NEW - bug 194734: [Databinding] Property-based observables

* Renamed IPropertyChangeListener to ISimplePropertyListener, and PropertyChangeEvent to SimplePropertyEvent, since these are only used with the Simple*Property classes.
* Moved all property observable implementations to an internal package.  This made necessary the following items:
  * Made public the protected methods in SimpleValueProperty, SimpleListProperty, SimpleSetProperty and SimpleMapProperty so that ded those methods which were needed to have all internal classes use these interfaces instead of direct references to SimpleValueProperty for example.
  * Made Delegating*Property.getDelegate() methods public
72 files changed
tree: f393eb7c8cdc94d99400c1d4f2bf0381c1788584
  1. bundles/
  2. examples/
  3. tests/
  4. .gitignore