blob: 67b75b63ff8bb0f60b1a0dcabd32fed1a3ec1fdf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* swt.h
* This file contains the global macro declarations for the
* SWT library.
#ifndef INC_swt_H
#define INC_swt_H
#include "jni.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern int IS_JNI_1_2;
#ifndef JNI64
#if __x86_64__
#define JNI64
/* 64 bit support */
#ifndef JNI64
/* int/long defines */
#define GetIntLongField GetIntField
#define SetIntLongField SetIntField
#define GetIntLongArrayElements GetIntArrayElements
#define ReleaseIntLongArrayElements ReleaseIntArrayElements
#define GetIntLongArrayRegion GetIntArrayRegion
#define SetIntLongArrayRegion SetIntArrayRegion
#define NewIntLongArray NewIntArray
#define CallStaticIntLongMethod CallStaticIntMethod
#define CallIntLongMethod CallIntMethod
#define CallStaticIntLongMethodV CallStaticIntMethodV
#define CallIntLongMethodV CallIntMethodV
#define jintLongArray jintArray
#define jintLong jint
#define I_J "I"
#define I_JArray "[I"
/* float/double defines */
#define GetFloatDoubleField GetFloatField
#define SetFloatDoubleField SetFloatField
#define GetFloatDoubleArrayElements GetFloatArrayElements
#define ReleaseFloatDoubleArrayElements ReleaseFloatArrayElements
#define GetFloatDoubleArrayRegion GetFloatArrayRegion
#define jfloatDoubleArray jfloatArray
#define jfloatDouble jfloat
#define F_D "F"
#define F_DArray "[F"
/* int/long defines */
#define GetIntLongField GetLongField
#define SetIntLongField SetLongField
#define GetIntLongArrayElements GetLongArrayElements
#define ReleaseIntLongArrayElements ReleaseLongArrayElements
#define GetIntLongArrayRegion GetLongArrayRegion
#define SetIntLongArrayRegion SetLongArrayRegion
#define NewIntLongArray NewLongArray
#define CallStaticIntLongMethod CallStaticLongMethod
#define CallIntLongMethod CallLongMethod
#define CallStaticIntLongMethodV CallStaticLongMethodV
#define CallIntLongMethodV CallLongMethodV
#define jintLongArray jlongArray
#define jintLong jlong
#define I_J "J"
#define I_JArray "[J"
/* float/double defines */
#define GetFloatDoubleField GetDoubleField
#define SetFloatDoubleField SetDoubleField
#define GetFloatDoubleArrayElements GetDoubleArrayElements
#define ReleaseFloatDoubleArrayElements ReleaseDoubleArrayElements
#define GetFloatDoubleArrayRegion GetDoubleArrayRegion
#define jfloatDoubleArray jdoubleArray
#define jfloatDouble jdouble
#define F_D "D"
#define F_DArray "[D"
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define LOAD_FUNCTION(var, name) \
static int initialized = 0; \
static void *var = NULL; \
if (!initialized) { \
CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR(name##_LIB)); \
if (bundle) var = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(bundle, CFSTR(#name)); \
initialized = 1; \
#elif defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN32_WCE)
#define LOAD_FUNCTION(var, name) \
static int initialized = 0; \
static FARPROC var = NULL; \
if (!initialized) { \
HMODULE hm = LoadLibrary(name##_LIB); \
if (hm) var = GetProcAddress(hm, #name); \
initialized = 1; \
#ifdef AIX
#define LOAD_FUNCTION(var, name) \
static int initialized = 0; \
static void *var = NULL; \
if (!initialized) { \
void* handle = dlopen(name##_LIB, LOAD_FLAGS); \
if (handle) var = dlsym(handle, #name); \
initialized = 1; \
void throwOutOfMemory(JNIEnv *env);
#define CHECK_NULL_VOID(ptr) \
if ((ptr) == NULL) { \
throwOutOfMemory(env); \
return; \
#define CHECK_NULL(ptr) \
if ((ptr) == NULL) { \
throwOutOfMemory(env); \
return 0; \
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ifndef INC_swt_H */