blob: 2f7015b9df163fb893fde469bb28a98a52d7c8f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 Andrea Guarinoni and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Andrea Guarinoni <> - initial API and implementation
* Stefan Winkler <> - Bug 434189, 430848
* Simon Scholz <> - Bug 431635
* Fabio Zadrozny <> - Bug 465148, 465711, 430278
* Lars Vogel <> Bug 463652,466275
* The following bugs are referred to in this style sheet
* 1.) Bug 419482 - Cascading policy in CSS
* 2.) Bug 419377 - Setting a property to 'inherit' is not supported
* 3.) Bug 430051 - Regression for CTabRendering when drawing bottom tabs
* 4.) Bug 401015 - Add support for styling hyperlinks in Links
* 5.) Bug 430278 - Add support for styling Scrollbars
/* ############################## Global Styles ############################## */
Composite, ScrolledComposite, ExpandableComposite, TabFolder, CLabel, Label,
ToolBar, ToolItem, Sash, Group, Hyperlink, RefactoringLocationControl, Link, FilteredTree,
ProxyEntriesComposite, NonProxyHostsComposite, DelayedFilterCheckboxTree,
Splitter, ScrolledPageContent, ViewForm, LaunchConfigurationFilteredTree,
ContainerSelectionGroup, BrowseCatalogItem, EncodingSettings,
ProgressMonitorPart, DocCommentOwnerComposite, NewServerComposite,
NewManualServerComposite, ServerTypeComposite, FigureCanvas,
DependenciesComposite, ListEditorComposite, WrappedPageBook,
CompareStructureViewerSwitchingPane, CompareContentViewerSwitchingPane,
QualifiedNameComponent, RefactoringStatusViewer, ImageHyperlink,
Button /* SWT-BUG: checkbox inner label font color is not accessible */,
ViewForm > ToolBar, /* SWT-BUG: ToolBar do not inherit rules from ViewForm */
/*Shell [style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'] > GradientCanvas,*/ /* ignored */
/* SWT-BUG dirty workaround [Eclipse Bug 419482]: a generic rule (eg: Composite > *) needed to catch an
element without a CSS id, a CSS class and a seekable Widget name, cannot be overridden
by a subsequent more specific rule used to correct the style for seekable elements (<1>): */
TabFolder > Composite > *, /* Composite > CommitSearchPage$... */
CTabFolder > Composite > *, /* Composite > CommitSearchPage$... */
TabFolder > Composite > * > * /* [style~='SWT.NO_BACKGROUND'] <- generate E4 non-sense bugs in apparently not related other rules */, /* Composite > ContentMergeViewer$... > TextMergeViewer$... */
DocCommentOwnerComposite > Group > *, /* Group > DocCommentOwnerComposite$... */
TabFolder > Composite > ScrolledComposite > *, /* ScrolledComposite > ControlListViewer$... */
Shell > Composite > Composite > *, /* Composite > StatusDialog$MessageLine (SWT-BUG: ignored) */
Composite > Composite > Composite > ToolBar, /* Window->Preference (top toolbar) */
Composite > Composite > Composite > Group > *, /* Group > CreateRefactoringScriptWizardPage$... */
Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > *, /* Composite > FilteredPreferenceDialog$... */
ScrolledComposite > Composite > Composite > Composite > *, /* Composite > NewKeysPreferencePage$... */
Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > *, /* Composite > ShowRefactoringHistoryWizardPage$... */
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > *, /* Composite > RefactoringWizardDialog$... */
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > * > *, /* Composite > RefactoringWizardDialog$... */
Group > StyledText {
Combo, List,
/* It might be useless but currently it's needed due to a strange priority
policy used by the E4 platform to apply CSS rules to SWT widgets (see <1>): */
Composite > List,
TabFolder > Composite > List,
TabFolder > Composite > * > List,
DocCommentOwnerComposite > Group > List,
TabFolder > Composite > ScrolledComposite > List,
Shell > Composite > Composite > List,
Composite > Composite > Composite > Group > List,
Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > List,
ScrolledComposite > Composite > Composite > Composite > List,
Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > List,
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > List,
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > * > List {
background-color: #41464A;
color: #dddddd;
/* Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.DATE'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.TITLE'][style~='SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.SMOOTH'] > Composite[style~='SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT'], */
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.DATE'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.TITLE'][style~='SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.SMOOTH'] > Composite[style~='SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT'] > Text[style~='SWT.READ_ONLY'],
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.DATE'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.TITLE'][style~='SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.SMOOTH'] > Composite[style~='SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT'] > ToolBar {
/* Dialog windows title */
/*background-color: #4D5765;*/ /* There is no way to change the background-color of the title of a Dialog without introducing artifacts in some other Dialog windows */
color: #9ac9d8;
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.DATE'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.TITLE'][style~='SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.SMOOTH'] > Composite[style~='SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT'] > Label[style~='SWT.NO_FOCUS'] {
/* Dialog windows title */
/*background-color: #4D5765;*/
color: #EEEEEE;
Text {
background-color: #515658;
color: #cccccc;
SashForm > StyledText {
/* Fix StyledText inside a SashForm */
background-color: #202020;
color: #cccccc;
TextSearchControl /* SWT-BUG: background color is hard-coded */,
TextSearchControl > Label {
/* search boxes and input fields */
background-color: #41464A;
color: #dddddd;
Text[style~='SWT.SEARCH'] + Label /* SWT-BUG: adjacent sibling selector is ignored (CSS2.1) */ {
/* search boxes */
background-color: #949DA5;
color: #ffffff;
Text[style~='SWT.POP_UP'] {
background-color: #34383B;
color: #dddddd;
Text[style~='SWT.READ_ONLY'] {
background-color: #515658;
color: #bbbbbb;
/* Text[style~='SWT.POP_UP'][style~='SWT.ERROR_MENU_NOT_POP_UP'][style~='SWT.ICON_WARNING'] {
/* Dirty way to catch error popup labels
(currently it's impossible since there's no difference
at all from some other Text elements) */
/* background-color: #742025;
color: #FF9997;
} */
DatePicker > Text,
DatePicker > ImageHyperlink,
ScheduleDatePicker > Text,
ScheduleDatePicker > ImageHyperlink {
background-color: #41464A;
color: #dddddd;
CCombo {
background-color: #383C3E;
color: #dddddd;
Composite > StyledText,
Shell [style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'] > StyledText, /* for eg. folded code popup (but it's ignored) */
/* the following are required due to Bug 419482 (see <1>): */
ScrolledComposite > Composite > Composite > Composite > StyledText {
background-color: #252525;
color: #dddddd;
FormText {
background-color: #687174;
color: #eeeeee;
ToolItem:selected {
background-color: #313538;
color: #dddddd;
/* the following are required due to Bug 419482 (see <1>): */
Composite > Table,
TabFolder > Composite > Table,
TabFolder > Composite > * > Table,
DocCommentOwnerComposite > Group > Table,
TabFolder > Composite > ScrolledComposite > Table,
Shell > Composite > Composite > Table,
Composite > Composite > Composite > Group > Table,
Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > Table,
ScrolledComposite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Table,
Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Table,
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > Table,
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > * > Table {
background-color: #35393C;
color: #dddddd;
/* the following are required due to Bug 419482 (see <1>): */
Composite > Tree,
TabFolder > Composite > Tree,
TabFolder > Composite > * > Tree,
DocCommentOwnerComposite > Group > Tree,
TabFolder > Composite > ScrolledComposite > Tree,
Shell > Composite > Composite > Tree,
Composite > Composite > Composite > Group > Tree,
Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > Tree,
ScrolledComposite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Tree,
Shell > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Composite > Tree,
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > Tree,
Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'][style~='SWT.CASCADE'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'][style~='SWT.RESIZE'][style~='SWT.MENU'][style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'][style~='SWT.DATE'] > Composite > * > Tree {
background-color: #2F2F2F;
color: #CCC;
/* prevent CSS Spy red borders to be grayed with a generic Shell selector */
Shell[style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT'], Shell[style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'],
Shell[style~='SWT.CHECK'], Shell[style~='SWT.TITLE'], Shell[style~='SWT.OK'],
Shell[style~='SWT.CANCEL'], Shell[style~='SWT.ABORT'], Shell[style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'],
Shell[style~='SWT.ARROW'], Shell[style~='SWT.RADIO'], Shell[style~='SWT.SINGLE'],
Shell[style~='SWT.SHADOW_IN'], Shell[style~='SWT.TOOL'], Shell[style~='SWT.RESIZE'],
Shell[style~='SWT.SHELL_TRIM'], Shell[style~='SWT.FILL'], Shell[style~='SWT.ALPHA'],
Shell[style~='SWT.BORDER'], Shell[style~='SWT.DIALOG_TRIM'], Shell[style~='SWT.IGNORE'],
Shell[style~='SWT.FULL_SELECTION'], Shell[style~='SWT.SMOOTH'], Shell[style~='SWT.VIRTUAL'],
Shell[style~='SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL'], Shell[style~='SWT.MEDIUM'], Shell[style~='SWT.LONG']
background-color: #515658;
color: #cccccc;
Shell > Composite > Table[style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'] {
background-color: #35393C;
color: #dddddd;
Shell[style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'] > Composite,
Shell[style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'] > Composite Composite,
Shell[style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'] > Composite ScrolledComposite,
Shell[style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'] > Composite Canvas,
Shell[style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'] > Composite StyledText,
Shell[style~='SWT.DROP_DOWN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_IN'][style~='SWT.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN'] > Composite Label {
/* Error information popup */
background-color: #2F2F2F;
color: #CCC;
TextSearchControl {
background-color: #41464A;
color: #dddddd;
ViewerPane > ToolBar,
DrillDownComposite > ToolBar {
background-color: #232323;
color: #CCC;
ProgressInfoItem > *,
CompareViewerPane > * {
background-color: #262626;
color: #eeeeee;
ProgressIndicator {
background-color: #777;
color: #eeeeee;
DiscoveryItem Label,
DiscoveryItem Composite {
background-color: #383C3E;
color: #dddddd;
DiscoveryItem StyledText {
background-color: #383C3E;
color: #aaaaaa;
DiscoveryItem Link {
background-color: #383C3E;
color: #8B9498;
CatalogSwitcher > ScrolledComposite > Composite > Composite /* ignored because hard-coded */,
CategoryItem {
background-color: #515658;
color: #dddddd;
GradientCanvas > Label,
GradientCanvas > ToolBar,
GradientCanvas > ImageHyperlink {
background-color: #3f4447;
color: #9ac9d8;
GradientCanvas {
/* SWT-BUG workaround: GradientCanvas background-color is ignored */
background: #3f4447;
background-image: #3f4447;
CategoryItem > GradientCanvas,
CategoryItem > GradientCanvas > Label {
/* SWT-BUG workaround: a style for background is not applied on GradientCanvas (CSS engine repaint issue) */
background-color: #fafafa;
color: #333;
CategoryItem > GradientCanvas {
/* SWT-BUG workaround: a style for background is not applied on GradientCanvas (CSS engine repaint issue) */
background: #fafafa;
background-image: #333;
WebSite {
background-color: #41464A;
color: #dddddd;
CTabFolder {
/* Set the styles for the inner tabs: */
color: '#org-eclipse-ui-workbench-INACTIVE_TAB_TEXT_COLOR';
swt-tab-renderer: url('bundleclass://org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.CTabRendering');
padding: 0px 2px 2px;
swt-tab-outline: '#org-eclipse-ui-workbench-ACTIVE_TAB_OUTLINE_COLOR'; /* border color for selected tab */
swt-outer-keyline-color: '#org-eclipse-ui-workbench-ACTIVE_TAB_OUTER_KEYLINE_COLOR'; /* border color for whole tabs container */
swt-unselected-tabs-color: '#org-eclipse-ui-workbench-ACTIVE_UNSELECTED_TABS_COLOR_START' '#org-eclipse-ui-workbench-ACTIVE_UNSELECTED_TABS_COLOR_END' 100% 100%; /* title background for unselected tab */
swt-selected-tab-fill: '#org-eclipse-ui-workbench-ACTIVE_TAB_BG_END'; /* title background for selected tab */
swt-shadow-visible: false;
swt-corner-radius: 16px;
swt-unselected-hot-tab-color-background: #161616; /* Bug 465711 */
CTabFolder[style~='SWT.DOWN'][style~='SWT.BOTTOM'] {
/* Set the styles for the bottom inner tabs (Bug 430051): */
swt-tab-renderer: url('bundleclass://org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt/org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.CTabRendering');
swt-unselected-hot-tab-color-background: #161616; /* Bug 465711 */
FormHeading {
background: #505f70;
background-color: #505F70;
background-image: #505f70;
color: #9AC9D8;
Form {
/* Bug 465148: Additional styling for the Form */
text-background-color: #505F70;
tb-toggle-hover-color: #313538;
tb-toggle-color: #313538;
h-hover-full-color: #313538;
h-hover-light-color: #313538;
h-bottom-keyline-2-color: #313538;
h-bottom-keyline-1-color: #313538;
/* We also have to force the background mode (the
* Label/ToolBar in the heading should inherit it).
swt-background-mode: 'force';
Section {
background-color: #4F5355;
color: #AEBED0;
background-color-titlebar: #4F5355;
background-color-gradient-titlebar: #4F5355;
border-color-titlebar: #4F5355;
Form > LayoutComposite > LayoutComposite > * {
background-color: #515658;
color: #EEEEEE;
LayoutComposite, LayoutComposite > FormText,
LayoutComposite > Label,
LayoutComposite > Button {
background-color: #4F5355;
color: #F4F7F7;
LayoutComposite ScrolledPageBook,
LayoutComposite Sash {
background-color: #4F5355;
color: #F4F7F7;
LayoutComposite > Text,
LayoutComposite > Combo {
background-color: #414445;
color: #F4F7F7;
LayoutComposite > Table {
background-color: #333;
color: #FFF;
HeapStatus {
background-color: #41464a;
color: black;
Twistie {
color: #E8E4DF;
#SearchField {
/* background-image: url('./searchbox.png'); */
/* SWT-BUG: textures are applied as a label over the native ones, */
/* in this way textures with alpha color are not usable; */
/* default margins and padding cannot be modified and textures are not */
/* scaled properly to fit the container size: this makes the result ugly, */
/* moreover a texture is drawn over the widget, so also the text is covered */
color: #f0f0f0;
/* Button {
background-color: inherit; /* ignored */
/* background-image: url('./button_bg.png') */
/* } */
/* Button[style~='SWT.CHECK'] { */
/* currently, Button object isn't consistent (eg. also a checkbox/radio is seen as Button) */
/* so, css rules applied to Button have to be overridden for non-Button matches */
/* }
Button:disabled {
/* SWT-BUG: currently, a disabled button cannot be styled with any window manager (gtk, win32, cocoa) */
/* }
Button:hover {
/* SWT-BUG: currently, an hovered button cannot be styled with any window manager (gtk, win32, cocoa) */
/* } */
.MPartSashContainer {
background-color: #515658;
color: #EEEEEE;
HeapStatus {
background-color: #4F5355;
color: #EEEEEE;
PageSiteComposite, PageSiteComposite > CImageLabel {
color: #EEEEEE;
PageSiteComposite > PropertyTable {
background-color: #333;
color: #EEEEEE;
PageSiteComposite > PropertyTable:disabled {
/* SWT-BUG: event is triggered but styles for PropertyTable are hard-coded */
background-color: #444;
color: #EEEEEE;
FlyoutControlComposite, FlyoutControlComposite ToolBar, FlyoutControlComposite CLabel {
background-color: #3f4447;
color: #EEEEEE;
/* See Bug 430848: We need to override the theme of the Eclipse splash screen, because
* otherwise the splash screen would be partly switched to the dark theme during startup,
* which does not look very nice.
Label#org-eclipse-ui-splash-progressText {
background-color: inherit; /* transparent */
color: #9c9696; /* see property startupForegroundColor in the product */
Label#org-eclipse-ui-buildid-text {
background-color: inherit; /* transparent */
ProgressIndicator#org-eclipse-ui-splash-progressIndicator {
background-color: #e1e1e1;
* Default values for using a styled scrollbar to allow a user to set -Dswt.enable.themedScrollBar=true/false to force
* it to true/false regardless of the CSS value.
* swt-scrollbar-themed must be present for -Dswt.enable.themedScrollBar to be supported
StyledText {
swt-scrollbar-themed: false;
swt-scrollbar-background-color: #383838;
swt-scrollbar-foreground-color: #494949;
swt-scrollbar-width: 4px;
swt-scrollbar-border-radius: 4px;
swt-scrollbar-mouse-near-scroll-width: 15px;
Link {
swt-link-foreground-color: '#org-eclipse-ui-workbench-LINK_COLOR'