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<title>Package-level Javadoc</title>
Provides a presentation reconciler add-on for an <tt>ITextViewer</tt>.
A presentation reconciler keep the presentation (styles and colors) in
sync with the content of the document serving as the <tt>ITextViewer</tt>'s
Package Specification</h2>
<tt>IPresentationReconciler</tt> defines the concept of a presentation
reconciler. It collaborates with content type specific presentation damagers
(<tt>IPresentationDamager</tt>) which for a given document change determine
the region of the presentation which must be rebuild, and content type
specific presentation repairers (<tt>IPresentationRepairer</tt>) which
construct for a given damage region the document presentation. The package
contains a default implementation of <tt>IPresentationReconciler </tt>(<tt>PresentationReconciler</tt>).