| # About |
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| The document is structured so that you only need to read up to the point that you require, with advanced topics at the bottom. |
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| The SWT windows port is based on the Win32 api. |
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| The natives are compiled via an ant build.xml script with the Microsoft Visual Studio (2017) C++ compiler. |
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| # Development overview |
| SWT is made up of 2 parts, Java and the natives (written in C). |
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| * **Java Part** |
| If you only make changes in the Java part or need to configure SWT for running snippets, |
| then you don't need to recompile the natives, instead, you can just use the pre-compiled |
| libraries in the binary repository. |
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| * **Natives Part** |
| (Make sure the binary project for your platform is imported and open in your workspace). |
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| ## Configure workspace to run snippets. |
| |
| * Download & install Java *JDK* (Last tested on JDK9) http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html |
| * Download and install Eclipse. Either the "Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers" or a recent integration build: |
| http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/ |
| * (Optionally) install CDT from marketplace if you want to work on C/Native parts of SWT. |
| * (if not already installed) installed EGit integration. |
| * Open the git perspective. Add the following two repositories, which can be found on: (use git protocol) |
| - http://git.eclipse.org/c/platform/eclipse.platform.swt.git/ |
| - http://git.eclipse.org/c/platform/eclipse.platform.swt.binaries.git/ |
| * From swt repo, import most projects (except Cocoa/Gtk, root 'swt' project, once) |
| * In org.eclipse.swt project, you need to copy .classpath_win32 to .classpath & refresh/rebuild workspace. |
| (This can be done via command line or by not-filtering *.resources in package view). |
| * From swt.binary repo, import the project that reflects your platform. |
| * In the snippet project, add the swt project as dependency to launch snippets. |
| * You should be able to run snippets now. (e.g Snippet1). |
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| ## (Advanced) Building Natives. |
| |
| ### Building just 64bit natives with no Webkit |
| (Last Tested on Win10 64 bit & Java 9. March 2018): |
| |
| You need to install the following on your system: |
| |
| * Microsoft Visual Studio - Community and Windows 10 SDK: (1*) |
| https://www.visualstudio.com/thank-you-downloading-visual-studio/?sku=Community&rel=15 |
| (I can't remember which components I installed, I cliked on items that seemed relevant for C/C++ development. |
| I also installed the linux, but that might not be needed. My installation was around 20GB). |
| * (Optional) Install Cygwin |
| * Install Java 8 or 9. Oracle JDK or IBM JDK: |
| http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/overview/java8-2100321.html |
| https://developer.ibm.com/javasdk/downloads/ |
| |
| ### Building and Testing locally |
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| In the binary git repo, in the windows project, you can build the natives via the build.xml. To do so: |
| |
| * In Eclipse, in the binary project org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_64, right click on build.xml: |
| * Run As -> Ant Build ... |
| * on the Targets tab check the build_libraries target (it should be the only one check for just the natives). |
| * On the JRE tab select "Run in the same JRE as the workspace" |
| * On the Refresh tab check "Refresh resources upon completion" to refresh your workspace after running the build; this ensures that Eclipse will pick up the fresh binaries |
| * Press the "Run" button to begin. |
| * If compile fails, inspect build log for warnings, they can point out issues in your configuration. |
| |
| To test if you binaries actually get used, you could try to checkout an older binary repo commit with old |
| bindings. Then try to run a snippet and get the 'missing natives' error. Then if you build the natives |
| and the snippet(s) work, it shows that you've build them successfully. |
| |
| ### Optional additional configuration |
| * Install and configure Cygwin SSH Server on Windows. (Make sure 'openssh' package is installed). |
| See: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24628_01/install.121/e22624/preinstall_req_cygwin_ssh.htm#EMBSC281 |
| * Configure the machine for password-less SSH authentication with the Hudson machine. |
| For more details you can refer: http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~xzhang/pubDoc/IT/SSH%20without%20password%20from%20Windows.htm |
| Sharing some key steps below(which I recall): |
| - Generate the 'dsa' public/private key from your "swtbuild" account from windows machine. |
| - Now login to the Hudson machine with "swtbuild" account. |
| - Copy the public keys and register then on the Hudson machine.. this should enable password-less authentication. |
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| ## (More advanced) (Optional) Building Webkit |
| Note, I.E is the default backend. But Webkit is also a possible alternative Browser backend. |
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| Disclaimer: |
| |
| Note Webkit SDKs are an older version being consumed by SWT native build process and Webkit build binaries are no more available for download in public Webkit download page (https://webkit.org/downloads/) |
| |
| But WebKit-r72896 sources are still avilable for download via either of: |
| https://builds-nightly.webkit.org/files/trunk/src/WebKit-r72896.tar.bz2 |
| http://build.eclipse.org/eclipse/swt/WebKit-r72896.tar.bz2 |
| |
| Webkit SDKs: |
| |
| * WebKit-r72896 http://build.eclipse.org/eclipse/swt/WebKit-r72896.zip |
| * WebKitSupportLibrary http://build.eclipse.org/eclipse/swt/WebKitSupportLibrary.zip |
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| Steps: |
| |
| * Create an SWT Build dir such as `C:\SWT_BUILD_DIR` |
| * In your enviornment: |
| * Unzip two Webkit SDks into: |
| - `SWT_BUILD_DIR\Webkit\r72896` |
| - `SWT_BLUID_DIR\Webkit\SupportLibrary` |
| - (Note: SWT's Webkit support exists for SWT 32bit on Windows, so Webkit SDKs are consumed only by the SWT 32bit build process) |
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| ## Custom Java paths and 32 bit builds |
| |
| You can specify a specific java sdk via: |
| |
| To do a 32 bit build, install a 32bit java & specify it's path or put it into: |
| `SWT_BUILD_DIR\Java\Oracle\jdk1.8.0-latest\x86` |
| |
| For building windows native build for 32bit, you need to convert the source to 32bit first, by running 'replace.64.to.32' target. |
| Once sources are converted to 32bit you can run the 'build_libraries' target for ${workspace_loc:/org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86/build.xml} |
| |
| ## Hudson |
| (Optional for local setup) |
| Now you can point the Windows hudson job to this machine and trigger a native build. |
| Note: For testing purpose from hudson, temporarily turn the nativeChanges flag to 'true' to force a native build compilation. |
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| # Footnotes |
| [1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=526802 |
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