blob: 496ac668aa84dedd1e61b08334a69e1cd1b94815 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.ant.tests.core.tests;
Copyright (c) 2002 IBM Corp. and others. All rights reserved.
This file is made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.ant.tests.core.AbstractAntTest;
import org.eclipse.ant.tests.core.testplugin.AntTestChecker;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
public class OptionTests extends AbstractAntTest {
protected static final String START_OF_HELP= "ant [options] [target [target2 [target3] ...]]";
protected static final String VERSION= "Ant version 1.5.1 compiled on October 2 2002";
public OptionTests(String name) {
* Tests the "-help" option
public void testHelp() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-help"});
assertTrue("One message should have been logged", AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 1);
assertTrue("Help is incorrect", getLastMessageLogged() != null && getLastMessageLogged().startsWith(START_OF_HELP));
* Tests the "-version" option
public void testVersion() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-version"});
assertTrue("One message should have been logged", AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 1);
assertTrue("Version is incorrect", VERSION.equals(getLastMessageLogged()));
* Tests the "-projecthelp" option when it will not show (quite mode)
public void testProjecthelp() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-projecthelp"});
assertTrue("4 messages should have been logged; was " + AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount(), AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 4);
assertTrue("Project help is incorrect", getLastMessageLogged().startsWith("Subtargets:"));
* Tests the "-projecthelp" option when it will not show (quite mode)
public void testProjecthelpQuiet() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-projecthelp", "-q"});
assertTrue("no messages should have been logged; was " + AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount(), AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 0);
* Tests the "-listener" option with a listener that is not an instance of BuildListener
public void testListenerBad() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-listener", "java.lang.String"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
String msg= ce.getMessage();
assertTrue("Message incorrect!: " + msg, msg.equals("java.lang.String which was specified to be a build listener is not an instance of"));
assertTrue("A core exception should have occurred wrappering a class cast exception", false);
* Tests passing an unrecognized argument
public void testUnknownArg() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-listenr"});
//unknown arg, print usage
assertTrue("Two message should have been logged", AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 2);
assertTrue("Should have printed the usage", getLastMessageLogged() != null && getLastMessageLogged().startsWith(START_OF_HELP));
* Tests specifying the -logfile with no arg
public void testLogFileWithNoArg() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-logfile"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
assertTrue("You must specify a log file when using the -log argument", false);
* Tests specifying the -logfile
public void testLogFile() throws CoreException, IOException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-logfile", "TestLogFile.txt"});
IFile file= checkFileExists("TestLogFile.txt");
InputStream stream =file.getContents();
InputStreamReader in= null;
try {
in= new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(stream));
StringBuffer buffer= new StringBuffer();
char[] readBuffer= new char[2048];
int n=;
while (n > 0) {
buffer.append(readBuffer, 0, n);
assertTrue("File should have started with Buildfile", buffer.toString().startsWith("Buildfile"));
} finally {
* Tests specifying the -logger with no arg
public void testLoggerWithNoArg() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-logger"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
assertTrue("You must specify a classname when using the -logger argument", false);
* Tests the "-logger" option with a logger that is not an instance of BuildLogger
public void testLoggerBad() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-logger", "java.lang.String"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
assertTrue("A core exception should have occurred wrappering a class cast exception", false);
* Tests the "-logger" option with two loggers specified...only one is allowed
public void testTwoLoggers() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-logger", "java.lang.String", "-q", "-logger", "java.lang.String"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
assertTrue("As only one logger can be specified", false);
* Tests specifying the -listener with no arg
public void testListenerWithNoArg() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-listener"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
assertTrue("You must specify a listeners when using the -listener argument ", false);
* Tests specifying the -listener with a class that will not be found
public void testListenerClassNotFound() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-listener", "TestBuildListener"});
} catch (CoreException e) {
String message= e.getStatus().getException().getMessage();
assertTrue("Should be ClassNotFoundException", "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TestBuildListener".equals(message));
assertTrue("A CoreException should have occurred as the listener class will not be found", false);
* Tests specifying the -listener option
public void testListener() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-listener", ANT_TEST_BUILD_LISTENER});
assertTrue("A listener should have been added named: " + ANT_TEST_BUILD_LISTENER, ANT_TEST_BUILD_LISTENER.equals(AntTestChecker.getDefault().getLastListener()));
* Tests specifying the -listener option multiple times...which is allowed
public void testListenerMultiple() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-listener", ANT_TEST_BUILD_LISTENER, "-listener", ANT_TEST_BUILD_LISTENER});
assertTrue("A listener should have been added named: " + ANT_TEST_BUILD_LISTENER, ANT_TEST_BUILD_LISTENER.equals(AntTestChecker.getDefault().getLastListener()));
assertTrue("Two listeners should have been added", AntTestChecker.getDefault().getListeners().size() == 2);
* Tests specifying the -listener option multiple times, with one missing the arg
public void testListenerMultipleWithBad() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-listener", ANT_TEST_BUILD_LISTENER, "-q", "-listener", "-verbose"});
} catch(CoreException e) {
//You must specify a listener for all -listener arguments
assertTrue("You must specify a listener for all -listener arguments ", false);
* Tests specifying the -buildfile with no arg
public void testBuildFileWithNoArg() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-buildfile"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
//You must specify a buildfile when using the -buildfile argument
assertTrue("You must specify a buildfile when using the -buildfile argument", false);
* Tests specifying the -buildfile
public void testBuildFile() throws CoreException {
String buildFileName= getProject().getFolder("scripts").getFile("echoing.xml").getLocation().toFile().getAbsolutePath();
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-buildfile", buildFileName}, false, "scripts");
assertTrue("Should have been 1 tasks, was: " + AntTestChecker.getDefault().getTaskStartedCount(), AntTestChecker.getDefault().getTaskStartedCount() == 1);
* Tests specifying a target at the command line that does not exist.
public void testSpecifyBadTargetAsArg() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"echo2"}, false);
} catch (CoreException ce) {
assertTrue("A core exception should have occurred as the target does not exist", false);
* Tests specifying a target at the command line
public void testSpecifyTargetAsArg() throws CoreException {
run("echoing.xml", new String[]{"echo3"}, false);
assertTrue("3 messages should have been logged; was " + AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount(), AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 3);
* Tests specifying a target at the command line with other options
public void testSpecifyTargetAsArgWithOtherOptions() throws CoreException {
run("echoing.xml", new String[]{"-logfile", "TestLogFile.txt", "echo3"}, false);
assertTrue("4 messages should have been logged; was " + AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount(), AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 4);
List messages= AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessages();
//ensure that echo3 target executed and only that target
assertTrue("echo3 target not executed", messages.get(2).equals("echo3"));
* Tests specifying targets at the command line with other options
public void testSpecifyTargetsAsArgWithOtherOptions() throws CoreException {
run("echoing.xml", new String[]{"-logfile", "TestLogFile.txt", "echo2", "echo3"}, false);
assertTrue("5 messages should have been logged; was " + AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount(), AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 5);
List messages= AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessages();
//ensure that echo2 target executed
assertTrue("echo2 target not executed", messages.get(2).equals("echo2"));
* Tests specifying a target at the command line and quiet reporting
public void testSpecifyTargetAsArgAndQuiet() throws CoreException {
run("echoing.xml", new String[]{"-logfile", "TestLogFile.txt", "echo3", "-quiet"}, false);
assertTrue("1 message should have been logged; was " + AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount(), AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessagesLoggedCount() == 1);
* Tests specifying a target at the command line and quiet reporting
public void testMinusD() throws CoreException {
run("echoing.xml", new String[]{"-DAntTests=testing", ""}, false);
assertTrue(" should have been set as true", "true".equals(AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty("")));
assertTrue("AntTests should have a value of testing", "testing".equals(AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty("AntTests")));
assertNull(" was not set and should be null", AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty(""));
public void testPropertyFileWithNoArg() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-propertyfile"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
String msg= (String)AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessages().get(0);
assertTrue("Message incorrect!: " + msg, msg.equals("You must specify a property filename when using the -propertyfile argument"));
assertTrue("You must specify a property filename when using the -propertyfile argument", false);
/** * A build should succeed when a property file is not found.
* The error is reported and the build continues. */
public void testPropertyFileFileNotFound() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-propertyfile", "qq.txt"});
String msg= (String)AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessages().get(0);
assertTrue("Message incorrect!: " + msg, msg.startsWith("Could not load property file qq.txt:"));
public void testPropertyFile() throws CoreException {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-propertyfile", getPropertyFileName()});
assertTrue(" should have been set as Yep", "Yep".equals(AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty("")));
assertTrue("AntTests should have a value of testing", "testing from properties file".equals(AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty("AntTests")));
assertNull(" was not set and should be null", AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty(""));
public void testPropertyFileWithMinusDTakingPrecedence() throws CoreException {
run("echoing.xml", new String[]{"-propertyfile", getPropertyFileName(), "-DAntTests=testing", ""}, false);
assertTrue(" should have been set as true", "true".equals(AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty("")));
assertTrue("AntTests should have a value of testing", "testing".equals(AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty("AntTests")));
assertNull(" was not set and should be null", AntTestChecker.getDefault().getUserProperty(""));
public void testInputHandlerWithNoArg() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-inputhandler"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
String msg= ce.getMessage();
assertTrue("Message incorrect!: " + msg, msg.equals("You must specify a classname when using the -inputhandler argument"));
assertTrue("You must specify a classname when using the -inputhandler argument", false);
* Tests the "-inputhandler" option with two handlers specified...only one is allowed
public void testInputHandlerMultiple() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-inputhandler", "", "-q", "-inputhandler", ""});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
String msg= ce.getMessage();
assertTrue("Message incorrect!: " + msg, msg.equals("Only one input handler class may be specified."));
assertTrue("As only one input handler can be specified", false);
* Tests the "-inputhandler" option with a input handler that is not an instance of InputHandler
public void testInputHandlerBad() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-inputhandler", "java.lang.StringBuffer"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
String msg= ce.getMessage();
assertTrue("Message incorrect!: " + msg, msg.equals("The specified input handler class java.lang.StringBuffer does not implement the interface"));
assertTrue("Incorrect inputhandler", false);
* Tests the "-inputhandler" option with a input handler that is not a defined class
public void testInputHandlerBad2() throws CoreException {
try {
run("TestForEcho.xml", new String[]{"-inputhandler", "ja.lang.StringBuffer"});
} catch (CoreException ce) {
String msg= ce.getMessage();
assertTrue("Message incorrect!: " + msg, msg.startsWith("Unable to instantiate specified input handler class ja.lang.StringBuffer"));
assertTrue("Incorrect inputhandler", false);
* Tests the "-inputhandler" option with a test input handler
public void testInputHandler() throws CoreException {
run("input.xml", new String[]{"-inputhandler", "org.eclipse.ant.tests.core.inputHandlers.AntTestInputHandler"});
String msg= (String)AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessages().get(1);
assertTrue("Message incorrect: " + msg, msg.equals("testing handling input requests"));
* Tests the "-diagnostics" option with no ANT_HOME set
* bug 25693
public void testDiagnosticsWithNoAntHome() throws CoreException {
run("input.xml", new String[]{"-diagnostics"});
String msg= (String)AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessages().get(0);
assertTrue("Message incorrect: " + msg, msg.equals("------- Ant diagnostics report -------"));
* Tests the "-diagnostics" option with ANT_HOME set
* bug 25693
/*public void testDiagnostics() throws CoreException {
try {
run("input.xml", new String[]{"-diagnostics"});
} finally {
String msg= (String)AntTestChecker.getDefault().getMessages().get(1);
assertTrue("Message incorrect: " + msg, msg.equals("testing handling input requests"));