tree: 8aaf3f1b38847fc17fe1c72b9cb730c5c2f84bc8 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .externalToolBuilders/
  2. .settings/
  3. about_files/
  4. build/
  5. components/
  6. Eclipse SWT/
  7. Eclipse SWT Accessibility/
  8. Eclipse SWT AWT/
  9. Eclipse SWT Browser/
  10. Eclipse SWT Custom Widgets/
  11. Eclipse SWT Drag and Drop/
  12. Eclipse SWT Mozilla/
  13. Eclipse SWT OLE Win32/
  14. Eclipse SWT OpenGL/
  15. Eclipse SWT PI/
  16. Eclipse SWT Printing/
  17. Eclipse SWT Program/
  18. Eclipse SWT Theme/
  19. Eclipse SWT WebKit/
  20. META-INF/
  21. tasks/
  22. .classpath_cocoa
  23. .classpath_gtk
  24. .classpath_win32
  25. .gitignore
  26. .project
  27. about.html
  29. build.xml
  30. buildFragment.xml
  31. buildInternal.xml
  32. buildSWT.xml
  34. pom.xml


Main plug-in for the SWT user interface library.

Setting the classpath:

To compile this project, you need to set the classpath specific for your operating and windowing system. For this, rename one of the following files to .classpath:

  • .classpath_win32 - Windows
  • .classpath_cocoa - Mac OS X
  • .classpath_gtk - Linux and all Unix variants

To see these files, you may have to remove the filter for “.* resources”:

  • In the Project Explorer: view menu > Customize View... > Filters
  • In the Package Explorer: view menu > Filters...


You also need to clone the Git repository and ensure that the fragment matching your windowing_system.operating_system.cpu_architecture (e.g. org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64) is open in your workspace. The fragments provide the platform-specific native libraries.

More Information:

See the in the main directory of the Git repository for this project to learn more about SWT development.