| /******************************************************************************* |
| * Copyright (c) 2009, 2012 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved. |
| * The contents of this file are made available under the terms |
| * of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1 that |
| * accompanies this distribution (lgpl-v21.txt). The LGPL is also |
| * available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html. If the version |
| * of the LGPL at http://www.gnu.org is different to the version of |
| * the LGPL accompanying this distribution and there is any conflict |
| * between the two license versions, the terms of the LGPL accompanying |
| * this distribution shall govern. |
| * |
| * Contributors: |
| * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| *******************************************************************************/ |
| |
| #ifdef NATIVE_STATS |
| extern int WebKit_win32_nativeFunctionCount; |
| extern int WebKit_win32_nativeFunctionCallCount[]; |
| extern char* WebKit_win32_nativeFunctionNames[]; |
| #define WebKit_win32_NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, func) WebKit_win32_nativeFunctionCallCount[func]++; |
| #define WebKit_win32_NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, func) |
| #else |
| #ifndef WebKit_win32_NATIVE_ENTER |
| #define WebKit_win32_NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, func) |
| #endif |
| #ifndef WebKit_win32_NATIVE_EXIT |
| #define WebKit_win32_NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, func) |
| #endif |
| #endif |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| CFArrayGetCount_FUNC, |
| CFArrayGetValueAtIndex_FUNC, |
| CFDataCreate_FUNC, |
| CFDataGetBytePtr_FUNC, |
| CFDataGetLength_FUNC, |
| CFDictionaryCreate_FUNC, |
| CFHTTPCookieCreateWithResponseHeaderFields_FUNC, |
| CFHTTPCookieGetFlags_FUNC, |
| CFHTTPCookieGetName_FUNC, |
| CFHTTPCookieGetValue_FUNC, |
| CFHTTPCookieStorageCopyCookies_FUNC, |
| CFHTTPCookieStorageCopyCookiesForURL_FUNC, |
| CFHTTPCookieStorageDeleteCookie_FUNC, |
| CFHTTPCookieStorageSetCookie_FUNC, |
| CFRelease_FUNC, |
| CFStringCreateWithCharacters_FUNC, |
| CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex_FUNC, |
| CFStringGetCharactersPtr_FUNC, |
| CFStringGetLength_FUNC, |
| CFURLCreateWithString_FUNC, |
| CFURLRequestCopyHTTPRequestBody_FUNC, |
| CFURLRequestCreateMutableCopy_FUNC, |
| CFURLRequestSetHTTPRequestBody_FUNC, |
| CFURLRequestSetURL_FUNC, |
| JSClassCreate_FUNC, |
| JSClassDefinition_1sizeof_FUNC, |
| JSClassRetain_FUNC, |
| JSContextGetGlobalObject_FUNC, |
| JSEvaluateScript_FUNC, |
| JSGlobalContextRetain_FUNC, |
| JSObjectCallAsFunctionProc_1CALLBACK_FUNC, |
| JSObjectGetPrivate_FUNC, |
| JSObjectGetProperty_FUNC, |
| JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex_FUNC, |
| JSObjectGetPropertyProc_1CALLBACK_FUNC, |
| JSObjectHasPropertyProc_1CALLBACK_FUNC, |
| JSObjectMake_FUNC, |
| JSObjectMakeArray_FUNC, |
| JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback_FUNC, |
| JSObjectSetProperty_FUNC, |
| JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString_FUNC, |
| JSStringGetLength_FUNC, |
| JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize_FUNC, |
| JSStringGetUTF8CString_FUNC, |
| JSStringIsEqualToUTF8CString_FUNC, |
| JSStringRelease_FUNC, |
| JSValueGetType_FUNC, |
| JSValueIsObjectOfClass_FUNC, |
| JSValueMakeBoolean_FUNC, |
| JSValueMakeNull_FUNC, |
| JSValueMakeNumber_FUNC, |
| JSValueMakeString_FUNC, |
| JSValueMakeUndefined_FUNC, |
| JSValueToNumber_FUNC, |
| JSValueToStringCopy_FUNC, |
| WebKitCreateInstance_FUNC, |
| kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks_FUNC, |
| kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks_FUNC, |
| memmove_FUNC, |
| willPerformClientRedirectToURL_1CALLBACK_FUNC, |
| } WebKit_win32_FUNCS; |