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<title>Test Scenario: Outline View</title>
Outline View</h3>
Purpose: To test the Outline view in Eclipse.&nbsp; The Outline view is
just a container for the pages contributed by open editors.&nbsp; Therefore,
this test will focus on the creation, show, and closure of those pages.
Install Eclipse Platform.</li>
Create a java project containing three java files and a text file.</li>
Start the workbench.</li>
If any editor is open close it.</li>
Verify that the Outline view is empty and contains the text "An Outline
is not available".</li>
Open an editor on a java file. Verify that a java page appears in the outline
view.&nbsp; If you select items in this page the scroll and selected text
within the editor should change.</li>
Open a second file in a java editor.&nbsp; Verify that a second java page
appears in the outline view.</li>
If you switch between the two editors the visible page should change.</li>
Open a .txt file in a text editor.&nbsp; When this editor is active the
outline view will be empty and contain the standard empty text as described
in step 2.</li>
If you switch between a text and java editor the visible page should change.&nbsp;
Verify that the toolbar and menu items in the outline also chnage.&nbsp;
The java editor has Field and Member toolbar items.</li>
Close one editor.&nbsp; If another editor is activated verify that its
outline page is now visible.&nbsp; If no editor is activated verify that
the outline is empty.</li>
Close the last editor and verify that the default blank page is visible
in the outline.</li>