blob: 5a03aa119fbd6fd06a8a873911c30de78ada1565 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
providerName = = SWT Launcher Example Plugin = SWT Examples = SWT Example Launcher = Launch Items = Workbench Views
launchcategory.SWTViewExamples.description = \
A collection of Standard Widget Toolkit examples that run as Views inside the Workbench. \
These examples will create a new View in the current Perspective. = Launcher
launchitem.LauncherExample.description = \
The Example Launcher is used to launch SWT examples which can either be \
Workbench Views, or Standalone applications.\n\n\
Workbench Views are examples that are integrated into Eclipse. When the Launcher \
starts a Workbench View, it is opened in the currently active perspective.\n\n\
Standalone applications are launched in a separate window.
error.CouldNotLoadResources = Unable to load resources
error.CouldNotFindRegisteredExtensions = Could Not Find Registered Extensions
error.IncompleteProgramLaunchItem = Incomplete XML ProgramLaunchItem definition, id = {0}
error.IncompleteViewLaunchItem = Incomplete XML ViewLaunchItem definition, id = {0}
error.IncompleteLaunchItem = Incomplete or unrecognized XML LaunchItem definition, id = {0}
launchitem.Null.description = <<no item selected>> = <<unnamed>>
launchitem.Missing.description = <<no description available>>
view.launchGroup.text = Examples
view.launchButton.text = Run
view.descriptionGroup.text = Description
run.error.Invocation = A fatal error occurred while launching the program.
run.error.DoesNotImplementMethod = The class does not implement the open() method.
run.error.CouldNotFindClass = Could not find the class to run.
run.error.CouldNotInstantiateClass = Could not instantiate the class to run.