blob: 5e26dc5f37f2c389725db39eae2a2de0c9dd2608 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
* This implementation of the layout algorithm attempts to position controls in
* the composite using a two-pass autolayout HTML table altorithm recommeded by
* HTML 4.01 W3C specification (see
* The main
* differences with GridLayout is that it has two passes and that width and
* height are not calculated in the same pass.
* <p>
* The advantage of the algorithm over GridLayout is that it is capable of
* flowing text controls capable of line wrap. These controls do not have
* natural 'preferred size'. Instead, they are capable of providing the
* required height if the width is set. Consequently, this algorithm first
* calculates the widths that will be assigned to columns, and then passes
* those widths to the controls to calculate the height. When a composite with
* this layout is a child of the scrolling composite, they should interact in
* such a way that reduction in the scrolling composite width results in the
* reflow and increase of the overall height.
* <p>
* If none of the columns contain expandable and wrappable controls, the
* end-result will be similar to the one provided by GridLayout. The difference
* will show up for layouts that contain controls whose minimum and maximum
* widths are not the same.
* @see TableWrapData
* @since 3.0
public final class TableWrapLayout extends Layout implements ILayoutExtension {
* Number of columns to use when positioning children (default is 1).
public int numColumns = 1;
* Left margin variable (default is 5).
public int leftMargin = 5;
* Right margin variable (default is 5).
public int rightMargin = 5;
* Top margin variable (default is 5).
public int topMargin = 5;
* Botom margin variable (default is 5).
public int bottomMargin = 5;
* Horizontal spacing (default is 5).
public int horizontalSpacing = 5;
* Vertical spacing (default is 5).
public int verticalSpacing = 5;
* If set to <code>true</code>, all the columns will have the same
* width. Otherwise, column widths will be computed based on controls in
* them and their layout data (default is <code>false</code>).
public boolean makeColumnsEqualWidth = false;
private boolean initialLayout = true;
private Vector grid = null;
private Hashtable rowspans;
private int[] minColumnWidths, maxColumnWidths;
private int widestColumnWidth;
private int[] growingColumns;
private int[] growingRows;
private class RowSpan {
Control child;
int row;
int column;
int height;
int totalHeight;
public RowSpan(Control child, int column, int row) {
this.child = child;
this.column = column;
this.row = row;
public void update(int currentRow, int rowHeight) {
TableWrapData td = (TableWrapData) child.getLayoutData();
if (currentRow - row <= td.rowspan - 1) {
totalHeight += rowHeight;
if (currentRow > row)
totalHeight += verticalSpacing;
public int getRequiredHeightIncrease() {
if (totalHeight < height)
return height - totalHeight;
return 0;
* Implements ILayoutExtension. Should not be called directly.
* @see ILayoutExtension
public int computeMinimumWidth(Composite parent, boolean changed) {
changed = true;
initializeIfNeeded(parent, changed);
if (initialLayout) {
changed = true;
initialLayout = false;
if (grid == null || changed) {
changed = true;
grid = new Vector();
if (minColumnWidths == null)
minColumnWidths = new int[numColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
minColumnWidths[i] = 0;
return internalGetMinimumWidth(parent, changed);
* Implements ILayoutExtension. Should not be called directly.
* @see ILayoutExtension
public int computeMaximumWidth(Composite parent, boolean changed) {
changed = true;
initializeIfNeeded(parent, changed);
if (initialLayout) {
changed = true;
initialLayout = false;
if (grid == null || changed) {
changed = true;
grid = new Vector();
if (maxColumnWidths == null)
maxColumnWidths = new int[numColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
maxColumnWidths[i] = 0;
return internalGetMaximumWidth(parent, changed);
* @see Layout#layout(Composite, boolean)
protected void layout(Composite parent, boolean changed) {
Rectangle clientArea = parent.getClientArea();
Control[] children = parent.getChildren();
if (children.length == 0)
int parentWidth = clientArea.width;
changed = true;
initializeIfNeeded(parent, changed);
if (initialLayout) {
changed = true;
initialLayout = false;
if (grid == null || changed) {
changed = true;
grid = new Vector();
int minWidth = internalGetMinimumWidth(parent, changed);
int maxWidth = internalGetMaximumWidth(parent, changed);
int tableWidth = parentWidth;
int[] columnWidths;
if (parentWidth <= minWidth) {
tableWidth = minWidth;
if (makeColumnsEqualWidth) {
columnWidths = new int[numColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
columnWidths[i] = widestColumnWidth;
} else
columnWidths = minColumnWidths;
} else if (parentWidth > maxWidth) {
if (growingColumns.length == 0) {
tableWidth = maxWidth;
columnWidths = maxColumnWidths;
} else {
columnWidths = new int[numColumns];
int colSpace = tableWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin;
colSpace -= (numColumns - 1) * horizontalSpacing;
int extra = parentWidth - maxWidth;
int colExtra = extra / growingColumns.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
columnWidths[i] = maxColumnWidths[i];
if (isGrowingColumn(i)) {
columnWidths[i] += colExtra;
} else {
columnWidths = new int[numColumns];
if (makeColumnsEqualWidth) {
int colSpace = tableWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin;
colSpace -= (numColumns - 1) * horizontalSpacing;
int col = colSpace / numColumns;
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
columnWidths[i] = col;
} else {
columnWidths = assignExtraSpace(tableWidth, maxWidth, minWidth);
int y = topMargin;
int[] rowHeights = computeRowHeights(children, columnWidths, changed);
for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {
int rowHeight = rowHeights[i];
int x = leftMargin;
TableWrapData[] row = (TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
TableWrapData td = row[j];
if (td.isItemData) {
Control child = children[td.childIndex];
placeControl(child, td, x, y, rowHeights, i);
x += columnWidths[j];
if (j < numColumns - 1)
x += horizontalSpacing;
y += rowHeight + verticalSpacing;
int[] computeRowHeights(Control[] children, int[] columnWidths,
boolean changed) {
int[] rowHeights = new int[grid.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {
TableWrapData[] row = (TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(i);
rowHeights[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
TableWrapData td = row[j];
if (td.isItemData == false) {
Control child = children[td.childIndex];
int span = td.colspan;
int cwidth = 0;
for (int k = j; k < j + span; k++) {
cwidth += columnWidths[k];
if (k < j + span - 1)
cwidth += horizontalSpacing;
Point size = computeSize(child, cwidth, td.indent, changed);
td.compWidth = cwidth;
if (td.heightHint != SWT.DEFAULT) {
size = new Point(size.x, td.heightHint);
td.compSize = size;
RowSpan rowspan = (RowSpan) rowspans.get(child);
if (rowspan == null) {
rowHeights[i] = Math.max(rowHeights[i], size.y);
} else
rowspan.height = size.y;
updateRowSpans(i, rowHeights[i]);
for (Enumeration enum = rowspans.elements(); enum.hasMoreElements();) {
RowSpan rowspan = (RowSpan) enum.nextElement();
int increase = rowspan.getRequiredHeightIncrease();
if (increase == 0)
TableWrapData td = (TableWrapData) rowspan.child.getLayoutData();
int ngrowing = 0;
int[] affectedRows = new int[grid.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < growingRows.length; i++) {
int growingRow = growingRows[i];
if (growingRow >= rowspan.row
&& growingRow < rowspan.row + td.rowspan) {
affectedRows[ngrowing++] = growingRow;
if (ngrowing == 0) {
ngrowing = 1;
affectedRows[0] = rowspan.row + td.rowspan - 1;
increase += increase % ngrowing;
int perRowIncrease = increase / ngrowing;
for (int i = 0; i < ngrowing; i++) {
int growingRow = affectedRows[i];
rowHeights[growingRow] += perRowIncrease;
return rowHeights;
boolean isGrowingColumn(int col) {
if (growingColumns == null)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < growingColumns.length; i++) {
if (col == growingColumns[i])
return true;
return false;
int[] assignExtraSpace(int tableWidth, int maxWidth, int minWidth) {
int fixedPart = leftMargin + rightMargin + (numColumns - 1)
* horizontalSpacing;
int D = maxWidth - minWidth;
int W = tableWidth - fixedPart - minWidth;
int widths[] = new int[numColumns];
int rem = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
int cmin = minColumnWidths[i];
int cmax = maxColumnWidths[i];
int d = cmax - cmin;
int extra = D != 0 ? (d * W) / D : 0;
if (i < numColumns - 1) {
widths[i] = cmin + extra;
rem += widths[i];
} else {
widths[i] = tableWidth - fixedPart - rem;
return widths;
Point computeSize(Control child, int width, int indent, boolean changed) {
int widthArg = width - indent;
if (!isWrap(child))
widthArg = SWT.DEFAULT;
Point size = child.computeSize(widthArg, SWT.DEFAULT, changed);
size.x += indent;
return size;
void placeControl(Control control, TableWrapData td, int x, int y,
int[] rowHeights, int row) {
int xloc = x + td.indent;
int yloc = y;
int height = td.compSize.y;
int colWidth = td.compWidth-td.indent;
int width = Math.min(td.compSize.x, colWidth);
int slotHeight = rowHeights[row];
RowSpan rowspan = (RowSpan) rowspans.get(control);
if (rowspan != null) {
slotHeight = 0;
for (int i = row; i < row + td.rowspan; i++) {
if (i > row)
slotHeight += verticalSpacing;
slotHeight += rowHeights[i];
// align horizontally
if (td.align == TableWrapData.CENTER) {
xloc = x + colWidth / 2 - width / 2;
} else if (td.align == TableWrapData.RIGHT) {
xloc = x + colWidth - width;
} else if (td.align == TableWrapData.FILL) {
width = colWidth;
// align vertically
if (td.valign == TableWrapData.MIDDLE) {
yloc = y + slotHeight / 2 - height / 2;
} else if (td.valign == TableWrapData.BOTTOM) {
yloc = y + slotHeight - height;
} else if (td.valign == TableWrapData.FILL) {
height = slotHeight;
control.setBounds(xloc, yloc, width, height);
void createGrid(Composite composite) {
int row, column, rowFill, columnFill;
Control[] children;
TableWrapData spacerSpec;
Vector growingCols = new Vector();
Vector growingRows = new Vector();
rowspans = new Hashtable();
children = composite.getChildren();
if (children.length == 0)
row = 0;
column = 0;
// Loop through the children and place their associated layout specs in
// the
// grid. Placement occurs left to right, top to bottom (i.e., by row).
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Find the first available spot in the grid.
Control child = children[i];
TableWrapData spec = (TableWrapData) child.getLayoutData();
while (((TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(row))[column] != null) {
column = column + 1;
if (column >= numColumns) {
row = row + 1;
column = 0;
if (row >= grid.size()) {
// See if the place will support the widget's horizontal span. If
// not, go to the
// next row.
if (column + spec.colspan - 1 >= numColumns) {
row = row + 1;
column = 0;
// The vertical span for the item will be at least 1. If it is > 1,
// add other rows to the grid.
if (spec.rowspan > 1) {
rowspans.put(child, new RowSpan(child, column, row));
for (int j = 2; j <= spec.rowspan; j++) {
if (row + j > grid.size()) {
// Store the layout spec. Also cache the childIndex. NOTE: That we
// assume the children of a
// composite are maintained in the order in which they are created
// and added to the composite.
((TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(row))[column] = spec;
spec.childIndex = i;
if (spec.grabHorizontal) {
updateGrowingColumns(growingCols, spec, column);
if (spec.grabVertical) {
updateGrowingRows(growingRows, spec, row);
// Put spacers in the grid to account for the item's vertical and
// horizontal
// span.
rowFill = spec.rowspan - 1;
columnFill = spec.colspan - 1;
for (int r = 1; r <= rowFill; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < spec.colspan; c++) {
spacerSpec = new TableWrapData();
spacerSpec.isItemData = false;
((TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(row + r))[column + c] = spacerSpec;
for (int c = 1; c <= columnFill; c++) {
for (int r = 0; r < spec.rowspan; r++) {
spacerSpec = new TableWrapData();
spacerSpec.isItemData = false;
((TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(row + r))[column + c] = spacerSpec;
column = column + spec.colspan - 1;
// Fill out empty grid cells with spacers.
for (int k = column + 1; k < numColumns; k++) {
spacerSpec = new TableWrapData();
spacerSpec.isItemData = false;
((TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(row))[k] = spacerSpec;
for (int k = row + 1; k < grid.size(); k++) {
spacerSpec = new TableWrapData();
spacerSpec.isItemData = false;
((TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(k))[column] = spacerSpec;
growingColumns = new int[growingCols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < growingCols.size(); i++) {
growingColumns[i] = ((Integer) growingCols.get(i)).intValue();
this.growingRows = new int[growingRows.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < growingRows.size(); i++) {
this.growingRows[i] = ((Integer) growingRows.get(i)).intValue();
private void updateGrowingColumns(Vector growingColumns,
TableWrapData spec, int column) {
int affectedColumn = column + spec.colspan - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < growingColumns.size(); i++) {
Integer col = (Integer) growingColumns.get(i);
if (col.intValue() == affectedColumn)
growingColumns.add(new Integer(affectedColumn));
private void updateGrowingRows(Vector growingRows, TableWrapData spec,
int row) {
int affectedRow = row + spec.rowspan - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < growingRows.size(); i++) {
Integer irow = (Integer) growingRows.get(i);
if (irow.intValue() == affectedRow)
growingRows.add(new Integer(affectedRow));
private TableWrapData[] createEmptyRow() {
TableWrapData[] row = new TableWrapData[numColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
row[i] = null;
return row;
* @see Layout#computeSize(Composite, int, int, boolean)
protected Point computeSize(Composite parent, int wHint, int hHint,
boolean changed) {
Control[] children = parent.getChildren();
if (children.length == 0) {
return new Point(0, 0);
int parentWidth = wHint;
changed = true;
initializeIfNeeded(parent, changed);
if (initialLayout) {
changed = true;
initialLayout = false;
if (grid == null || changed) {
changed = true;
grid = new Vector();
int minWidth = internalGetMinimumWidth(parent, changed);
int maxWidth = internalGetMaximumWidth(parent, changed);
int tableWidth = parentWidth;
int[] columnWidths;
if (parentWidth <= minWidth) {
tableWidth = minWidth;
if (makeColumnsEqualWidth) {
columnWidths = new int[numColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
columnWidths[i] = widestColumnWidth;
} else
columnWidths = minColumnWidths;
} else if (parentWidth > maxWidth) {
if (makeColumnsEqualWidth) {
columnWidths = new int[numColumns];
int colSpace = parentWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin;
colSpace -= (numColumns - 1) * horizontalSpacing;
int col = colSpace / numColumns;
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
columnWidths[i] = col;
} else {
tableWidth = maxWidth;
columnWidths = maxColumnWidths;
} else {
columnWidths = new int[numColumns];
if (makeColumnsEqualWidth) {
int colSpace = tableWidth - leftMargin - rightMargin;
colSpace -= (numColumns - 1) * horizontalSpacing;
int col = colSpace / numColumns;
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
columnWidths[i] = col;
} else {
columnWidths = assignExtraSpace(tableWidth, maxWidth, minWidth);
int totalHeight = 0;
int innerHeight = 0;
// compute widths
for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {
TableWrapData[] row = (TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(i);
// assign widths, calculate heights
int rowHeight = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
TableWrapData td = row[j];
if (td.isItemData == false) {
Control child = children[td.childIndex];
int span = td.colspan;
int cwidth = 0;
for (int k = j; k < j + span; k++) {
if (k > j)
cwidth += horizontalSpacing;
cwidth += columnWidths[k];
int cy = td.heightHint;
if (cy == SWT.DEFAULT) {
Point size = computeSize(child, cwidth, td.indent, changed);
cy = size.y;
RowSpan rowspan = (RowSpan) rowspans.get(child);
if (rowspan != null) {
// don't take the height of this child into acount
// because it spans multiple rows
rowspan.height = cy;
} else {
rowHeight = Math.max(rowHeight, cy);
updateRowSpans(i, rowHeight);
if (i > 0)
innerHeight += verticalSpacing;
innerHeight += rowHeight;
if (!rowspans.isEmpty())
innerHeight = compensateForRowSpans(innerHeight);
totalHeight = topMargin + innerHeight + bottomMargin;
return new Point(tableWidth, totalHeight);
private void updateRowSpans(int row, int rowHeight) {
if (rowspans == null || rowspans.size() == 0)
for (Enumeration enum = rowspans.elements(); enum.hasMoreElements();) {
RowSpan rowspan = (RowSpan) enum.nextElement();
rowspan.update(row, rowHeight);
private int compensateForRowSpans(int totalHeight) {
for (Enumeration enum = rowspans.elements(); enum.hasMoreElements();) {
RowSpan rowspan = (RowSpan) enum.nextElement();
totalHeight += rowspan.getRequiredHeightIncrease();
return totalHeight;
int internalGetMinimumWidth(Composite parent, boolean changed) {
if (changed)
calculateMinimumColumnWidths(parent, true);
int minimumWidth = 0;
widestColumnWidth = 0;
if (makeColumnsEqualWidth) {
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
widestColumnWidth = Math.max(widestColumnWidth,
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
if (i > 0)
minimumWidth += horizontalSpacing;
if (makeColumnsEqualWidth)
minimumWidth += widestColumnWidth;
minimumWidth += minColumnWidths[i];
// add margins
minimumWidth += leftMargin + rightMargin;
return minimumWidth;
int internalGetMaximumWidth(Composite parent, boolean changed) {
if (changed)
calculateMaximumColumnWidths(parent, true);
int maximumWidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
if (i > 0)
maximumWidth += horizontalSpacing;
maximumWidth += maxColumnWidths[i];
// add margins
maximumWidth += leftMargin + rightMargin;
return maximumWidth;
void resetColumnWidths() {
if (minColumnWidths == null)
minColumnWidths = new int[numColumns];
if (maxColumnWidths == null)
maxColumnWidths = new int[numColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
minColumnWidths[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
maxColumnWidths[i] = 0;
void calculateMinimumColumnWidths(Composite parent, boolean changed) {
Control[] children = parent.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {
TableWrapData[] row = (TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
TableWrapData td = row[j];
if (td.isItemData == false)
Control child = children[td.childIndex];
int minWidth = -1;
if (child instanceof Composite) {
Composite cc = (Composite) child;
Layout l = cc.getLayout();
if (l instanceof ILayoutExtension) {
minWidth = ((ILayoutExtension) l).computeMinimumWidth(
cc, changed);
if (minWidth == -1) {
int minWHint = isWrap(child) ? 0 : SWT.DEFAULT;
Point size = child.computeSize(minWHint, SWT.DEFAULT,
minWidth = size.x;
minWidth += td.indent;
if (td.colspan == 1)
minColumnWidths[j] = Math.max(minColumnWidths[j], minWidth);
else {
// check if the current minimum width is enough to
// support the control; if not, add the delta to
// the last column
int current = 0;
for (int k = j; k < j + td.colspan; k++) {
if (k > j)
current += horizontalSpacing;
current += minColumnWidths[k];
if (minWidth <= current) {
// we are ok - nothing to do here
} else {
int ndiv = 0;
if (growingColumns != null) {
for (int k = j; k < j + td.colspan; k++) {
if (isGrowingColumn(k)) {
if (ndiv == 0) {
// add the delta to the last column
minColumnWidths[j + td.colspan - 1] += minWidth
- current;
} else {
// distribute the delta to the growing
// columns
int percolumn = (current - td.colspan) / ndiv;
if ((current - td.colspan) % ndiv > 0)
for (int k = j; k < j + td.colspan; k++) {
if (isGrowingColumn(k))
minColumnWidths[k] += percolumn;
boolean isWrap(Control control) {
if (control instanceof Composite
&& ((Composite) control).getLayout() instanceof ILayoutExtension)
return true;
return (control.getStyle() & SWT.WRAP) != 0;
void calculateMaximumColumnWidths(Composite parent, boolean changed) {
Control[] children = parent.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
maxColumnWidths[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {
TableWrapData[] row = (TableWrapData[]) grid.elementAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
TableWrapData td = row[j];
if (td.isItemData == false)
Control child = children[td.childIndex];
int maxWidth = SWT.DEFAULT;
if (child instanceof Composite) {
Composite cc = (Composite) child;
Layout l = cc.getLayout();
if (l instanceof ILayoutExtension) {
maxWidth = ((ILayoutExtension) l).computeMaximumWidth(
cc, changed);
} else if (td.maxWidth != SWT.DEFAULT)
maxWidth = td.maxWidth;
if (maxWidth == SWT.DEFAULT) {
Point size = child.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT,
maxWidth = size.x;
maxWidth += td.indent;
if (td.colspan == 1)
maxColumnWidths[j] = Math.max(maxColumnWidths[j], maxWidth);
else {
// check if the current maximum width is enough to
// support the control; if not, add the delta to
// the last column
int current = 0;
for (int k = j; k < j + td.colspan; k++) {
if (k > j)
current += horizontalSpacing;
current += maxColumnWidths[k];
if (maxWidth <= current) {
// we are ok - nothing to do here
} else {
int ndiv = 0;
if (growingColumns != null) {
for (int k = j; k < j + td.colspan; k++) {
if (isGrowingColumn(k)) {
if (ndiv == 0) {
// add the delta to the last column
maxColumnWidths[j + td.colspan - 1] += maxWidth
- current;
} else {
// distribute the delta to the growing
// columns
int percolumn = (current - td.colspan) / ndiv;
if ((current - td.colspan) % ndiv > 0)
// divide the distribution per row
// if the control will span multiple rows
percolumn /= td.rowspan;
for (int k = j; k < j + td.colspan; k++) {
if (isGrowingColumn(k))
maxColumnWidths[k] += percolumn;
private void initializeIfNeeded(Composite parent, boolean changed) {
if (changed)
initialLayout = true;
if (initialLayout) {
initialLayout = false;
void initializeLayoutData(Composite composite) {
Control[] children = composite.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Control child = children[i];
if (child.getLayoutData() == null) {
child.setLayoutData(new TableWrapData());