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<title>Package-level Javadoc</title>
Provides support for classes that help communicate proper content for dialogs and wizards.
Package Specification</h2>
This package provides classes that can be used to guide a dialog user through choosing
appropriate content for fields in a dialog or wizard.
A <tt>ContentProposalAdapter</tt> can be attached to an arbitrary control to provide
a popup showing content proposals. These proposals appear when the defined
assist keystroke is invoked. The <tt>ContentProposalAdapter</tt> manages the creation,
hiding, and showing of the proposal popup, as well as the proper handling of key events
between the adapted control and its popup.
<tt>DecoratedField</tt> can be used to decorate controls with images that
communicate information about the control's content. Decorations can be
used to show additional information about a field, such as its status, or a cue
that shows availability of content proposals. Decorations are defined in pre-defined
locations relative to the control, and can be set up to show at all times, or only
when the control has focus. Decorated fields manage the creation of the field's control,
since a specialized layout is used to manage the decorations around the control. However,
clients supply an object that will create the correct class of control. Other than
using the field to manage the decorations themselves, clients are expected to interact
directly with the control. Decorations can optionally show descriptive text when
the user hovers over them.
<p>Note: None of the classes in this package maintain global state.