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<title>Test Scenario: Text Editor</title>
Text Editor</h3>
Purpose: To test the Text Editor in Eclipse.&nbsp; We will open a text
file, adding some text, play with the edit actions, verify the save and
save as, and then test persistance between sessions.
Install Eclipse Platform.</li>
Create a project.</li>
Start the workbench.</li>
Invoke File > New > File.&nbsp; Create a new text file with some name like
test1.txt.&nbsp; Verify that a new editor opens on the file.</li>
Copy and paste the following text into the editor ..</li>
<blockquote>Beware the beast man, for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among
God's primates,
<br>he kills for sport, or lust or greed. Yes, he will murder his brother
to possess his
<br>brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make
a desert of
<br>his home and yours. Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair:
For he is the
<br>harbinger of death.
<p>(Planet of the Apes)</blockquote>
After paste has been performed the editor state should be dirty.&nbsp;
Verify that File > Save is enabled and that Save is enabled in the context
menu.&nbsp; Invoke Save and verify that save is disabled.</li>
The Save As menu action is always enabled.&nbsp; Invoke this action to
create a new file, say test2.txt, and verify that the name of the new file
name is reflected in the editor tab.</li>
Modify the contents of test2.txt and save.&nbsp; Then open test1.txt and
verify that it still contains the original text.</li>
In text1.txt select the first 3 lines and invoke Edit Copy.&nbsp; Activate
text2.txt, put the cursor at the end of the file, and invoke Edit Paste.&nbsp;
Verify that the first 3 lines of text1.txt are copied to text2.txt.</li>
Invoke Undo and Redo a few times in text2.txt to undo and redo the paste.</li>
Select a few lines of text and invoke Shift Right and Shift Left a few
Now close text2.txt.&nbsp; The file has been modified, so a Save dialog
should appear.&nbsp; Press No to avoid saving.</li>
Now we need to test Find / Replace.&nbsp; Select the text1.txt editor.&nbsp;
This file contains many instances of he and his.&nbsp; Invoke Find / Replace
and replace all instances of he by "she".&nbsp; You may find that various
words like "the" are modified to "tshe".&nbsp; Close the find dialog and
invoke Revert in the context menu.&nbsp; Verify that the file contents
are now equal to the original text.&nbsp; Then try Find / Replace again
with "whole word" selected and verify the results.</li>
Open up text2.txt.&nbsp; Now there should be one open editor with changs
and one without.</li>
Invoke File > Close All.&nbsp; At this point a "Save Resources" dialog
should appear where you can save the modified files.&nbsp; Check all modifications
and then press "Yes".&nbsp; Verify that all editors are closed.&nbsp; Then
open up any editor which was saved and verify changes.</li>