blob: 8ed4cd3970f824755303623ae1fd3c9d7e6e61de [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# package: org.eclipse.ui.ide
IDE.noFileEditorFound = No editor found to edit the file resource.
QuickStartAction.errorDialogTitle = Quick Start Error
QuickStartAction.infoReadError = Could not read feature about information.
SystemSummary.configuration= Configuration={0}
SystemSummary.isCurrentConfiguration= Is current configuration={0} Date={0} Activities={0}
SystemSummary.status= Status={0}
SystemSummary.action= Action={0}
SystemSummary.activity.enabled= Enabled
SystemSummary.activity.disabled= Disabled
SystemSummary.activity.revert= Revert
SystemSummary.activity.reconcile= Reconcile
SystemSummary.activity.preserved= Preserved
SystemSummary.activity.unknown= Unknown
SystemSummary.activity.featureInstalled= Feature installed
SystemSummary.activity.featureRemoved= Feature removed
SystemSummary.activity.siteInstalled= Site installed
SystemSummary.activity.siteRemoved= Site removed
SystemSummary.activity.status.unknown= Unknown
SystemSummary.activity.status.success= Success
SystemSummary.activity.status.failure= Failure
ErrorClosing = An error has occurred when closing the workbench. See error log for more details.
# Copies from org.eclipse.ui.workbench
showAdvanced = &Advanced >>
hideAdvanced = << &Advanced
# ==============================================================================
# Workbench Actions
# ==============================================================================
# --- File Menu ---
Workbench.file = &File = &New
OpenWorkspaceAction.text = Switch &Workspace...
OpenWorkspaceAction.toolTip = Open Workspace
OpenWorkspaceAction.errorTitle = Missing System Property
OpenWorkspaceAction.errorMessage = Unable to relaunch the platform because the {0} property has not been set.
CreateProjectAction.text = Configurable &Project...
CreateProjectAction.toolTip = Open New Configurable Project Wizard
NewProjectAction.text = P&roject...
NewProjectAction.toolTip = New Project
NewExampleAction.text = E&xample...
NewExampleAction.toolTip = New Example
SaveAsDialog.title = Save As
SaveAsDialog.message = Save file to another location.
SaveAsDialog.text = Save As
SaveAsDialog.fileLabel = &File name:
SaveAsDialog.file = file
SaveAsDialog.overwriteQuestion = The file ''{0}'' already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file?
Workbench.projectProperties = &Properties
Workbench.projectPropertiesToolTip = Properties
# --- Edit Menu ---
Workbench.edit = &Edit
Workbench.addBookmark = Add Bookmar&k...
Workbench.addBookmarkToolTip = Add Bookmark
Workbench.addTask = Add Ta&sk...
Workbench.addTaskToolTip = Add Task
# --- Navigate Menu ---
Workbench.navigate = &Navigate
Workbench.goTo = &Go To
OpenWorkspaceFileAction.errorTitle=Open Resource
OpenWorkspaceFileAction.errorMessage=An exception occurred while opening the resource.
Workbench.showIn = Sho&w In
# --- Project Menu ---
Workbench.project = &Project
Workbench.openProject = &Open Project
Workbench.openProjectToolTip = Open Project
Workbench.closeProject = &Close Project
Workbench.closeProjectToolTip = Close Project
Workbench.buildProject = &Build Project
Workbench.buildProjectToolTip = Build Project
Workbench.rebuildProject = &Rebuild Project
Workbench.rebuildProjectToolTip = Rebuild Project
Workbench.buildClean = Clea&n...
Workbench.buildSet = Build &Working Set
Workbench.buildAutomatically = Build Auto&matically
GlobalBuildAction.text = Build &All
GlobalBuildAction.toolTip = Build All
GlobalBuildAction.rebuildText = Rebuild A&ll
GlobalBuildAction.rebuildToolTip = Rebuild All
GlobalBuildAction.buildProblems = Build problems
GlobalBuildAction.internalError = Internal error: {0}
GlobalBuildAction.buildOperationTitle = Building all...
GlobalBuildAction.rebuildAllOperationTitle = Rebuilding all...
GlobalBuildAction.jobTitle = Building Workspace
# --- Window Menu ---
Workbench.window = &Window
Workbench.openPerspective = &Open Perspective
Workbench.showView = Show &View
PromptOnExitDialog.shellTitle = Confirm Exit
PromptOnExitDialog.message0 = Exit application?
PromptOnExitDialog.message1 = Exit {0}?
PromptOnExitDialog.choice = &Always exit without prompt
Workbench.shortcuts = Navi&gation
Workbench.openNewWindow = &New Window
# --- Help Menu --- = &Help
QuickStart.text = &Welcome...
QuickStart.toolTip = Open a Welcome Editor
QuickStartMessageDialog.title = Welcome
QuickStartMessageDialog.message = No features with quick start information are available
WelcomePageSelectionDialog.title = Welcome
WelcomePageSelectionDialog.message = &Show welcome page for:
TipsAndTricks.text = &Tips and Tricks...
TipsAndTricks.toolTip =Tips and Tricks
TipsAndTricksMessageDialog.title = Tips and Tricks
TipsAndTricksMessageDialog.message = No features with tips and tricks information are available
TipsAndTricksPageSelectionDialog.title = Tips and Tricks
TipsAndTricksPageSelectionDialog.message = &Show tips and tricks page for:
TipsAndTricksErrorDialog.title = Problem
TipsAndTricksErrorDialog.noHref = No tips and tricks information available
TipsAndTricksErrorDialog.noFeatures = No features with tips and tricks information available
# ==============================================================================
# Navigator Actions
# ==============================================================================
OpenWithMenu.dialogTitle = Problems Opening Editor
CopyProjectAction.title = &Copy
CopyProjectAction.toolTip = Copy Project
CopyProjectAction.progressTitle = Copying
CopyProjectAction.copyTitle = Copy Project
CopyProjectAction.copyNameOneArg = Copy of {0}
CopyProjectAction.copyNameTwoArgs = Copy ({0}) of {1}
CopyProjectAction.alreadyExists = Project ''{0}'' already exists.
CopyProjectAction.copyFailedTitle = Copy Problems
CopyProjectAction.internalError = Internal error: {0}
CopyResourceAction.title = &Copy
CopyResourceAction.toolTip = Copy Resource
CopyResourceAction.selectDestination = Select the &destination:
MoveProjectAction.text = Mo&ve...
MoveProjectAction.toolTip = Move Project
MoveProjectAction.moveTitle = Move Project
MoveProjectAction.progressMessage = Moving
MoveProjectAction.dialogTitle = Move Problems
MoveProjectAction.internalError = Internal error: {0}
MoveResourceAction.text = Mo&ve...
MoveResourceAction.toolTip = Move Resource
MoveResourceAction.title = Check Move
MoveResourceAction.checkMoveMessage = ''{0}'' is read only. Do you still wish to move it?
ReadOnlyCheck.problems = Read Only Checking Problems
RenameResourceAction.text = Rena&me
RenameResourceAction.toolTip = Rename Resource
RenameResourceAction.inputDialogTitle = Rename Resource
RenameResourceAction.inputDialogMessage = Enter the new resource name:
RenameResourceAction.checkTitle = Check Rename
RenameResourceAction.readOnlyCheck = ''{0}'' is read only. Do you still wish to rename it?
RenameResourceAction.resourceExists = Resource Exists
RenameResourceAction.nameExists = A resource with that name already exists
RenameResourceAction.overwriteQuestion = ''{0}'' exists. Do you wish to overwrite?
RenameResourceAction.progressMessage = Renaming...
RenameResourceAction.problemTitle = Rename Problems
RenameResourceAction.progress = Renaming:
RenameResourceAction.nameMustBeDifferent = You must use a different name
RenameResourceAction.problemMessage = Problems occurred renaming the selected resource.
DeleteResourceAction.text = &Delete
DeleteResourceAction.toolTip = Delete
DeleteResourceAction.title1 = Confirm Resource Delete
DeleteResourceAction.titleN = Confirm Multiple Resource Delete
DeleteResourceAction.confirm1 = Are you sure you want to delete ''{0}''?
DeleteResourceAction.confirmN = Are you sure you want to delete these {0} resources?
DeleteResourceAction.titleProject1 = Confirm Project Delete
DeleteResourceAction.titleProjectN = Confirm Multiple Project Delete
DeleteResourceAction.confirmProject1 = Are you sure you want to delete project ''{0}''?
DeleteResourceAction.confirmProjectN = Are you sure you want to delete these {0} projects?
DeleteResourceAction.deleteContents1 = &Also delete contents under ''{0}''
DeleteResourceAction.deleteContentsN = &Also delete contents in the file system
DeleteResourceAction.doNotDeleteContents = &Do not delete contents
DeleteResourceAction.confirmLinkedResource1 = Are you sure you want to delete linked resource ''{0}''?\nOnly the workspace link will be deleted. Link target will remain unchanged.
DeleteResourceAction.confirmLinkedResourceN = Are you sure you want to delete these {0} resources?\n\nSelection contains linked resources.\nOnly the workspace links will be deleted. Link targets will remain unchanged.
DeleteResourceAction.readOnlyQuestion = ''{0}'' is read only. Do you still wish to delete it?
DeleteResourceAction.errorTitle = Delete Problems
DeleteResourceAction.messageTitle = Problems deleting
DeleteResourceAction.internalError = Internal error: {0}
DeleteResourceAction.outOfSyncError = Resource is out of sync with the file system. Refresh and try again.
DeleteResourceAction.outOfSyncQuestion = Resource ''{0}'' is out of sync with the file system. Do you want to delete it anyway?
DeleteResourceAction.deletionExceptionMessage=Multiple problems occurred while deleting resources.
AddBookmarkLabel = Add Boo&kmark...
AddBookmarkToolTip = Add Bookmark
AddBookmarkDialog.title = Add Bookmark
AddBookmarkDialog.message = Enter bookmark name:
AddTaskLabel = Add &Task
AddTaskToolTip = Add Task
OpenFileAction.text = Op&en
OpenFileAction.toolTip = Edit File
OpenFileAction.openFileShellTitle = Problems Opening Editor
OpenResourceAction.text = Op&en Project
OpenResourceAction.toolTip = Open Project
OpenResourceAction.dialogTitle = Open Problems
OpenResourceAction.problemMessage = Problems occurred opening the selected resources.
CloseResourceAction.text = Clo&se Project
CloseResourceAction.toolTip = Close Project
CloseResourceAction.title = Close Problems
CloseResourceAction.problemMessage = Problems occurred closing the selected resources.
BuildAction.text = &Build Project
BuildAction.toolTip = Incremental Build Of Selected Projects
BuildAction.problemMessage = Problems occurred building the selected resources.
BuildAction.problemTitle = Build Problems
BuildAction.operationMessage = Building project...
RebuildAction.text = Rebuild Pro&ject
RebuildAction.tooltip = Full Build Of Selected Projects
RefreshAction.text = Re&fresh
RefreshAction.toolTip = Refresh
RefreshAction.progressMessage = Refreshing...
RefreshAction.problemTitle = Refresh Problems
RefreshAction.problemMessage = Problems occurred refreshing the selected resources.
RefreshAction.locationDeletedMessage = The location for project ''{0}'' ({1}) has been deleted.\n Delete ''{0}'' from the workspace?
RefreshAction.dialogTitle = Project location has been deleted
SelectWorkingSetAction.text= Select &Working Set...
# --- Operations ---
CopyProjectOperation.progressTitle = Copying:
CopyProjectOperation.copyFailedMessage = Problems occurred copying the project.
CopyProjectOperation.copyFailedTitle = Copy Problems
CopyProjectOperation.internalError = Internal error: {0}
CopyProjectOperation.copyProject = Copy Project
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.copyFailedTitle = Copy Problems
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.problemMessage = Problems occurred copying the selected resources.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.operationTitle = Copying...
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.nameCollision = A resource name collision was detected.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.internalError = Internal error: {0}
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.resourceExists = Resource Exists
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.overwriteQuestion = {0} exists. Do you wish to overwrite?
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.overwriteMergeQuestion = ''{0}'' exists. Do you wish to overwrite?\nFolder contents will be merged, existing files will be overwritten.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.overwriteNoMergeLinkQuestion = ''{0}'' exists and is a linked folder. Do you wish to delete the linked folder and replace with the unlinked folder?\nFolder contents will not be merged!
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.overwriteNoMergeNoLinkQuestion = ''{0}'' exists and is not a linked folder. Do you wish to delete the folder and replace with the linked folder?\nFolder contents will not be merged!
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.deepCopyQuestion = Do you wish to perform a deep copy of linked resource ''{0}''?
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.deepMoveQuestion = Do you wish to perform a deep move of linked resource ''{0}''?
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.copyNameTwoArgs = Copy ({0}) of {1}
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.copyNameOneArg = Copy of {0}
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.destinationAccessError = Destination folder must be accessible.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.destinationDescendentError = Destination cannot be a descendent of the source.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.overwriteProblem = The folder ''{0}'' already exists and cannot be overwritten since it contains ''{1}''.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.overwriteProblemTitle = Overwrite Problem
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.question = Question
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.importErrorDialogTitle = Import Problems
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.inputDialogTitle = Name Conflict
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.inputDialogMessage = Enter a new name for ''{0}''
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.nameExists = A resource with that name already exists
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.nameMustBeDifferent = You must use a different name
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.sameSourceAndDest = Cannot copy ''{0}''. The source and destination are the same.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.importSameSourceAndDest = Cannot import ''{0}''. The source and destination are the same.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.resourceDeleted = The resource ''{0}'' does not exist on the file system.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.missingPathVariable = The resource ''{0}'' is linked using a missing path variable.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.missingLinkTarget = The link target for linked resource ''{0}'' does not exist.
CopyFilesAndFoldersOperation.parentNotEqual = The resources must have the same parent.
MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation.sameSourceAndDest = Cannot move ''{0}''. The source and destination are the same.
MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation.moveFailedTitle = Move Problems
MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation.problemMessage = Problems occurred moving the selected resources.
MoveFilesAndFoldersOperation.operationTitle = Moving...
# ==============================================================================
# Capability selection group
# ==============================================================================
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.categories = Ca&tegories:
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.capabilities = &Capabilities:
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.description = &Description:
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.grayItems = Note that some checked capabilities appear grayed out because they are\nrequired by other checked capabilities.
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.disabledLabel = Disabled: {0}
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.errorTitle = Capability Problem
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.disabledCapability = The disabled capability cannot be added to the project.
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.invalidCapability = The missing capability cannot be added to the project.
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.missingPrereqs = The {0} capability requires a capability that is disabled or missing ({1}).\n\nThe {0} capability cannot be checked.
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.requiredPrereq = The {0} capability is required by the {1} capability, which is checked.\n\nThe {0} capability must remain checked.
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.requiredPrereqs = The {0} capability is required by the following checked capabilities: {1}\n\nThe {0} capability must remain checked.
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.membershipConflict = The project cannot have both the {0} and {1} capabilities at the same time. Uncheck the {1} capability first.
ProjectCapabilitySelectionGroup.membershipPrereqConflict = The {0} capability requires the {1} capability. However the project cannot have both the {1} and {2} capabilities at the same time. Uncheck the {2} capability first.
Capability.nameMissing = Missing ({0})
ICategory.other = Other
# ==============================================================================
# Wizards
# ==============================================================================
NewWizardShortcutAction.errorTitle = Problem Opening Wizard
NewWizardShortcutAction.errorMessage = The selected wizard could not be started.
WizardDataTransfer.existsQuestion = ''{0}'' already exists. Would you like to overwrite it?
WizardDataTransfer.overwriteNameAndPathQuestion = Overwrite ''{0}'' in folder ''{1}''?
WizardDataTransfer.exceptionMessage = Error occurred during operation: {0}
WizardTransferPage.selectTypes = Select &Types...
WizardTransferPage.selectAll = &Select All
WizardTransferPage.deselectAll = &Deselect All
NewProjectWizard.windowTitle = New Configurable Project
NewProjectWizard.title = Project
NewProjectWizard.errorTitle = New Project Problems
NewProjectWizard.invalidCapabilities = The requested group of capabilities is invalid.
NewProjectWizard.noWizard = The current step, {0}, could not be started. This wizard will be closed.\n\nThe project will not be configured correctly. Open the project''s properties to add missing capabilities.
CreateProjectWizard.errorTitle = Creation Problems
CreateProjectWizard.internalError = Internal error: {0}
CreateProjectWizard.caseVariantExistsError = The project contents directory specified is being used by another project. Please enter a new project contents directory.
RemoveCapabilityWizard.errorMessage = Remove Capability Problem
RemoveCapabilityWizard.internalError = Internal error: {0}
WizardNewProjectCapabilityPage.description = Choose project's capabilities
WizardNewProjectCapabilityPage.noCapabilities = There are no capabilities available to choose from.
WizardProjectReviewPage.description = Review project
WizardProjectConfigurePage.description = Configure project's capability
UpdateProjectCapabilityWizard.windowTitle = Update Project
UpdateProjectCapabilityWizard.title = Project
UpdateProjectCapabilityWizard.errorTitle = Update Project Problems
UpdateProjectCapabilityWizard.noWizard = The current step, {0}, could not be started. This wizard will be closed.\n\nThe project will not be configured correctly.
WizardStepGroup.stepsLabel = &Steps:
MultiStepReviewWizardPage.detailsLabel = &Details:
MultiStepReviewWizardPage.instructionNextLabel = Review steps and press Next button when ready to continue.
MultiStepReviewWizardPage.instructionFinishLabel = Review steps and press Finish button when ready to continue.
MultiStepWizard.finishLabel = &Finish Step
CreateProjectStep.label = Create Project
CreateProjectStep.details = This step will create a new project resource named ''{0}''.
InstallCapabilityStep.label = Add {0}
RemoveCapabilityStep.label = Remove {0}
RemoveCapabilityStep.defaultDescription0 = Removes the {0} capability from the project.
RemoveCapabilityStep.defaultDescription1 = Removes the {0} capability from the project, along with the {1} capability.
RemoveCapabilityStep.defaultDescription2 = Removes the {0} capability from the project, along with the following capabilities: {1}.
ProjectCapabilitySimpleSelectionPage.description = Choose a capability
ProjectCapabilitySimpleSelectionPage.title = Select
ProjectCapabilitySimpleSelectionPage.windowTitle = Add Capability
ProjectCapabilitySimpleSelectionPage.capabilityExist = The project already has the chosen capability.
ProjectCapabilitySimpleSelectionPage.capabilityRequired = The chosen capability requires the {0} capability to be added first.
ProjectCapabilitySimpleSelectionPage.capabilityMissing = The chosen capability requires a missing capability ({0}).
ProjectCapabilitySimpleSelectionPage.capabilitySet = The chosen capability cannot be added until the {0} capability is removed.
# --- Import ---
WizardImportPage.specifyFolder = Please specify folder
WizardImportPage.folderMustExist = Folder must be accessible.
WizardImportPage.errorDialogTitle = Import Problems
WizardImportPage.folder = Into fo&lder:
WizardImportPage.browseLabel = Browse...
WizardImportPage.browse2 = Bro&wse...
WizardImportPage.selectFolderLabel = Select a folder to import into.
WizardImportPage.selectFolderTitle = Import Into Folder
WizardImportPage.destinationLabel = Select the destination for imported resources:
WizardImportPage.options = Options:
WizardImportPage.projectNotExist = Destination project does not exist.
WizardImportPage.importOnReceiver = Source is in the hierarchy of the destination.
WizardImportPage.noOpenProjects = Cannot import into a workspace with no open projects. Please create a project before importing.
WizardImportPage.undefinedPathVariable = Destination folder location is based on an undefined path variable.
WizardImportPage.containerNotExist = Destination folder does not exist.
# --- Export ---
WizardExportPage.errorDialogTitle = Export Problems
WizardExportPage.mustExistMessage = Resource must exist.
WizardExportPage.mustBeAccessibleMessage = Resource must be accessible.
WizardExportPage.detailsMessage = All file resources matching this criteria
WizardExportPage.whatLabel = Select the resources to &export:
WizardExportPage.whereLabel = Select the export destination:
WizardExportPage.options = Options:
WizardExportPage.selectionDialogMessage = Select the resource types to export.
WizardExportPage.resourceTypeDialog = Resource Type Selection
WizardExportPage.folder = Fo&lder:
WizardExportPage.browse = Browse...
WizardExportPage.allTypes = All types
WizardExportPage.specificTypes = Specific types:
WizardExportPage.edit = Edit...
WizardExportPage.details = Details...
WizardExportPage.selectResourcesTitle = Select the resources to export.
WizardExportPage.oneResourceSelected = 1 resource selected
WizardExportPage.selectResourcesToExport = Select the resource to export.
WizardExportPage.internalErrorTitle = Internal error
WizardExportPage.resourceCountMessage = {0} resources selected
ZipExport.problemEncountered = Problems were encountered during export:
ZipExport.progress = Exporting:
ZipExport.unableToOpen = Unable to open destination file: {0}
ZipExport.unableToClose = Unable to close destination file: {0}
ZipExport.errorOnResource = Error exporting {0}
# --- New Example ---
NewExample.title = New Example
# --- New Project ---
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.description = Create a new project
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.locationError = Invalid project contents directory
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.defaultLocationError = Project contents cannot be inside workspace directory
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.projectNameEmpty = Project name must be specified
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.projectLocationEmpty = Project contents directory must be specified
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.projectExistsMessage = A project with that name already exists in the workspace.
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.projectLocationExistsMessage = Another project exist at the specified content directory.
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.projectContentsLabel = Project contents:
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.projectContentsGroupLabel = Project contents
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.useDefaultLabel = Use &default
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.nameLabel = &Project name:
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.directoryLabel = Select the project contents directory.
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.locationLabel = Director&y:
WizardNewProjectCreationPage.browseLabel = B&rowse...
WizardNewProjectReferences.title = &Referenced projects:
# --- New Folder ---
WizardNewFolderMainPage.folderName = Folder &name:
WizardNewFolderMainPage.folderLabel = folder
WizardNewFolderMainPage.description = Create a new folder resource.
WizardNewFolderCreationPage.progress = Creating
WizardNewFolderCreationPage.errorTitle = Creation Problems
WizardNewFolderCreationPage.internalErrorTitle = Creation problems
WizardNewFolder.internalError = Internal error: {0}
# --- New File ---
WizardNewFileCreationPage.progress = Creating
WizardNewFileCreationPage.errorTitle = Creation Problems
WizardNewFileCreationPage.fileLabel = File na&me:
WizardNewFileCreationPage.file = file
WizardNewFileCreationPage.internalErrorTitle = Creation problems
WizardNewFileCreationPage.internalErrorMessage = Internal error: {0}
# --- Linked Resource ---
WizardNewLinkPage.linkFileButton = &Link to file on the file system
WizardNewLinkPage.linkFolderButton = &Link to folder on the file system
WizardNewLinkPage.browseButton = &Browse...
WizardNewLinkPage.variablesButton = &Variables...
WizardNewLinkPage.targetSelectionLabel = Select the link target.
WizardNewLinkPage.linkTargetEmpty = Link target must be specified
WizardNewLinkPage.linkTargetInvalid = Link target name is invalid
WizardNewLinkPage.linkTargetLocationInvalid = Link target location is invalid
WizardNewLinkPage.linkTargetNonExistent = Link target does not exist
WizardNewLinkPage.linkTargetNotFile = Link target must be a file
WizardNewLinkPage.linkTargetNotFolder = Link target must be a folder
# ==============================================================================
# Preference Pages
# ==============================================================================
Preference.note = Note:
# --- Workbench ---
WorkbenchPreference.autobuild = &Build automatically
WorkbenchPreference.autobuildToolTip = Build automatically on resource modification
WorkbenchPreference.savePriorToBuilding = Save auto&matically before build
WorkbenchPreference.savePriorToBuildingToolTip = Save modified resources automatically before manual build
WorkbenchPreference.RefreshButtonText=&Refresh workspace automatically
WorkbenchPreference.RefreshButtonToolTip=Automatically refresh external workspace changes
WorkbenchPreference.encoding = Text file encoding
WorkbenchPreference.defaultEncoding = Defaul&t ({0})
WorkbenchPreference.otherEncoding = &Other:
WorkbenchPreference.unsupportedEncoding = The selected encoding is not supported.
WorkbenchPreference.numDefaultEncodings = 6
WorkbenchPreference.defaultEncoding1 = ISO-8859-1
WorkbenchPreference.defaultEncoding2 = UTF-8
WorkbenchPreference.defaultEncoding3 = UTF-16
WorkbenchPreference.defaultEncoding4 = UTF-16BE
WorkbenchPreference.defaultEncoding5 = UTF-16LE
WorkbenchPreference.defaultEncoding6 = US-ASCII
WorkbenchPreference.encoding.BOM_UTF_8 = UTF-8 (BOM)
WorkbenchPreference.encoding.BOM_UTF_16BE = UTF-16 Big-Endian (BOM)
WorkbenchPreference.encoding.BOM_UTF_16LE = UTF-16 Little-Endian (BOM)
# --- Linked Resources ---
LinkedResourcesPreference.explanation = Path variables specify locations in the file system. The locations of linked resources\nmay be specified relative to these path variables.
LinkedResourcesPreference.enableLinkedResources = &Enable linked resources
LinkedResourcesPreference.linkedResourcesWarningTitle = Enabled Linked Resources
LinkedResourcesPreference.linkedResourcesWarningMessage = You have enabled a feature which may give rise to incompatibilities if projects are shared by users of different versions of the workbench. Please consult the documentation for further details.
# The following six keys are marked as unused by the NLS search, but they are indirectly used
# and should be removed.
PathVariableDialog.shellTitle.newVariable = New Variable
PathVariableDialog.shellTitle.existingVariable = Edit Variable
PathVariableDialog.dialogTitle.newVariable = Define a New Path Variable
PathVariableDialog.dialogTitle.existingVariable = Edit an Existing Path Variable
PathVariableDialog.message.newVariable = Enter a new variable name and its associated location.
PathVariableDialog.message.existingVariable = Edit variable's name and path value.
PathVariableDialog.variableName = &Name:
PathVariableDialog.variableValue = &Location:
PathVariableDialog.variableNameEmptyMessage = You must provide a variable name.
PathVariableDialog.variableValueEmptyMessage = You must provide a file or folder path as variable value.
PathVariableDialog.variableValueInvalidMessage = The provided value is not a valid path.
PathVariableDialog.file = &File...
PathVariableDialog.folder = F&older...
PathVariableDialog.selectFileTitle = File selection
PathVariableDialog.selectFolderTitle = Folder selection
PathVariableDialog.selectFolderMessage = &Specify folder to be represented by the variable.
PathVariableDialog.variableAlreadyExistsMessage = This variable name is already in use.
PathVariableDialog.pathIsRelativeMessage = Path must be absolute.
PathVariableDialog.pathDoesNotExistMessage = Path does not exist.
# --- Local History ---
FileHistory.longevity = Days to &keep files:
FileHistory.entries = &Entries per file:
FileHistory.diskSpace = &Maximum file size (MB):
FileHistory.mustBePositive = Values must be positive
FileHistory.invalid = Invalid value: {0}
FileHistory.exceptionSaving = Internal error saving local history
FileHistory.aboveMaxEntries = Above maximum Entries per file: {0}
FileHistory.aboveMaxFileSize = Above maximum File size value: {0}
FileHistory.restartNote = The 'Entries per file' and 'Days to keep files' values are only applied on Workbench restart.
# --- Perspectives ---
ProjectSwitchPerspectiveMode.optionsTitle = Switch to associated perspective when creating a new project
ProjectSwitchPerspectiveMode.always = Alwa&ys switch
ProjectSwitchPerspectiveMode.never = Ne&ver switch
ProjectSwitchPerspectiveMode.prompt = Promp&t
# --- Build Order ---
BuildOrderPreference.up = &Up
BuildOrderPreference.down = Dow&n
BuildOrderPreference.add = Add &Project...
BuildOrderPreference.remove = &Remove Project
BuildOrderPreference.selectOtherProjects = Select &projects to add to build path:
BuildOrderPreference.useDefaults = Use d&efault build order
BuildOrderPreference.projectBuildOrder = Project build &order:
BuildOrderPreference.removeNote = A project removed from the list is still built but after those specified in the list.
BuildOrderPreference.maxIterationsLabel=&Max iterations when building with cycles:
# --- Startup preferences ---
StartupPreferencePage.refreshButton = &Refresh workspace on startup
StartupPreferencePage.launchPromptButton = Prompt for &workspace on startup
StartupPreferencePage.exitPromptButton = &Confirm exit when closing last window
# --- Info ---
ResourceInfo.readOnly = &Read only
ResourceInfo.derived = Deri&ved
ResourceInfo.type = Type:
ResourceInfo.location = Location:
ResourceInfo.resolvedLocation = Resolved location:
ResourceInfo.size = Size:
ResourceInfo.bytes = {0} bytes
ResourceInfo.file = File
ResourceInfo.fileTypeFormat = File ({0})
ResourceInfo.folder = Folder
ResourceInfo.project = Project
ResourceInfo.linkedFile = Linked File
ResourceInfo.linkedFolder = Linked Folder
ResourceInfo.unknown = Unknown
ResourceInfo.notLocal = <file contents not local>
ResourceInfo.undefinedPathVariable = <undefined path variable>
ResourceInfo.notExist = <resource does not exist>
ResourceInfo.fileNotExist = - (does not exist)
ResourceInfo.path = Path:
ResourceInfo.lastModified = Last modified:
ResourceInfo.fileEncodingTitle = Default encoding for text files
ResourceInfo.fileContentEncodingFormat = Default (determined from content: {0})
ResourceInfo.fileContainerEncodingFormat = Default (inherited from container: {0})
ResourceInfo.containerEncodingFormat = Inherit from container ({0})
# --- Project References ---
ProjectReferencesPage.label = Projects may refer to other projects in the workspace.\nUse this page to specify what other projects are referenced by the project.\n\n&Project references for {0}:
# --- Project Capabilities ---
ProjectCapabilityPropertyPage.chooseCapabilities = Choose the capabilities for the project.
ProjectCapabilityPropertyPage.noCapabilities = There are no capabilities available to choose from.
ProjectCapabilityPropertyPage.errorTitle = Project Capability Problems
ProjectCapabilityPropertyPage.internalError = Internal error updating project''s capabilities.
ProjectCapabilityPropertyPage.invalidSelection = The requested project capability changes are invalid.
ProjectCapabilityEditingPropertyPage.add = &Add...
ProjectCapabilityEditingPropertyPage.remove = &Remove
ProjectCapabilityPropertyPage.capabilityRequired = The chosen capability is required by the {0} capability and cannot be removed.
# ==============================================================================
# Editors
# ============================================================================== = &Default Editor
WelcomeEditor.accessException = An exception occurred when trying to access the welcome page
WelcomeEditor.readFileError = Error in WelcomeEditor.readFile
WelcomeEditor.title = Welcome
WelcomeEditor.toolTip = Welcome to {0}
WelcomeItem.unableToLoadClass = Unable to load class
WelcomeParser.parseError = Error in WelcomeParser.parse
WelcomeParser.parseException = An exception occurred when parsing the welcome page
Workbench.openEditorErrorDialogTitle = Problem
Workbench.openEditorErrorDialogMessage = Unable to open editor
QuickStartAction.openEditorException = An exception occurred when opening the editor
# ==============================================================================
# Dialogs
# ==============================================================================
Question = Question
ContainerSelectionDialog.title = Folder Selection
ContainerSelectionDialog.message = Enter or select the parent folder:
ContainerGroup.message = &Enter or select the parent folder:
ContainerGroup.selectFolder = Select the folder:
ContainerGenerator.progressMessage = Generate Folder
ResourceGroup.resource = resource
ResourceGroup.nameExists = The same name already exists.
ResourceGroup.folderEmpty = The folder is empty.
ResourceGroup.noProject = The specified project does not exist.
ResourceGroup.emptyName = The ''{0}'' name is empty.
ResourceGroup.invalidFilename = ''{0}'' is not a valid file name.
FileSelectionDialog.title = File Selection
FileSelectionDialog.message = Select the files:
ProjectLocationSelectionDialog.nameLabel = &Project name:
ProjectLocationSelectionDialog.locationLabel = &Location:
ProjectLocationSelectionDialog.browseLabel = &Browse...
ProjectLocationSelectionDialog.directoryLabel = Select the location directory.
ProjectLocationSelectionDialog.locationError = Invalid location path
ProjectLocationSelectionDialog.selectionTitle = Project
ProjectLocationSelectionDialog.useDefaultLabel = Use &default location
ProjectPerspectiveChoiceDialog.title = Choose Perspective
ProjectPerspectiveChoiceDialog.choosePerspective = Show project in &perspective:
ProjectPerspectiveChoiceDialog.options = Options
ProjectPerspectiveChoiceDialog.newWindow = &New window
ProjectPerspectiveChoiceDialog.sameWindow = &Same window
ProjectPerspectiveChoiceDialog.errorTitle = Show Perspective Problem
ProjectPerspectiveChoiceDialog.errorMessage = Unable to show the chosen perspective.
ResourceSelectionDialog.title = Resource Selection
ResourceSelectionDialog.message = Select the resources:
MarkerResolutionSelectionDialog.title = Quick Fix
MarkerResolutionSelectionDialog.messageLabel = &Available fixes:
ResourceSelectionDialog.label = Choose a resource:
ResourceSelectionDialog.pattern = &Pattern (? = any character, * = any string):
ResourceSelectionDialog.matching = &Matching Resources:
ResourceSelectionDialog.folders = In &Folders:
OpenResourceDialog.title = Open Resource
NewFolderDialog.title = New Folder
NewFolderDialog.nameLabel = &Folder name:
NewFolderDialog.alreadyExists = The folder ''{0}'' already exists.
NewFolderDialog.folderNameEmpty = Folder name must be specified
NewFolderDialog.progress = Creating new folder
NewFolderDialog.errorTitle = Creation Problems
NewFolderDialog.internalError = Internal error: {0}
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.linkFileButton = &Link to file in the file system
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.linkFolderButton = &Link to folder in the file system
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.browseButton = Bro&wse...
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.variablesButton = &Variables...
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.resolvedPathLabel = Resolved location:
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.targetSelectionLabel = Select the link target.
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.linkTargetNotFile = Link target must be a file
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.linkTargetNotFolder = Link target must be a folder
CreateLinkedResourceGroup.linkTargetNonExistent = Link target does not exist
PathVariablesBlock.variablesLabel = &Defined path variables:
PathVariablesBlock.addVariableButton = &New...
PathVariablesBlock.editVariableButton = Edi&t...
PathVariablesBlock.removeVariableButton = &Remove
PathVariableSelectionDialog.title = Select Path Variable
PathVariableSelectionDialog.extendButton = &Extend...
PathVariableSelectionDialog.ExtensionDialog.title = Variable Extension
PathVariableSelectionDialog.ExtensionDialog.description = Choose extension to {0}
# ==============================================================================
# Editor Framework
# ==============================================================================
EditorManager.saveResourcesMessage = Select the &resources to save:
EditorManager.saveResourcesTitle = Save Resources
OpenSystemEditorAction.dialogTitle = Problems Opening System Editor
OpenSystemEditorAction.text = &System Editor
OpenSystemEditorAction.toolTip = Edit File With System Editor
# ==============================================================================
# Workspace
# ==============================================================================
WorkspaceAction.problemsTitle = Problems
WorkspaceAction.logTitle = Exception in {0}. run: {1}
WorkbenchAction.problemsMessage = The following problems occurred.
WorkbenchAction.internalError = Internal error.
Workspace = Workspace
# ==============================================================================
# Workbench
# ==============================================================================
WorkbenchWindow.shellTitle = {0} - {1}
Internal_error = Internal error
InternalError = Internal Error
InternalErrorNoArg = An internal error has occurred.\nSee the .log file for more details.\n\nDo you want to exit the workbench?
InternalErrorOneArg = An internal error has occurred.\n{0}\nSee the .log file for more details.\n\nDo you want to exit the workbench?
FatalError_RecursiveError = A internal error occurred while showing an internal error.
FatalError_OutOfMemoryError = An out of memory error has occurred. You can prevent these errors in the future by increasing your heap size before you start the workbench using the -vmargs -Xmx command line option.
FatalError_StackOverflowError = A stack overflow error has occurred.
FatalError_VirtualMachineError = A virtual machine error has occurred.
FatalError_SWTError = An SWT error has occurred.
FatalError = {0}\nYou are recommended to exit the workbench.\nSubsequent errors may happen and may terminate the workbench without warning.\nSee the .log file for more details.\n\nDo you want to exit the workbench?
ProblemSavingWorkbench = Problems occurred while trying to save the state of the workbench.
ProblemsSavingWorkspace = Problems saving workspace
Problems_Opening_Page = Problems Opening Page
Workspace.problemMessage = Problems occurred refreshing workspace.
Workspace.problemsTitle = Problems
# ==============================================================================
# Keys with references but don't show in the UI
# ==============================================================================
CreateFileAction.text = New &File
CreateFileAction.toolTip = Create New File
CreateFileAction.title = New
CreateFolderAction.text = New F&older
CreateFolderAction.toolTip = Create New Folder
CreateFolderAction.title = New
NewWizardDropDown.text = &New Wizards
ScrubLocalAction.problemsMessage = Problems occurred removing the local contents of the selected resources.
ScrubLocalAction.text = Discard &Local Copy
ScrubLocalAction.toolTip = Discard Local Contents
ScrubLocalAction.problemsTitle = Content Removal Problems
ScrubLocalAction.progress = Discarding content...
TextAction.selectAll = Select All
Cut = Cut
Copy = Copy
Paste = Paste
Delete = Delete
# ==============================================================================
# Keys used in the reuse editor which is released as experimental.
# ==============================================================================
WorkbenchPreference.saveInterval=&Workspace save interval (in minutes):
WorkbenchPreference.saveIntervalError=The workspace save interval should be between 1 and {0}.
# ==============================================================================
# Working Set Framework.
# ==============================================================================
ResourceWorkingSetPage.title=Resource Working Set
ResourceWorkingSetPage.description=Enter a working set name and select the working set resources.
ResourceWorkingSetPage.message=&Working set name:
ResourceWorkingSetPage.label.tree=Working set &contents:
ResourceWorkingSetPage.warning.nameMustNotBeEmpty= The name must not be empty.
ResourceWorkingSetPage.warning.nameWhitespace= The name must not have leading or trailing whitespace.
ResourceWorkingSetPage.warning.workingSetExists= A working set with the same name already exists.
ResourceWorkingSetPage.warning.resourceMustBeChecked= At least one resource must be checked.
ResourceWorkingSetPage.error= Error
ResourceWorkingSetPage.error.updateCheckedState= Error during update of checked state
ChooseWorkspaceDialog.dialogName=Workspace Launcher
ChooseWorkspaceDialog.dialogTitle=Select a workspace
ChooseWorkspaceDialog.dialogMessage= \
{0} stores your projects in a directory called a workspace.\n\
Select the workspace directory to use for this session.
ChooseWorkspaceDialog.defaultProductName = The product
ChooseWorkspaceDialog.directoryBrowserTitle=Select Workspace Directory
ChooseWorkspaceDialog.directoryBrowserMessage=Select the workspace directory to use.
ChooseWorkspaceDialog.useDefaultMessage=&Use this as the default and do not ask again
IDEApplication.workspaceMandatoryTitle=Workspace is Mandatory
IDEApplication.workspaceMandatoryMessage=IDEs need a valid workspace; restart without the @none option.
IDEApplication.workspaceInUseTitle=Workspace in Use
IDEApplication.workspaceInUseMessage=Workspace in use, choose a different one.
IDEApplication.workspaceInvalidTitle=Invalid Workspace
IDEApplication.workspaceInvalidMessage=Selected workspace is not valid; choose a different one.
IDEApplication.workspaceCannotBeSetTitle=Workspace Cannot be Set
IDEApplication.workspaceCannotBeSetMessage=Error in runtime; workspace cannot be set. Exiting.
IDEApplication.workspaceCannotLockTitle=Workspace Cannot be Locked
IDEApplication.workspaceCannotLockMessage=Could not launch the product because the associated workspace is currently in use.
IDEApplication.versionTitle = Different Workspace Version
IDEApplication.versionMessage = \
This workspace was written with a different version of the product and needs to be updated.\n\n\
Updating the workspace may make it incompatible with other versions of the product.\n\
Press OK to update the workspace and open it. Press Cancel to select a different workspace.
IDEApplication.incompatibleJVMTitle = Incompatible JVM
IDEApplication.incompatibleJVMMessage = This version of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version {0} or greater is required.
GlobalBuildAction.BuildRunningTitle=Build Is Running
GlobalBuildAction.BuildRunningMessage=A build is currently running. Do you wish to cancel it?
CleanDialog.buildCleanAuto=Clean will discard all build problems and built states. The projects will be rebuilt from scratch.
CleanDialog.buildCleanManual=Clean will discard all build problems and built states. The next time a build occurs the projects will be rebuilt from scratch.
CleanDialog.cleanAllButton=Clean &all projects
CleanDialog.cleanSelectedButton=Clean &selected projects:
CleanDialog.buildNowButton=Start a &build immediately
CleanDialog.browse = Bro&wse...
CleanDialog.noSelection = <No projects selected>
CleanDialog.taskName=Cleaning selected projects