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<title>SWT - Paint Tool</title>
<h2>SWT example - Paint Tool</h2>
This example demonstrates the use of SWT graphics operations in the form of a
rudimentary bitmap painting program. The Paint Tool implementation also
demonstrates a mechanism for managing timed GUI operations in the background
that are triggered by user input.
Select a tool with which to draw in the drawing area. There are a number of tools
to choose from on the toolbar. To change the color selection, click on a color in the
palette below the drawing area; left-click to set the foreground color, right-click to set the
background color.
<h3>Running the example</h3>
Follow the <a href="swt_manual_setup.html">SWT standalone examples setup</a>
instructions to install and run the example from your workspace.
The "Main" class is <code>org.eclipse.swt.examples.paint.PaintExample</code>.
This example can also be run using the <a href="swt_launcher_ex.html">Example Launcher</a>.
Select the <strong>Paint</strong> item from the <strong>Workbench Views</strong> category and click <strong>Run</strong>.