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<title>Test Scenario: Properties View</title>
Properties View</h3>
Purpose: To test the Properties view in Eclipse.&nbsp; The Outline view
is just a container for the pages contributed by other editors and views
within the workbench.&nbsp; Therefore, this test will focus on the creation,
show, and closure of those pages.
Install Eclipse Platform.</li>
Create a project containing some files.</li>
Start the workbench.</li>
Open the Navigator, Packages and Properties views.</li>
Select a file in the Navigator.&nbsp; Verify that the properties for this
file are visible in the Properties view.</li>
Select a project in the Packages view.&nbsp; Verify that the properties
for ths file are onw visible in the properties view.</li>
Activate the Navigator, Packages, Navigator, and Packages view by clicking
in the title area of the view.&nbsp; Verify that the visible propreties
in the properties view change to reflect the active part.</li>
Close the properties view.</li>
Open the view and verify that it shows the properties for the last selection
in the workbench.</li>