blob: 00f06c14803384299be0104f2810770c845cf809 [file] [log] [blame]
AddBindingButton_Text = Add
AddKeyButton_ToolTipText = Insert special key
AdvancedButton_Text = Advanced...
BindingLabel_Text = Binding:
CommandNameColumn_Text = Command
CommandNameLabel_Text = Name:
DeleteSchemeButton_Text = Delete
DescriptionLabel_Text = Description:
RemoveBindingButton_Text = Remove
SchemeLabel_Text = Scheme:
ShowAllCheckBox_Text = Show All Commands
TriggerSequenceColumn_Text = Binding
WhenLabel_Text = When:
GroupingCombo_Label = Group By:
GroupingCombo_Category_Text = Category
GroupingCombo_None_Text = None
GroupingCombo_When_Text = When
RestoreDefaultsMessageBoxMessage=This will restore all keys to the default settings.\r\nAre you sure you want to do this?
RestoreDefaultsMessageBoxText=Restore Keyboard Defaults
PreferenceStoreError_Message=Could not access the preference store