blob: 07387450fc64fa389e017e3280edc867623b3a2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jface.tests.databinding.scenarios;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.eclipse.jface.databinding.Property;
import org.eclipse.jface.databinding.swt.SWTProperties;
import org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ViewersProperties;
import org.eclipse.jface.examples.databinding.model.Account;
import org.eclipse.jface.examples.databinding.model.Adventure;
import org.eclipse.jface.examples.databinding.model.Catalog;
import org.eclipse.jface.examples.databinding.model.Lodging;
import org.eclipse.jface.examples.databinding.model.SampleData;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
public class ReadOnlyComboScenarios extends ScenariosTestCase {
protected ComboViewer cviewer = null;
protected Combo combo = null;
protected Catalog catalog = null;
ILabelProvider lodgingLabelProvider = new LabelProvider() {
public String getText(Object element) {
return ((Lodging) element).getName();
ILabelProvider accountLabelProvider = new LabelProvider() {
public String getText(Object element) {
return ((Account) element).getCountry();
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
getComposite().setLayout(new FillLayout());
combo = new Combo(getComposite(), SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.DROP_DOWN);
cviewer = new ComboViewer(combo);
catalog = SampleData.CATALOG_2005; // Lodging source
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
combo = null;
cviewer = null;
protected Object getViewerSelection() {
return ((IStructuredSelection) cviewer.getSelection())
* @return the ComboViewer's domain object list
protected List getViewerContent(ComboViewer cviewer) {
Object[] elements = ((IStructuredContentProvider) cviewer
if (elements != null)
return Arrays.asList(elements);
return null;
* @return the combo's items (String[]), which is the same thing as the
* Viewer's labels
protected List getComboContent() {
String[] elements = combo.getItems();
if (elements != null)
return Arrays.asList(elements);
return null;
protected List getColumn(Object[] list, String feature) {
List result = new ArrayList();
if (list == null || list.length == 0)
return result;
String getterName = "get"
+ feature.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)
+ feature.substring(1);
try {
Method getter = list[0].getClass().getMethod(getterName,
new Class[0]);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
result.add(getter.invoke(list[i], new Object[0]));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
return result;
* This test case deal with the 3rd scenario, using vanilla bindings: Ensure
* a valid content and selection are bounded correctly Bind a collection of
* Lodgings to a ComboViewer Bind the ComboViewer's selection to the
* defaultLodging of an Adventure
* This test does not deal with null values, empty content, changed content,
* property change of content elements, etc.
public void test_ROCombo_Scenario03_vanilla() {
Adventure skiAdventure = SampleData.WINTER_HOLIDAY; // selection will
// change its defaultLodging
// Bind the ComboViewer's content to the available lodging
getDbc().bind(cviewer, new Property(catalog, "lodgings"),
// Ensure that cv's content now has the catalog's lodgings
assertArrayEquals(catalog.getLodgings(), getViewerContent(cviewer)
// Ensure that the cv's labels are the same as the lodging descriptions
assertEquals(getColumn(catalog.getLodgings(), "name"),
// Bind the ComboViewer's selection to the Adventure's default lodging.
new Property(cviewer,
new Property(skiAdventure, "defaultLodging"),
// Check to see that the initial selection is the currentDefault Lodging
assertEquals(getViewerSelection(), skiAdventure.getDefaultLodging());
// Change the selection of the ComboViewer to all possible lodgings, and
// verify that skiAdventure's default lodging was changed accordingly
for (int i = 0; i < catalog.getLodgings().length; i++) {
Object selection = catalog.getLodgings()[i];
cviewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(selection));
assertEquals(selection, skiAdventure.getDefaultLodging());
assertEquals(getViewerSelection(), skiAdventure.getDefaultLodging());
* This test case deal with the 3rd scenario, and focuses on the collection
* binding to the combo. It will bind a collection, add/remove/change
* elements in the collection, and change element's properties to ensure
* that the combo's labels were updated appropriatly.
* it also induce null values in properties, and elments.
* This test does not deal with the combo's selection.
public void test_ROCombo_Scenario03_collectionBindings() {
cviewer.setLabelProvider(lodgingLabelProvider); // TODO: need to resolve
// column binding
// Bind the ComboViewer's content to the available lodging
getDbc().bind(cviewer, new Property(catalog, "lodgings"),
// Ensure that cv's content now has the catalog's lodgings
assertArrayEquals(catalog.getLodgings(), getViewerContent(cviewer)
// Ensure that the cv's labels are the same as the lodging descriptions
assertEquals(getColumn(catalog.getLodgings(), "name"),
// Add a lodging in the middle (not supported by the model right now)
// Lodging lodging = SampleData.FACTORY.createLodging();
// lodging.setName("Middle Lodging");
// catalog.addLodging(lodging);
// assertEquals(getViewerContent(cviewer).get(2), lodging);
// Add a lodging at the end
Lodging lodging = SampleData.FACTORY.createLodging();
lodging.setName("End Lodging");
int index = getComboContent().size() - 1;
assertEquals(getViewerContent(cviewer).get(index), lodging);
// Delete the first Lodging
// Ensure that the cv's labels are the same as the lodging descriptions
assertEquals(getColumn(catalog.getLodgings(), "name"),
// Delete middle Lodging
// Ensure that the cv's labels are the same as the lodging descriptions
assertEquals(getColumn(catalog.getLodgings(), "name"),
// Change the names of all Lodging
for (int i = 0; i < catalog.getLodgings().length; i++) {
Lodging l = catalog.getLodgings()[i];
l.setName("Changed: " + l.getName());
spinEventLoop(0); // force Async. efforts
assertEquals(getColumn(catalog.getLodgings(), "name"),
// Set to null value
Lodging l = catalog.getLodgings()[0];
assertEquals(combo.getItem(0), "");
// set to empty list
while (catalog.getLodgings().length > 0)
assertEquals(getColumn(catalog.getLodgings(), "name"),
* This scenario tests a simple SWT combo with a set item list where the
* selection is bouded to a String property
public void test_ROCombo_Scenario01() {
// Read-Only Combo will not change its text property on a call to
// setText()
String[] items = new String[] { "FairyLand", "TuneLand", "NoWereLand",
"TinkerLand", "DreamLand" };
Account account = (Account) catalog.getAccounts()[0];
// simple Combo's selection bound to the Account's country property
new Property(combo, SWTProperties.SELECTION),
new Property(account, "country"), null);
// Drive the combo selection
int index = 3;
combo.setText(items[index]); // this should drive the selection
assertEquals(account.getCountry(), items[index]);
// Set the country, and ensure selection is set property
index = 1;
assertEquals(index, combo.getSelectionIndex());
assertEquals(combo.getText(), items[index]);
index = combo.getSelectionIndex();
String txt = combo.getText();
// Set the country to something that is not in the Combo's list
// Combo's selection will not Change
assertEquals(combo.getSelectionIndex(), index);
assertEquals(combo.getText(), txt);
* This scenario tests a simple SWT combo that is bound to a list of Country
* objects. The Country object's name property is listed in the Combo.
* The Combo's selection is bounded to the Country property of an Account.
public void test_ROCombo_Scenario02_SWTCombo() {
// Create a list of Strings for the countries
List list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < catalog.getAccounts().length; i++)
// Bind the combo's content to that of the String based list
getDbc().bind(combo, new Property(list, null), null);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(combo.getItems()), list);
Account account = catalog.getAccounts()[0];
// simple Combo's selection bound to the Account's country property
new Property(combo, SWTProperties.SELECTION),
new Property(account, "country"), null);
// Drive the combo selection
String selection = (String) list.get(2);
combo.setText(selection); // this should drive the selection
assertEquals(account.getCountry(), selection);
* This scenario tests a simple SWT combo that is bound to a list of Country
* objects. The Country object's name property is listed in the Combo.
* The Combo's selection is bounded to the Country property of an Account.
public void test_ROCombo_Scenario02_ComboViewer() {
// Account label provider will fill the combo with the country
// Bind the ComboViewer's content to the available accounts
getDbc().bind(cviewer, new Property(catalog, "accounts"),
// Ensure that cv's content now has the catalog's accounts
assertArrayEquals(catalog.getAccounts(), getViewerContent(cviewer).toArray());
// Ensure that the cv's labels are the same as the account countries
assertEquals(getColumn(catalog.getAccounts(), "country"),
Account account = SampleData.FACTORY.createAccount();
// Use the Viewers visual Combo (Strings) to set the account's country
new Property(combo, SWTProperties.SELECTION),
new Property(account, "country"), null);
// Change the selection of the ComboViewer to all possible accounts, and
// verify that the account's Country is being changed correctly.
for (int i = 0; i < catalog.getAccounts().length; i++) {
Account selection = catalog.getAccounts()[i];
cviewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(selection));
assertEquals(selection.getCountry(), account.getCountry());
* This test ensure that multiple combos can be bound to the same deomain
* model
public void test_ROCombo_multipleBindings() {
Adventure skiAdventure = SampleData.WINTER_HOLIDAY; // for selection
cviewer.setLabelProvider(lodgingLabelProvider); // TODO: need to resolve
// column binding
// Bind the ComboViewer's content to the available lodging
getDbc().bind(cviewer, new Property(catalog, "lodgings"),
// Ensure that cv's content now has the catalog's lodgings
assertArrayEquals(catalog.getLodgings(), getViewerContent(cviewer).toArray());
// Ensure that the cv's labels are the same as the lodging descriptions
assertEquals(getColumn(catalog.getLodgings(), "name"),
ComboViewer otherViewer = new ComboViewer(getComposite(), SWT.NONE);
new Property(catalog, "lodgings"), null);
// Ensure that cv's content now has the catalog's lodgings
assertArrayEquals(catalog.getLodgings(), getViewerContent(otherViewer).toArray());
// Bind both selections to the same thing
new Property(cviewer,
new Property(skiAdventure, "defaultLodging"),
new Property(otherViewer,
new Property(skiAdventure, "defaultLodging"), null);
Lodging lodging = (Lodging) catalog.getLodgings()[0];
// Ensure that setting the selection is driven forward to the other
// combo
cviewer.setSelection(new StructuredSelection(lodging));
assertEquals(((IStructuredSelection) cviewer.getSelection())
.getFirstElement(), ((IStructuredSelection) otherViewer
// Change the list of one combo, and ensure it updates the other combo
assertEquals(getViewerContent(cviewer), getViewerContent(otherViewer));
* This scenario tests a simple SWT CCombo that is bound to a list of
* Country objects. The Country object's name property is listed in the
* Combo.
* The Combo's selection is bounded to the Country property of an Account.
public void test_ROCombo_SWTCCombo() {
// Create a list of Strings for the countries
List list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < catalog.getAccounts().length; i++)
CCombo ccombo = new CCombo(getComposite(), SWT.READ_ONLY
// Bind the combo's content to that of the String based list
getDbc().bind(ccombo, new Property(list, null), null);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(ccombo.getItems()), list);
Account account = (Account) catalog.getAccounts()[0];
// simple Combo's selection bound to the Account's country property
new Property(ccombo, SWTProperties.SELECTION),
new Property(account, "country"), null);
// Drive the combo selection
String selection = (String) list.get(2);
ccombo.setText(selection); // this should drive the selection
assertEquals(account.getCountry(), selection);
* This scenario tests a simple SWT CCombo that is bound to a list of
* Country objects. The Country object's name property is listed in the
* Combo.
* The Combo's selection is bounded to the Country property of an Account.
public void test_ROCombo_SWTList() {
// Create a list of Strings for the countries
List list = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < catalog.getAccounts().length; i++)
org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List swtlist = new org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List(
getComposite(), SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.SINGLE);
// Bind the combo's content to that of the String based list
getDbc().bind(swtlist, new Property(list, null), null);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(swtlist.getItems()), list);
Account account = (Account) catalog.getAccounts()[0];
// simple Combo's selection bound to the Account's country property
new Property(swtlist,
new Property(account, "country"), null);
String selection = (String) list.get(2);; // this should drive the selection
swtlist.notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, null); // Force notification
assertEquals(account.getCountry(), selection);