blob: b00c85528e84b2dc4b5ccbc2460d8637051ebe28 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.ui.tests.api;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.eclipse.ui.IMemento;
import org.eclipse.ui.WorkbenchException;
import org.eclipse.ui.XMLMemento;
* Testing XMLMemento (see bug 93262). Emphasis is on ensuring that the 3.1
* version behaves just like the 3.0.1 version.
* @since 3.1
public class XMLMementoTest extends TestCase {
private static final String[] TEST_STRINGS = { "value",
" value with spaces ", "value.with.many.dots",
"value_with_underscores", "value<with<lessthan",
"value>with>greaterthan", "value&with&ampersand",
"value\"with\"quote", "value#with#hash", "",
* the following cases are for bug 93720
"\nvalue\nwith\nnewlines\n", "\tvalue\twith\ttab\t",
"\rvalue\rwith\rreturn\r", };
* Class under test for XMLMemento createReadRoot(Reader)
public void testCreateReadRootReaderExceptionCases() {
try {
XMLMemento.createReadRoot(new StringReader("Invalid format"));
fail("should throw WorkbenchException because of invalid format");
} catch (WorkbenchException e) {
// expected
try {
XMLMemento.createReadRoot(new StringReader(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>"));
fail("should throw WorkbenchException because there is no element");
} catch (WorkbenchException e) {
// expected
try {
XMLMemento.createReadRoot(new Reader() {
public void close() throws IOException {
throw new IOException();
public int read(char[] arg0, int arg1, int arg2)
throws IOException {
throw new IOException();
fail("should throw WorkbenchException because of IOException");
} catch (WorkbenchException e) {
// expected
public void testCreateReadRootReader() throws WorkbenchException {
XMLMemento memento = XMLMemento
.createReadRoot(new StringReader(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?><simple>some text data</simple>"));
assertEquals("some text data", memento.getTextData());
* Class under test for XMLMemento createReadRoot(Reader, String)
public void testCreateReadRootReaderString() {
// TODO - I don't know how to test this. The method is not called by
// anyone as of 2005/04/05.
public void testCreateWriteRoot() {
String[] rootTypes = { "type", "type.with.dots",
"type_with_underscores" };
for (int i = 0; i < rootTypes.length; i++) {
String type = rootTypes[i];
XMLMemento memento = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot(type);
public void testSpacesInRootAreIllegal() {
try {
XMLMemento.createWriteRoot("with space");
fail("should fail");
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected
public void testSpacesInKeysAreIllegal() {
XMLMemento memento = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot("foo");
try {
memento.createChild("with space", "bar");
fail("should fail");
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected
try {
memento.putString("with space", "bar");
fail("should fail");
} catch (Exception e) {
// expected
public void testCopyChild() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
IMemento child = mementoToSerialize.createChild("c", "i");
IMemento copiedChild = mementoToSerialize.copyChild(child);
assertEquals("i", copiedChild.getID());
checkMemento(copiedChild, true);
public void checkAfterDeserialization(XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
IMemento child = deserializedMemento.getChild("c");
checkMemento(child, true);
IMemento[] children = deserializedMemento.getChildren("c");
assertEquals(2, children.length);
assertEquals("i", children[0].getID());
checkMemento(children[0], true);
assertEquals("i", children[1].getID());
checkMemento(children[1], true);
* Helper method to fill a memento to be checked later by checkMemento.
* @param memento
private void fillMemento(IMemento memento) {
memento.putFloat("floatKey", 0.4f);
memento.putInteger("integerKey", 324765);
memento.putString("stringKey", "a string");
memento.putTextData("some text data");
memento.createChild("child2", "child2id1");
memento.createChild("child2", "child2id2");
* Helper method to check if the values set by fillMemento are still there.
* The boolean parameter is needed because in some cases
* (IMememento#putMemento), the text data gets lost.
* @param memento
* @param checkForTextData
protected void checkMemento(IMemento memento, boolean checkForTextData) {
assertEquals(0.4f, memento.getFloat("floatKey").floatValue(), 0.0f);
assertEquals(324765, memento.getInteger("integerKey").intValue());
assertEquals("a string", memento.getString("stringKey"));
if (checkForTextData) {
assertEquals("some text data", memento.getTextData());
IMemento child1 = memento.getChild("child1");
IMemento child2 = memento.getChild("child2");
assertEquals("child2id1", child2.getID());
IMemento[] children = memento.getChildren("child2");
assertEquals(2, children.length);
assertEquals("child2id1", children[0].getID());
assertEquals("child2id2", children[1].getID());
public void testCreateAndGetChild() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
final String type1 = "type1";
final String type2 = "type2";
final String id = "id";
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
// check that nothing is there yet
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getChild(type1));
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getChild(type2));
// creation without ID
IMemento child1 = mementoToSerialize.createChild(type1);
// creation with ID
IMemento child2 = mementoToSerialize.createChild(type2, id);
assertEquals(id, child2.getID());
public void checkAfterDeserialization(XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
IMemento child1 = deserializedMemento.getChild(type1);
IMemento child2 = deserializedMemento.getChild(type2);
assertEquals(id, child2.getID());
public void testGetChildren() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
final String type = "type";
final String id1 = "id";
final String id2 = "id2";
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
// check that nothing is there yet
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getChild(type));
IMemento child1 = mementoToSerialize.createChild(type, id1);
assertEquals(id1, child1.getID());
// second child with the same type
IMemento child2 = mementoToSerialize.createChild(type, id2);
assertEquals(2, mementoToSerialize.getChildren(type).length);
assertEquals(id2, child2.getID());
public void checkAfterDeserialization(XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
IMemento[] children = deserializedMemento.getChildren(type);
assertEquals(2, children.length);
// this checks that the order is maintained.
// the spec does not promise this, but clients
// may rely on the current implementation behaviour.
assertEquals(id1, children[0].getID());
assertEquals(id2, children[1].getID());
public void testGetID() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
final String type = "type";
String[] ids = { "id", "", "id.with.many.dots", "id_with_underscores",
"id<with<lessthan", "id>with>greaterthan", "id&with&ampersand",
"id\"with\"quote", "id#with#hash" };
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
final String id = ids[i];
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getChild(type));
IMemento child = mementoToSerialize.createChild(type, id);
assertEquals(id, child.getID());
public void checkAfterDeserialization(
XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
IMemento child = deserializedMemento.getChild(type);
assertEquals(id, child.getID());
public void testPutAndGetFloat() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
final String key = "key";
final Float[] values = new Float[] { new Float(-3.1415), new Float(1),
new Float(0), new Float(4554.45235),
new Float(Float.MAX_VALUE), new Float(Float.MIN_VALUE),
new Float(Float.NaN), new Float(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY),
new Float(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) };
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
final Float value = values[i];
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getFloat(key));
mementoToSerialize.putFloat(key, value.floatValue());
assertEquals(value, mementoToSerialize.getFloat(key));
public void checkAfterDeserialization(
XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
assertEquals(value, deserializedMemento.getFloat(key));
public void testPutAndGetInteger() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
final String key = "key";
Integer[] values = new Integer[] { new Integer(36254), new Integer(0),
new Integer(1), new Integer(-36254),
new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE), new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE) };
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
final Integer value = values[i];
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getInteger(key));
mementoToSerialize.putInteger(key, value.intValue());
assertEquals(value, mementoToSerialize.getInteger(key));
public void checkAfterDeserialization(
XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
assertEquals(value, deserializedMemento.getInteger(key));
public void testPutMemento() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
mementoToSerialize.putTextData("unchanged text data");
mementoToSerialize.putString("neverlost", "retained value");
IMemento aMemento = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot("foo");
// note that this does not copy the text data:
// do not check for text data:
checkMemento(mementoToSerialize, false);
assertEquals("unchanged text data", mementoToSerialize
assertEquals("retained value", mementoToSerialize
public void checkAfterDeserialization(XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
// do not check for text data:
checkMemento(deserializedMemento, false);
assertEquals("unchanged text data", deserializedMemento
assertEquals("retained value", deserializedMemento
public void testPutAndGetString() throws IOException, WorkbenchException {
final String key = "key";
// values with newline, tab, or return characters lead to bug 93720.
String[] values = TEST_STRINGS;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
final String value = values[i];
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getString(key));
String helper = value;
mementoToSerialize.putString(key, value);
assertEquals(value, mementoToSerialize.getString(key));
public void checkAfterDeserialization(
XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
assertEquals(value, deserializedMemento.getString(key));
public void testPutAndGetTextData() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
String[] values = TEST_STRINGS;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
final String data = values[i];
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getTextData());
assertEquals(data, mementoToSerialize.getTextData());
public void checkAfterDeserialization(
XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
if (data.equals("")) {
// this comes back as null...
assertEquals(null, deserializedMemento.getTextData());
} else {
assertEquals(data, deserializedMemento.getTextData());
public void testLegalKeys() throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
String[] legalKeys = { "value", "value.with.many.dots",
"value_with_underscores" };
for (int i = 0; i < legalKeys.length; i++) {
final String key = legalKeys[i];
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
assertEquals(null, mementoToSerialize.getString(key));
try {
mementoToSerialize.putString(key, "some string");
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
System.out.println("offending key: '" + key + "'");
throw ex;
assertEquals("some string", mementoToSerialize
public void checkAfterDeserialization(
XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
assertEquals("some string", deserializedMemento
public void testIllegalKeys() {
String[] illegalKeys = { "", " ", " key", "key ", "key key", "\t",
"\tkey", "key\t", "key\tkey", "\n", "\nkey", "key\n",
"key\nkey", "key<with<lessthan", "key>with>greaterthan",
"key&with&ampersand", "key#with#hash", "key\"with\"quote", "\"" };
for (int i = 0; i < illegalKeys.length; i++) {
final String key = illegalKeys[i];
XMLMemento memento = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot("foo");
try {
memento.putString(key, "some string");
fail("putString with illegal key should fail");
} catch (Exception ex) {
// expected
public void testPutTextDataWithChildrenBug93718()
throws WorkbenchException, IOException {
final String textData = "\n\tThis is\ntext data\n\t\twith newlines and \ttabs\t\n\t ";
testPutAndGet(new MementoChecker() {
public void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize) {
mementoToSerialize.createChild("type", "id");
mementoToSerialize.createChild("type", "id");
mementoToSerialize.createChild("type", "id");
assertEquals(textData, mementoToSerialize.getTextData());
public void checkAfterDeserialization(XMLMemento deserializedMemento) {
assertEquals(textData, deserializedMemento.getTextData());
private static interface MementoChecker {
void prepareAndCheckBeforeSerialization(XMLMemento mementoToSerialize);
void checkAfterDeserialization(XMLMemento deserializedMemento);
private void testPutAndGet(MementoChecker mementoChecker)
throws IOException, WorkbenchException {
XMLMemento mementoToSerialize = XMLMemento
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();;
StringReader reader = new StringReader(writer.getBuffer().toString());
XMLMemento deserializedMemento = XMLMemento.createReadRoot(reader);
public void testMementoWithTextContent113659() throws Exception {
IMemento memento = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot("root");
IMemento mementoWithChild = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot("root");
IMemento child = mementoWithChild.createChild("child");
IMemento copiedChild = memento.getChild("child");
assertEquals("text", copiedChild.getTextData());