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<H1><CENTER>Marker Help</CENTER></H1>
<b><i>Identifier: </i></b>org.eclipse.ui.markerHelp<p>
<b><i>Since: </i></b>Release 2.0<p>
<b><i>Description: </i></b>This extension point is used to associate a help context id with a specific "kind" of marker (a marker of a certain type or having certain attribute values).<p><b><i>Configuration Markup:</i></b><p>
<p><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!ELEMENT extension (markerHelp*)&gt;</samp>
<br><br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!ATTLIST extension</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;point&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;name&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt;</samp>
<li><b>point</b> - a fully qualified identifier of the target extension point</li><li><b>id</b> - an optional identifier of the extension instance</li><li><b>name</b> - an optional name of the extension instance</li></ul>
<p><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!ELEMENT markerHelp (attribute*)&gt;</samp>
<br><br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!ATTLIST markerHelp</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;markerType&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;helpContextId&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt;</samp>
<li><b>markerType</b> - the unique type of the marker for which the help context applies.</li><li><b>helpContextId</b> - the unique id of the help context.</li></ul>
<p><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!ELEMENT attribute EMPTY&gt;</samp>
<br><br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;!ATTLIST attribute</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;name&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;value&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED</samp>
<br><samp>&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt;</samp>
<li><b>name</b> - the name of the attribute whose value is being specified.</li><li><b>value</b> - the specified value of the attribute.</li></ul>
<b><i>Examples: </i></b>The following is an example of a marker help extension (not the sub-element and the way attributes are used):
&lt;extension point=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.markerHelp&quot;&gt;
&lt;attribute name=&quot;; value=&quot;1234&quot;/&gt;
In the example above, a help context id is associated with markers of type org.eclipse.ui.examples.readmetool.readmemarker
whose attribute has a value of 1234.<p>
<b><i>API Information: </i></b>It is up to the developer to ensure that only a single help context id is supplied for a given marker.
If two or more help context ids are supplied for a given kind of marker, the workbench does not define which will be returned.
However the workbench does define that the "most specific" context id will always be returned for a given marker.
That is, a context id associated with three matching attribute values will be returned before a context id associated with only two.<p>
<b><i>Supplied Implementation: </i></b>Copyright (c) 2002,2003 IBM Corporation and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at<p>
Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at<p>