SWT - OLE Web Browser</title>
<h2>Example - OLE Web Browser</h2>
This example demonstrates how to embed an Active X control into an SWT application or an Eclipse view.
When the view is opened, it will create an instance of the Windows Internet Explorer
control. The OLE Web Browser has
Back and Forward buttons to take you to recently visited pages. The browser also contains
a Home button to take you to the web browser's home page, a Stop button which stops the
current transfer, a Search button which will search for text typed in the Address text field, and
a Refresh button which re-draws the contents of the currently displayed page. There is also a
Go button which, when clicked, will attempt to load the page specified in the Address field.
<h3>Running the example</h3>
From the Window menu select Show View --> Other.
In the Show View dialog, expand SWT Examples and select
the view named OLE Web Browser (Win32). A view containing a web browser will appear.
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