blob: 6c796108347a5c49e926dd5bf2ea3988ef5c62dd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# package: org.eclipse.ui.views.bookmarkexplorer
# ==============================================================================
# Bookmarks View
# ==============================================================================
CopyBookmark_text = &Copy
PasteBookmark_text = &Paste
PasteBookmark_errorTitle = Error pasting bookmark(s)
OpenBookmark_text = &Go To
OpenBookmark_toolTip = Go To
OpenBookmark_errorTitle = Problems Opening Editor
RemoveBookmark_text = &Delete
RemoveBookmark_toolTip = Delete
RemoveBookmark_errorTitle = Error deleting bookmarks
SelectAll_text = Select A&ll
SelectAll_toolTip = Select All
Properties_text = P&roperties
ColumnDescription_text = by &Description
ColumnResource_text = by &Resource
ColumnFolder_text = by &Folder
ColumnLocation_text = by &Location
ColumnCreationTime_text = by &Creation Time
LineIndicator_text = line {0}
ColumnIcon_header =
ColumnDescription_header = Description
ColumnResource_header = Resource
ColumnFolder_header = In Folder
ColumnLocation_header = Location
ColumnDescription_dialogText = Description:
ColumnResource_dialogText = Resource:
ColumnFolder_dialogText = In Folder:
ColumnLocation_dialogText = Location:
SortMenuGroup_text = &Sort
SortDirectionAscending_text = &Ascending
SortDirectionDescending_text = D&escending
PropertiesDialogTitle_text = Bookmark Properties
MarkerCreationTime_text = &Creation Time:
Error_text = &Error
CopyToClipboardProblemDialog_title=Problem Copying to Clipboard
CopyToClipboardProblemDialog_message=There was a problem when accessing the system clipboard. Retry?