blob: 5d618946b9f4f64094ff8e19bee4253282f490af [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
* This file is made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
import org.eclipse.swt.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.*;
public class FileDialog extends Dialog {
String [] filterNames = new String [0];
String [] filterExtensions = new String [0];
String [] fileNames = new String[0];
String filterPath = "", fileName = "";
public FileDialog (Shell parent) {
public FileDialog (Shell parent, int style) {
super (parent, style);
checkSubclass ();
public String getFileName () {
return fileName;
public String [] getFileNames () {
return fileNames;
public String [] getFilterExtensions () {
return filterExtensions;
public String [] getFilterNames () {
return filterNames;
public String getFilterPath () {
return filterPath;
public String open () {
String fullPath = null;
fileNames = null;
int titlePtr = 0;
if (title != null) {
char [] buffer = new char [title.length ()];
title.getChars (0, buffer.length, buffer, 0);
titlePtr = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters (OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, buffer.length);
int fileNamePtr = 0;
if (fileName != null) {
char [] buffer = new char [fileName.length ()];
fileName.getChars (0, buffer.length, buffer, 0);
fileNamePtr = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters (OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, buffer.length);
NavDialogCreationOptions options = new NavDialogCreationOptions ();
options.windowTitle = options.clientName = titlePtr;
options.parentWindow = OS.GetControlOwner (parent.handle);
options.optionFlags = OS.kNavSupportPackages | OS.kNavAllowOpenPackages | OS.kNavAllowInvisibleFiles;
options.location_h = -1;
options.location_v = -1;
options.saveFileName = fileNamePtr;
int [] outDialog = new int [1];
if ((style & SWT.SAVE) != 0) {
// NEEDS WORK - filter extensions, start in filter path, allow user
// to select existing files.
OS.NavCreatePutFileDialog (options, 0, 0, 0, 0, outDialog);
} else {
if ((style & SWT.MULTI) != 0) options.optionFlags |= OS.kNavAllowMultipleFiles;
// NEEDS WORK - filter extensions, start in filter path, select file name if it exists
OS.NavCreateGetFileDialog(options, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, outDialog);
if (outDialog [0] != 0) {
OS.NavDialogRun (outDialog [0]);
int action = OS.NavDialogGetUserAction (outDialog [0]);
switch (action) {
case OS.kNavUserActionOpen:
case OS.kNavUserActionChoose:
case OS.kNavUserActionSaveAs: {
NavReplyRecord record = new NavReplyRecord ();
OS.NavDialogGetReply (outDialog [0], record);
AEDesc selection = new AEDesc ();
selection.descriptorType = record.selection_descriptorType;
selection.dataHandle = record.selection_dataHandle;
int [] count = new int [1];
OS.AECountItems (selection, count);
if (count [0] > 0) {
fileNames = new String [count [0]];
int maximumSize = 80; // size of FSRef
int dataPtr = OS.NewPtr (maximumSize);
int[] aeKeyword = new int [1];
int[] typeCode = new int [1];
int[] actualSize = new int [1];
int pathString = 0;
int fullString = 0;
int fileString = 0;
if ((style & SWT.SAVE) != 0) {
if (OS.AEGetNthPtr (selection, 1, OS.typeFSRef, aeKeyword, typeCode, dataPtr, maximumSize, actualSize) == OS.noErr) {
byte[] fsRef = new byte[actualSize[0]];
OS.memcpy (fsRef, dataPtr, actualSize [0]);
int pathUrl = OS.CFURLCreateFromFSRef (OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, fsRef);
int fullUrl = OS.CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, pathUrl, record.saveFileName, false);
pathString = OS.CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(pathUrl, OS.kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
fullString = OS.CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(fullUrl, OS.kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
fileString = record.saveFileName;
OS.CFRelease (pathUrl);
OS.CFRelease (fullUrl);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < count [0]; i++) {
if (OS.AEGetNthPtr (selection, i+1, OS.typeFSRef, aeKeyword, typeCode, dataPtr, maximumSize, actualSize) == OS.noErr) {
byte[] fsRef = new byte[actualSize[0]];
OS.memcpy (fsRef, dataPtr, actualSize [0]);
int url = OS.CFURLCreateFromFSRef (OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, fsRef);
if (i == 0) {
int pathUrl = OS.CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, url);
pathString = OS.CFURLCopyFileSystemPath (pathUrl, OS.kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
fullString = OS.CFURLCopyFileSystemPath (url, OS.kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
fileString = OS.CFURLCopyLastPathComponent (url);
OS.CFRelease (pathUrl);
} else {
int lastString = OS.CFURLCopyLastPathComponent (url);
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength (lastString);
char [] buffer= new char [length];
CFRange range = new CFRange ();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters (lastString, range, buffer);
fileNames [i] = new String (buffer);
OS.CFRelease (lastString);
OS.CFRelease (url);
OS.DisposePtr (dataPtr);
if (pathString != 0) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength (pathString);
char [] buffer= new char [length];
CFRange range = new CFRange ();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters (pathString, range, buffer);
OS.CFRelease (pathString);
filterPath = new String (buffer);
if (fullString != 0) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength (fullString);
char [] buffer= new char [length];
CFRange range = new CFRange ();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters (fullString, range, buffer);
OS.CFRelease (fullString);
fullPath = new String (buffer);
if (fileString != 0) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength (fileString);
char [] buffer= new char [length];
CFRange range = new CFRange ();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters (fileString, range, buffer);
OS.CFRelease (fileString);
fileName = fileNames [0] = new String (buffer);
if (titlePtr != 0) OS.CFRelease (titlePtr);
if (fileNamePtr != 0) OS.CFRelease (fileNamePtr);
if (outDialog [0] != 0) OS.NavDialogDispose (outDialog [0]);
return fullPath;
public void setFileName (String string) {
fileName = string;
public void setFilterExtensions (String [] extensions) {
filterExtensions = extensions;
public void setFilterNames (String [] names) {
filterNames = names;
public void setFilterPath (String string) {
filterPath = string;