Bug 388966 [Min/Max] [Trim] CCE on Maximize/Minimize

Depending on how the animations preference is set, the value that is
returned by the event may be of a different type. A Boolean is provided
if the change is from the preference page directly and a String is
provided if it was modified because of the preference has been
imported. The fix here is to check for each of these two cases and set
the value the event represents as a Boolean.
1 file changed
tree: 6d928f52456fb3149884fa3b6a6d5643247f2578
  1. bundles/
  2. examples/
  3. features/
  4. git_report/
  5. tests/
  6. .gitignore
  7. pom.xml
  8. README.md

Platform UI

Platform UI provides the basic building blocks for user interfaces built with Eclipse. Some of these form the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) and can be used for arbitrary rich client applications, while others are specific to the Eclipse IDE. The Platform UI codebase is built on top of the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), which is developed as an independent project.

For more information, refer to the [Platform UI wiki page] 1.


Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0