blob: 0a18eb6e17105b1b7dc45bec6dc1b31fae717e56 [file] [log] [blame]
Calendar binding tasks:
* Create a Hibernate mapping for a java.util.List Events that we can bind **DONE**
* Add code to implement insert and deletion using the above listeners **DONE**
* Change the new event dialog so that it inserts the event by adding it to
Hibernate's mapped collection, then calling flush() on the session. **DONE**
* Create a LazyInsertDeleteProvider that displays the new event dialog and
initializes its values to the current date/time.
* In the action that opens a dialog to create a new event, detect if an
IEventEditor is open, and if it is,
call fireInsert to display the new event dialog and perform the insert
* When the user clicks OK in the new event dialog, detect if the calender is
open and if it is not open, open it.
* Hook up UI gestures (double-click, insert keypress, delete keypress) to
insert/delete events
CalendarableItem(Control)? tasks:
* Needs an event model (change listeners, etc) **DONE**
* Needs to update the control when the item is updated if the control is visible **DONE**
* Needs an in-place editor (DEFERRED)
DayEditor tasks:
* Needs an event that is fired when a CalendarableItem is no longer visible
(so bindings can be disposed) **DONE**
* Needs an addInsertHandler/removeInsertHandler, ... **DONE**
* Needs an addDeleteHandler/removeDeleteHandler, ... **DONE**
* Needs an addEditHandler/removeEditHandler, ... **DONE**
DayEditor data binding tasks: **DONE**
In-place editing tasks: (DEFERRED)
* Show in-place editor when user clicks a CalendarableItemControl (or maybe use
an SWT Text to begin with)
* Hook events on the editor and change the CalendarableItem's text property
as the CalendarableItemControl's text property changes