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<title>ZIP Export</title>
ZIP Export</h1></center>
The plan is to export a project with a large number files/folders at a
time, using the zip file wizard. The results should be indentical in layout
and content as the original project used.
Download the JUnit zip file source code from</li>
Start the Eclipse workbench</li>
Create a new temporary "simple" project called "JUnit Test"</li>
Import the JUnit zip file into the project</li>
Select File -> Export, select Zip File and press Next.</li>
Export from a project to a new zip file</h2>
Select the "JUnit Test" project and mark it as checked.</li>
In the Zip File field, type in the filename for the new zip file.</li>
Press Finish</li>
Verify that the contents in the zip file match the same file and folder
structure as the source project</li>
Verify the content of the files.</li>
Export from a project to an existing zip file</h2>
Select the "JUnit Test" project and mark it as checked.</li>
In the Zip File field, type in the filename for the existing zip file.</li>
Check the option "Overwrite existing resources without warning"</li>
Press Finish</li>
Verify you were not prompted to overwrite files</li>
Verify that the contents in the zip file match the same file and folder
structure as the source project.</li>
Verify the content of the files.</li>
Delete the temporary project "JUnit Test"</li>
Delete the temporary jar file</li>