Bug 520069 - Better performance when setting viewer filters

Suppress updating item labels when filters of a viewer are updated,
since updating the filters will not modify any of the existing labels.
This can reduce the refresh() time drastically.

The change in AbstractTreeViewer seems to be an independent bug, which
was only uncovered by this change. If labelRefreshing is disabled, the
association between viewer elements and widgets will get out of sync,
but that execution path was probably not exploited up to now.

Change-Id: Ic94999d9bcba49a94d2157b2e50cc411e4f9c850
Signed-off-by: Michael Keppler <Michael.Keppler@gmx.de>
2 files changed
tree: dac22baa7b7e963c84873591e4a5c9025ea362d6
  1. bundles/
  2. examples/
  3. features/
  4. releng/
  5. tests/
  6. .gitignore
  8. pom.xml
  9. README.md

Contributing to Eclipse Platform UI project

Thanks for your interest in this project.

Project description:

Platform UI provides the basic building blocks for user interfaces built with Eclipse. Some of these form the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) and can be used for arbitrary rich client applications, while others are specific to the Eclipse IDE. The Platform UI codebase is built on top of the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), which is developed as an independent project.

Website: http://www.eclipse.org/platform/ui/

For more information, refer to the Platform UI wiki page.

How to contribute:

Contributions to Platform UI are most welcome. There are many ways to contribute, from entering high quality bug reports, to contributing code or documentation changes. For a complete guide, see the Platform UI - How to contribute wiki page page on the team wiki.

How to build on the command line

You need Maven 3.3.1 installed. After this you can run the build via the following command:

mvn clean verify -Pbuild-individual-bundles

Developer resources:

Information regarding source code management, builds, coding standards, and more.

Contributor License Agreement:

Before your contribution can be accepted by the project, you need to create and electronically sign the Eclipse Foundation Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

Search for bugs:

This project uses Bugzilla to track ongoing development and issues.

Create a new bug:

Be sure to search for existing bugs before you create another one. Remember that contributions are always welcome!


Contact the project developers via the project's “dev” list.


Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0