blob: 2b17ae5573d9cb60a982241c5b2b74262d3c3bb2 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a test list for Status Handling (StatusManager, etc.):
Status Handling:
Main Set Up: Launch Eclipse with org.eclipse.ui.examples.statushandlers.testtool, open the
'Status Generator' view (view category: 'Status Handling'). To execute tests use 'Execute tab'
button. Use this tool to perform all tests placed below.
* Set Up: Select 'Jobs And Runnables' tab, set duration to 1 second
* Please run this test separately for each of the Exceptions/Errors listed in this tab.
Verify that 'Run In UI thread (does not fork)' radio selection causes a stack trace to be sent
to the standard output
Verify that 'Runnable in Window' radio selection causes a stack trace to be sent to the standard
* Set Up: Select 'Jobs' radio, set duration to 1 second, set 'Quantity' to 2
* Please run this test separately for each of the Exceptions/Errors listed in this view
Verify that 'Create jobs' button causes two exceptions/errors (from two jobs) to be displayed
in a single dialog and logged into the WorkbenchPlugin log (.metadata/.log)
* Set Up: Switch the 'Status Generator' view to the 'Views' tab.
Verify that every possible configuration causes an empty view to be displayed and thrown
exception to be looged into the WorkbenchPluging log (.metadata/.log)
* Set Up: Switch the 'Status Generator' view to the 'Status Handling' tab.
For every show/log combination (none, log, show, show and log) add one status.
(Use 'Add status to the list' button and 'Show status' & 'Log status' checkboxes)
Verify that:
- all of the statuses with 'log' property on to be logged into the WorkbenchPlugin
log (.metadata/.log)
- all of the statuses with 'show' property on to be displayed in a single dialog
- status dialog icon is adjusted to the status severity
- "Show support" button appears with an image in the bottom left side of the dialog.
* Modality test
Clear the list. Create status with 'Show status'. Press 'Execute tab' button.
Verify that status dialog is not modal.
Now without closing the dialog, add new status with 'Show status' & 'Block' flag.
Verify that status dialog is modal.
* Support test (bugs 227659, 221856)
Enable Support in SHMenu. Create status with 'Show status'. Press 'Execute tab' button.
Verify that "Support" action is active. Use it. Verify that support tray shows status
message and the "Support" action became inactive. Close tray area. Verify that
"Support" action is active again.
Repeat for more than one status.