blob: db6dd24ce6ec199b40c7dea5c54cba30940a2d9d [file] [log] [blame]
* Set up the content for the root page. Note that the settings
* for the background images and navigation bar override
* settings in the shared CSS
body {
min-width : 611px;
/* since IE doesn't support min-width, try expression */
width:expression(document.body.clientWidth < 611? "611px": "auto" );
background-image : url(graphics/watermark/eclipse_logo.gif);
background-position : bottom left;
#presentation-header {
background-color : #BCCEE4;
min-width : 611px;
/* since IE doesn't support min-width, try expression */
width:expression(document.body.clientWidth < 611? "611px": "auto" );
.page-content {
min-width : 611px;
/* since IE doesn't support min-width, try expression */
width:expression(document.body.clientWidth < 611? "611px": "auto" );
#background {
background-color : #BCCEE4;
min-height : 10%; /* same as background-image top and variable-space height */
#variable-space {
background-color : #BCCEE4;
height : 10%; /* same as background-image and background height */
#background-image {
position : relative;
top : 10%; /* same as variable-space and background height */
height : 253px;
width : 100%;
background-image : url(graphics/background/background.jpg);
background-repeat : repeat-x;
text-align : left;
#curve-image {
height : 253px;
width : 611px;
background-image : url(graphics/background/curve.gif);
background-repeat : no-repeat;
position : relative;
left : 50%;
margin-left : -305px;
* Set up the navigation bar
#navigation-links {
position : relative;
top : 10%;
height : 253px;
width : 320px;
left : 50%;
margin-left : -160px;
#navigation-links a {
width : 80px;
height : 80px;
position : absolute;
top : -70px;
text-align : center;
#navigation-links a img {
height : 72px;
width : 72px;
vertical-align : middle;
#navigation-links a .link-label, #navigation-links a .text {
font-size : 10pt;
display : block;
#navigation-links a span {
display : block;
font-size : 10pt;
font-weight : normal;
color : #42454A;
/* hide the link description until users hover over the link */
#navigation-links a p .text { display : none; }
#navigation-links a:hover { border-right : 5px; }
#navigation-links a:hover p .text {
display : block;
/* width should be same as navigation-links width */
width : 320px;
position : relative;
top : 35px;
/* properties for each of the navigation-links */
a#overview img { background-image : url(graphics/obj_64/overview_obj.gif); }
a#overview:hover img { background-image : url(graphics/obj_64/hovoverview_obj.gif); }
a#tutorials { left : 85px; }
a#tutorials img { background-image : url(graphics/obj_64/tutorials_obj.gif); }
a#tutorials:hover img { background-image : url(graphics/obj_64/hovtutorials_obj.gif); }
a#tutorials:hover p .text { left : -85px; }
a#samples { left : 165px;}
a#samples img { background-image : url(graphics/obj_64/examples_obj.gif); }
a#samples:hover img { background-image : url(graphics/obj_64/hovexamples_obj.gif); }
a#samples:hover p .text { left : -165px; }
a#news { left : 245px;}
a#news img { background-image : url(graphics/obj_64/whatsnew_obj.gif); }
a#news:hover img { background-image : url(graphics/obj_64/hovwhatsnew_obj.gif); }
a#news:hover p .text { left : -220px; width : 240px; }
a#workbench {
position : absolute;
top : 100px;
width : 200px;
left : 50%;
margin-left : -100px;
text-align : center;
a#workbench .link-label { display : inline; }
a#workbench img {
background-image : url(graphics/obj_48/workbench_obj.gif);
height : 56px;
width : 56px;
a#workbench:hover img {
background-image : url(graphics/obj_48/hovworkbench_obj.gif);
height : 56px;
width : 56px;
a#workbench:hover p .text {
width : 360px;
position : relative;
top : -105px;
left : 50%;
margin-left : -180px;