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<title>SWT - Example Launcher</title>
<h2>SWT Example Launcher</h2>
The Example Launcher is used to launch SWT examples, which can either be Workbench views
or standalone applications.
<li>Workbench views are examples that are integrated into Eclipse. When the launcher
starts a Workbench view, it is opened in the currently active perspective.
<li>Standalone applications are launched in a separate window.
For information on how to run the standalone examples without the SWT Example Launcher,
refer to <a href="swt_manual_setup.html">SWT standalone examples setup</a>.
The SWT Workbench view examples can also be launched directly without using the SWT Example
Launcher. SWT Workbench view examples can be found under the <strong>SWT Examples</strong> category of the
<strong>Show Views</strong> dialog.
<h3>Running the Example Launcher</h3>
From Eclipse's <strong>Window</strong> menu, select <strong>Show View &gt; Other</strong>.
In the <strong>Show View</strong> dialog, expand <strong>SWT Examples</strong> and select the <strong>SWT Example Launcher</strong> view.
A view containing a list of examples will appear in your current perspective.
When you select an example from the list a brief description of the example is displayed.
Click on the <strong>Run</strong> button to launch the example.