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<title>New File Wizard</title>
New File Wizard</h1></center>
The plan is to create a single empty file. The end result of this wizard
should be an empty file opened in the proper editor for its type.
Start the Eclipse workbench</li>
Create a temporary project called "File Test"</li>
Select File->New->File from the resource perspective</li>
Create file at project root</h2>
Select the project File Test</li>
In the File Name field, type in f1.txt</li>
Press the Finish button</li>
Verify a new f1.txt file is created under the File Test project (in navigator
view and in the file system)</li>
Verify the default text editor opened on f1.txt</li>
Verify the content of f1.txt is empty</li>
Create file in new folder</h2>
In the "Enter or select the folder" field, type in File Test/folder</li>
In the File Name field, type in f1.txt</li>
Press the Finish button</li>
Verify that "folder" was created under the File Test project (in navigator
view and in the file system)</li>
Verify a new f1.txt file is created under "folder" (in navigator view and
in the file system)</li>
Verify the default text editor opened on f1.txt</li>
Verify the content of f1.txt is empty</li>
Delete the temporary project "File Test"</li>