blob: b82075eccedd16b2986a68b45796aa584e25f9b4 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<task name="ant" category="control"
<short-description><![CDATA[Build a sub-project.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Build a sub-project.
&lt;target name=&quot;foo&quot; depends=&quot;init&quot;&gt;
&lt;ant antfile=&quot;build.xml&quot; target=&quot;bar&quot; &gt;
&lt;property name=&quot;property1&quot; value=&quot;aaaaa&quot; /&gt;
&lt;property name=&quot;foo&quot; value=&quot;baz&quot; /&gt;
&lt;target name=&quot;bar&quot; depends=&quot;init&quot;&gt;
&lt;echo message=&quot;prop is ${property1} ${foo}&quot; /&gt;
<attribute name="antfile" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The buildfile to use.]]></short-description>
The buildfile to use.
Defaults to "build.xml". This file is expected to be a filename relative
to the dir attribute given.
<attribute name="dir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The directory to use as a base directory for the new Ant project.]]></short-description>
The directory to use as a base directory for the new Ant project.
Defaults to the current project's basedir, unless inheritall
has been set to false, in which case it doesn't have a default
value. This will override the basedir setting of the called project.
<attribute name="inheritall" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, pass all properties to the new Ant project.]]></short-description>
If true, pass all properties to the new Ant project.
Defaults to true.
<attribute name="inheritrefs" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, pass all references to the new Ant project.]]></short-description>
If true, pass all references to the new Ant project.
Defaults to false.
<attribute name="output" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Filename to write the output to.]]></short-description>
Filename to write the output to.
This is relative to the value of the dir attribute
if it has been set or to the base directory of the
current project otherwise.
<attribute name="target" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The target of the new Ant project to execute.]]></short-description>
The target of the new Ant project to execute.
Defaults to the new project's default target.
<element name="reference" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Reference element identifying a data type to carry
over to the new project.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Reference element identifying a data type to carry
over to the new project.]]>
<element name="property" type=""
briefType="see &lt;property&gt;"
<short-description><![CDATA[Property to pass to the new project.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Property to pass to the new project.
The property is passed as a 'user property']]>
<task name="antcall" category="control"
<short-description><![CDATA[Call another target in the same project.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Call another target in the same project.
&lt;target name="foo"&gt;
&lt;antcall target="bar"&gt;
&lt;param name="property1" value="aaaaa" /&gt;
&lt;param name="foo" value="baz" /&gt;
&lt;target name="bar" depends="init"&gt;
&lt;echo message="prop is ${property1} ${foo}" /&gt;
<p>This only works as expected if neither property1 nor foo are
defined in the project itself.]]>
<attribute name="inheritall" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, pass all properties to the new Ant project.]]></short-description>
If true, pass all properties to the new Ant project.
Defaults to true.
<attribute name="inheritrefs" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, pass all references to the new Ant project.]]></short-description>
If true, pass all references to the new Ant project.
Defaults to false
<attribute name="target" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Target to execute, required.]]></short-description>
Target to execute, required.
<element name="reference" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Reference element identifying a data type to carry
over to the invoked target.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Reference element identifying a data type to carry
over to the invoked target.]]>
<element name="param" type=""
briefType="see &lt;property&gt;"
<short-description><![CDATA[Property to pass to the invoked target.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Property to pass to the invoked target.]]>
<task name="antlr" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Invokes the ANTLR Translator generator on a grammar file.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Invokes the ANTLR Translator generator on a grammar file.]]>
<attribute name="debug" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Flag to enable ParseView debugging.]]></short-description>
Sets a flag to enable ParseView debugging
<attribute name="diagnostic" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Flag to emit diagnostic text.]]></short-description>
Sets a flag to emit diagnostic text
<attribute name="dir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The working directory of the process.]]></short-description>
The working directory of the process
<attribute name="glib" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Sets an optional super grammar file.]]></short-description>
Sets an optional super grammar file.
<attribute name="html" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, emit html.]]></short-description>
If true, emit html
<attribute name="outputdirectory" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The directory to write the generated files to.]]></short-description>
The directory to write the generated files to.
<attribute name="target" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The grammar file to process.]]></short-description>
The grammar file to process.
<attribute name="trace" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, enables all tracing.]]></short-description>
If true, enables all tracing.
<attribute name="tracelexer" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, enables lexer tracing.]]></short-description>
If true, enables lexer tracing.
<attribute name="traceparser" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, enables parser tracing.]]></short-description>
If true, enables parser tracing.
<attribute name="tracetreewalker" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Flag to allow the user to enable tree walker tracing.]]></short-description>
Sets a flag to allow the user to enable tree walker tracing
<element name="classpath" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a classpath to be set
because a directory might be given for Antlr debug.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a classpath to be set
because a directory might be given for Antlr debug.]]>
<element name="jvmarg" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a new JVM argument.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a new JVM argument.]]>
<task name="antstructure" category="xml"
<short-description><![CDATA[Creates a partial DTD for Ant from the currently known tasks.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Creates a partial DTD for Ant from the currently known tasks.]]>
<attribute name="output" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The output file.]]></short-description>
The output file.
<task name="apply" category="control"
<short-description><![CDATA[Executes a given command, supplying a set of files as arguments.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Executes a given command, supplying a set of files as arguments.]]>
<attribute name="append" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Whether output should be appended to or overwrite an existing file.]]></short-description>
Whether output should be appended to or overwrite an existing file.
Defaults to false.
<attribute name="dest" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The directory where target files are to be placed.]]></short-description>
The directory where target files are to be placed.
<attribute name="dir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The working directory of the process.]]></short-description>
The working directory of the process.
<attribute name="executable" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The command to execute.]]></short-description>
The command to execute.
<attribute name="failifexecutionfails" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Stop the build if program cannot be started.]]></short-description>
Stop the build if program cannot be started. Defaults to true.
<attribute name="failonerror" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Fail if the command exits with a non-zero return code.]]></short-description>
Fail if the command exits with a non-zero return code.
<attribute name="newenvironment" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Do not propagate old environment when new environment variables are specified.]]></short-description>
Do not propagate old environment when new environment variables are specified.
<attribute name="os" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[List of operating systems on which the command may be executed.]]></short-description>
List of operating systems on which the command may be executed.
<attribute name="output" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[File the output of the process is redirected to.]]></short-description>
File the output of the process is redirected to.
<attribute name="outputproperty" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Property name whose value should be set to the output of
the process.]]></short-description>
Property name whose value should be set to the output of
the process.
<attribute name="parallel" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, run the command only once, appending all files as arguments.]]></short-description>
If true, run the command only once, appending all files as arguments.
If false, command will be executed once for every file. Defaults to false.
<attribute name="relative" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Whether the filenames should be passed on the command line as
absolute or relative pathnames.]]></short-description>
Whether the filenames should be passed on the command line as
absolute or relative pathnames. Paths are relative to the base
directory of the corresponding fileset for source files or the
dest attribute for target files.
<attribute name="resultproperty" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The name of a property in which the return code of the
command should be stored.]]></short-description>
The name of a property in which the return code of the
command should be stored. Only of interest if failonerror=false.
<attribute name="skipemptyfilesets" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If no source files have been found or are newer than their
corresponding target files, do not run the command.]]></short-description>
If no source files have been found or are newer than their
corresponding target files, do not run the command.
<attribute name="type" type=""
briefType="&quot;file&quot;, &quot;dir&quot;, &quot;both&quot;" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Whether the command works only on files, directories or both?.]]></short-description>
Whether the command works only on files, directories or both?
<attribute name="vmlauncher" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, launch new process with VM, otherwise use the OS's shell.]]></short-description>
If true, launch new process with VM, otherwise use the OS's shell.
<element name="env" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an environment variable to the launched process.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an environment variable to the launched process.]]>
<element name="fileset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Source files to operate upon.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Source files to operate upon.]]>
<element name="arg" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a command-line argument.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a command-line argument.]]>
<element name="mapper" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Mapper to use for mapping source files to target files.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Mapper to use for mapping source files to target files.]]>
<element name="srcfile" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Marker that indicates where the name of the source file should
be put on the command line.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Marker that indicates where the name of the source file should
be put on the command line.]]>
<element name="targetfile" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Marker that indicates where the name of the target file should
be put on the command line.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Marker that indicates where the name of the target file should
be put on the command line.]]>
<task name="available" category="control"
<short-description><![CDATA[Will set the given property if the requested resource is available at runtime.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Will set the given property if the requested resource is available at
runtime. This task may also be used as a condition by the condition task.]]>
<attribute name="classname" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Classname of a class which must be available to set the given
Set a classname of a class which must be available to set the given
<attribute name="classpath" type=""
briefType="Path" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Classpath to be used when searching for classes and resources.]]></short-description>
Set the classpath to be used when searching for classes and resources.
<attribute name="classpathref" type=""
briefType="Reference" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Classpath by reference.]]></short-description>
Set the classpath by reference.
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[File which must be present in the file system to set the given
Set the file which must be present in the file system to set the given
<attribute name="filepath" type=""
briefType="Path" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to use when looking for a file.]]></short-description>
Set the path to use when looking for a file.
<attribute name="ignoresystemclasses" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Set whether the search for classes should ignore the runtime classes and
just use the given classpath.]]></short-description>
Set whether the search for classes should ignore the runtime classes and
just use the given classpath.
<attribute name="property" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Name of the property which will be set if the particular resource
is available.]]></short-description>
Set the name of the property which will be set if the particular resource
is available.
<attribute name="resource" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Name of a Java resource which is required to set the property.]]></short-description>
Set the name of a Java resource which is required to set the property.
<attribute name="type" type=""
briefType="&quot;file&quot;, &quot;dir&quot;" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Set what type of file is required - either directory or file.]]></short-description>
Set what type of file is required - either directory or file.
<attribute name="value" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Value to be given to the property if the desired resource is
Set the value to be given to the property if the desired resource is
<element name="classpath" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Classpath to be used when searching for classes and resources.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Classpath to be used when searching for classes and resources.]]>
<element name="filepath" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to search for file resources.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Path to search for file resources.]]>
<task name="basename" category="property"
<short-description><![CDATA[Sets a property to the base name of a specified file, optionally minus a suffix.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Sets a property to the base name of a specified file, optionally minus a
This task can accept the following attributes:
The <b>file</b> and <b>property</b> attributes are required. The
<b>suffix</b> attribute can be specified either with or without
the &quot;.&quot;, and the result will be the same (ie., the
returned file name will be minus the .suffix).
When this task executes, it will set the specified property to the
value of the last element in the specified file. If file is a
directory, the basename will be the last directory element. If file
is a full-path filename, the basename will be the simple file name.
If a suffix is specified, and the specified file ends in that suffix,
the basename will be the simple file name without the suffix.]]>
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[File or directory to get base name from.]]></short-description>
File or directory to get base name from.
<attribute name="property" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Property to set base name to.]]></short-description>
Property to set base name to.
<attribute name="suffix" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Optional suffix to remove from base name.]]></short-description>
Optional suffix to remove from base name.
<task name="blgenclient" category="ejb"
<short-description><![CDATA[Generates a Borland Application Server 4.5 client JAR using as input the EJB JAR file.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Generates a Borland Application Server 4.5 client JAR using as
input the EJB JAR file.
Two mode are available: java mode (default) and fork mode. With the fork mode,
it is impossible to add classpath to the commmand line.]]>
<attribute name="classpath" type=""
briefType="Path" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to use for classpath.]]></short-description>
Path to use for classpath.
<attribute name="classpathref" type=""
briefType="Reference" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Reference to existing path, to use as a classpath.]]></short-description>
Reference to existing path, to use as a classpath.
<attribute name="clientjar" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Client JAR file name.]]></short-description>
Client JAR file name.
<attribute name="debug" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, turn on the debug mode for each of the Borland tools launched.]]></short-description>
If true, turn on the debug mode for each of the Borland tools launched.
<attribute name="ejbjar" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[EJB JAR file.]]></short-description>
EJB JAR file.
<attribute name="mode" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Command launching mode: java or fork.]]></short-description>
Command launching mode: java or fork.
<attribute name="version" type="int"
briefType="int" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<element name="classpath" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds path to the classpath.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds path to the classpath.]]>
<task name="buildnumber" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Read, increment, and write a build number in a file It will first attempt to read a build number from a file, then set the property "build.number" to the value that was read in (or 0 if no such value).]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Read, increment, and write a build number in a file
It will first
attempt to read a build number from a file, then set the property
"build.number" to the value that was read in (or 0 if no such value). Then
it will increment the build number by one and write it back out into the
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The file in which the build number is stored.]]></short-description>
The file in which the build number is stored. Defaults to
"build.number" if not specified.
<task name="bunzip2" category="packaging"
<short-description><![CDATA[Expands a file that has been compressed with the BZIP2 algorithm.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Expands a file that has been compressed with the BZIP2
algorithm. Normally used to compress non-compressed archives such
as TAR files.]]>
<attribute name="dest" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The destination file or directory; optional.]]></short-description>
The destination file or directory; optional.
<attribute name="src" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The file to expand; required.]]></short-description>
The file to expand; required.
<task name="bzip2" category="packaging"
<short-description><![CDATA[Compresses a file with the BZIP2 algorithm.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Compresses a file with the BZIP2 algorithm. Normally used to compress
non-compressed archives such as TAR files.]]>
<attribute name="src" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The file to compress; required.]]></short-description>
the file to compress; required.
<attribute name="zipfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The required destination file.]]></short-description>
the required destination file.
<task name="cab" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Create a CAB archive.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Create a CAB archive.]]>
<attribute name="basedir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Base directory to look in for files to CAB.]]></short-description>
Base directory to look in for files to CAB.
<attribute name="cabfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The name/location of where to create the .cab file.]]></short-description>
The name/location of where to create the .cab file.
<attribute name="compress" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, compress the files otherwise only store them.]]></short-description>
If true, compress the files otherwise only store them.
<attribute name="options" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Sets additional cabarc options that are not supported directly.]]></short-description>
Sets additional cabarc options that are not supported directly.
<attribute name="verbose" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, display cabarc output.]]></short-description>
If true, display cabarc output.
<element name="fileset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a set of files to archive.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a set of files to archive.]]>
<task name="cccheckin" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Performs ClearCase checkin.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Performs ClearCase checkin.
The following attributes are interpreted:
<table border="1">
<td>Path to the ClearCase view file or directory that the command will operate on</td>
<td>Specify a comment. Only one of comment or cfile may be used.</td>
<td>Specify a file containing a comment. Only one of comment or cfile may be used.</td>
<td>Suppress warning messages</td>
<td>Preserve the modification time</td>
<td>Keeps a copy of the file with a .keep extension</td>
<td>Allows the file to be checked in even if it is identical to the original</td>
<attribute name="cleartooldir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the cleartool executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the cleartool executable is located.
<attribute name="comment" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Comment string.]]></short-description>
Sets the comment string.
<attribute name="commentfile" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies a file containing a comment.]]></short-description>
Specifies a file containing a comment.
<attribute name="identical" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, allows the file to be checked in even
if it is identical to the original.]]></short-description>
If true, allows the file to be checked in even
if it is identical to the original.
<attribute name="keepcopy" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, keeps a copy of the file with a .keep extension.]]></short-description>
If true, keeps a copy of the file with a .keep extension.
<attribute name="nowarn" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, suppress warning messages.]]></short-description>
If true, suppress warning messages.
<attribute name="preservetime" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, preserve the modification time.]]></short-description>
If true, preserve the modification time.
<attribute name="viewpath" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to the item in a ClearCase view to operate on.]]></short-description>
Set the path to the item in a ClearCase view to operate on.
<task name="cccheckout" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Performs ClearCase checkout.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Performs ClearCase checkout.
The following attributes are interpretted:
<table border="1">
<td>Path to the ClearCase view file or directory that the command will operate on</td>
<td>Specifies whether to check out the file as reserved or not</td>
<td>Creates a writable file under a different filename</td>
<td>Checks out the file but does not create an editable file containing its data</td>
<td>Specify a branch to check out the file to</td>
<td>Allows checkout of a version other than main latest</td>
<td>Suppress warning messages</td>
<td>Specify a comment. Only one of comment or cfile may be used.</td>
<td>Specify a file containing a comment. Only one of comment or cfile may be used.</td>
<attribute name="branch" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specify a branch to check out the file to.]]></short-description>
Specify a branch to check out the file to.
<attribute name="cleartooldir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the cleartool executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the cleartool executable is located.
<attribute name="comment" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Comment string.]]></short-description>
Sets the comment string.
<attribute name="commentfile" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies a file containing a comment.]]></short-description>
Specifies a file containing a comment.
<attribute name="nodata" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, checks out the file but does not create an
editable file containing its data.]]></short-description>
If true, checks out the file but does not create an
editable file containing its data.
<attribute name="nowarn" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, warning messages are suppressed.]]></short-description>
If true, warning messages are suppressed.
<attribute name="out" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Creates a writable file under a different filename.]]></short-description>
Creates a writable file under a different filename.
<attribute name="reserved" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, checks out the file as reserved.]]></short-description>
If true, checks out the file as reserved.
<attribute name="version" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, allows checkout of a version other than main latest.]]></short-description>
If true, allows checkout of a version other than main latest.
<attribute name="viewpath" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to the item in a ClearCase view to operate on.]]></short-description>
Set the path to the item in a ClearCase view to operate on.
<task name="ccmcheckin" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Performs Continuus checkin command.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Performs Continuus checkin command.]]>
<attribute name="ccmdir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the ccm executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the ccm executable is located.
<attribute name="comment" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies a comment.]]></short-description>
Specifies a comment.
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to the file that the command will operate on.]]></short-description>
Sets the path to the file that the command will operate on.
<attribute name="task" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies the task number used to check
in the file (may use 'default').]]></short-description>
Specifies the task number used to check
in the file (may use 'default').
<task name="ccmcheckintask" category="scm"
<short-description><![CDATA[Performs Continuus Checkin Default task command.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Performs Continuus Checkin Default task command.]]>
<attribute name="ccmdir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the ccm executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the ccm executable is located.
<attribute name="comment" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies a comment.]]></short-description>
Specifies a comment.
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to the file that the command will operate on.]]></short-description>
Sets the path to the file that the command will operate on.
<attribute name="task" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies the task number used to check
in the file (may use 'default').]]></short-description>
Specifies the task number used to check
in the file (may use 'default').
<task name="ccmcheckout" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Performs Continuus checkout command.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Performs Continuus checkout command.]]>
<attribute name="ccmdir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the ccm executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the ccm executable is located.
<attribute name="comment" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies a comment.]]></short-description>
Specifies a comment.
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to the file that the command will operate on.]]></short-description>
Sets the path to the file that the command will operate on.
<attribute name="task" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies the task number used to check
in the file (may use 'default').]]></short-description>
Specifies the task number used to check
in the file (may use 'default').
<task name="ccmcreatetask" category="scm"
<short-description><![CDATA[Creates new Continuus ccm task and sets it as the default.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Creates new Continuus ccm task and sets it as the default.]]>
<attribute name="ccmdir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the ccm executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the ccm executable is located.
<attribute name="comment" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies a comment.]]></short-description>
Specifies a comment.
<attribute name="platform" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies the target platform.]]></short-description>
Specifies the target platform.
<attribute name="release" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specify the CCM release.]]></short-description>
Specify the CCM release.
<attribute name="resolver" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies the resolver.]]></short-description>
Specifies the resolver.
<attribute name="subsystem" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies the subsystem.]]></short-description>
Specifies the subsystem.
<attribute name="task" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies the task number used to checkin
the file (may use 'default').]]></short-description>
Specifies the task number used to checkin
the file (may use 'default').
<task name="ccmreconfigure" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Task allows to reconfigure a project, recurcively or not]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Task allows to reconfigure a project, recurcively or not]]>
<attribute name="ccmdir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the ccm executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the ccm executable is located.
<attribute name="ccmproject" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Ccm project on which the operation is applied.]]></short-description>
Sets the ccm project on which the operation is applied.
<attribute name="recurse" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, recurse on subproject (default false).]]></short-description>
If true, recurse on subproject (default false).
<attribute name="verbose" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, do a verbose reconfigure operation (default false).]]></short-description>
If true, do a verbose reconfigure operation (default false).
<task name="ccuncheckout" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Performs ClearCase UnCheckout command.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Performs ClearCase UnCheckout command.
The following attributes are interpretted:
<table border="1">
<td>Path to the ClearCase view file or directory that the command will operate on</td>
<td>Specifies whether to keep a copy of the file with a .keep extension or not</td>
<attribute name="cleartooldir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the cleartool executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the cleartool executable is located.
<attribute name="keepcopy" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, keep a copy of the file with a .keep extension.]]></short-description>
If true, keep a copy of the file with a .keep extension.
<attribute name="viewpath" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to the item in a ClearCase view to operate on.]]></short-description>
Set the path to the item in a ClearCase view to operate on.
<task name="ccupdate" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Performs a ClearCase Update command.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Performs a ClearCase Update command.
The following attributes are interpretted:
<table border="1">
<td>Path to the ClearCase view file or directory that the command will operate on</td>
<td>Displays a graphical dialog during the update</td>
<td>Specifies a log file for ClearCase to write to</td>
<td>Specifies whether to overwrite hijacked files or not</td>
<td>Specifies that hijacked files should be renamed with a .keep extension</td>
<td>Specifies that modification time should be written as the current time. Either currenttime or preservetime can be specified.</td>
<td>Specifies that modification time should preserved from the VOB time. Either currenttime or preservetime can be specified.</td>
<attribute name="cleartooldir" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Directory where the cleartool executable is located.]]></short-description>
Set the directory where the cleartool executable is located.
<attribute name="currenttime" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, modification time should be written as the current time.]]></short-description>
If true, modification time should be written as the current time.
Either currenttime or preservetime can be specified.
<attribute name="graphical" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, displays a graphical dialog during the update.]]></short-description>
If true, displays a graphical dialog during the update.
<attribute name="log" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Log file where cleartool records
the status of the command.]]></short-description>
Sets the log file where cleartool records
the status of the command.
<attribute name="overwrite" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, overwrite hijacked files.]]></short-description>
If true, overwrite hijacked files.
<attribute name="preservetime" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, modification time should be preserved from the VOB time.]]></short-description>
If true, modification time should be preserved from the VOB time.
Either currenttime or preservetime can be specified.
<attribute name="rename" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, hijacked files are renamed with a .keep extension.]]></short-description>
If true, hijacked files are renamed with a .keep extension.
<attribute name="viewpath" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path to the item in a ClearCase view to operate on.]]></short-description>
Set the path to the item in a ClearCase view to operate on.
<task name="checksum" category="control"
<short-description><![CDATA[Used to create or verify file checksums.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Used to create or verify file checksums.]]>
<attribute name="algorithm" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Specifies the algorithm to be used to compute the checksum.]]></short-description>
Specifies the algorithm to be used to compute the checksum.
Defaults to "MD5". Other popular algorithms like "SHA" may be used as well.
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[File for which the checksum is to be calculated.]]></short-description>
Sets the file for which the checksum is to be calculated.
<attribute name="fileext" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[File extension that is be to used to
create or identify destination file.]]></short-description>
Sets the file extension that is be to used to
create or identify destination file.
<attribute name="forceoverwrite" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Whether or not to overwrite existing file irrespective of
whether it is newer than
the source file.]]></short-description>
Whether or not to overwrite existing file irrespective of
whether it is newer than
the source file. Defaults to false.
<attribute name="property" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Property to hold the generated checksum.]]></short-description>
Sets the property to hold the generated checksum.
<attribute name="provider" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[MessageDigest algorithm provider to be used
to calculate the checksum.]]></short-description>
Sets the MessageDigest algorithm provider to be used
to calculate the checksum.
<attribute name="readbuffersize" type="int"
briefType="int" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The size of the read buffer to use.]]></short-description>
The size of the read buffer to use.
<attribute name="verifyproperty" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Verify property.]]></short-description>
Sets the verify property. This project property holds
the result of a checksum verification - "true" or "false"
<element name="fileset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Files to generate checksums for.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Files to generate checksums for.]]>
<task name="chmod" category="filesystem"
<short-description><![CDATA[Chmod equivalent for unix-like environments.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Chmod equivalent for unix-like environments.]]>
<attribute name="append" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Whether output should be appended to or overwrite an existing file.]]></short-description>
Whether output should be appended to or overwrite an existing file.
Defaults to false.
<attribute name="defaultexcludes" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Sets whether default exclusions should be used or not.]]></short-description>
Sets whether default exclusions should be used or not.
<attribute name="dest" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The directory where target files are to be placed.]]></short-description>
The directory where target files are to be placed.
<attribute name="dir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The directory which holds the files whose permissions must be changed.]]></short-description>
The directory which holds the files whose permissions must be changed.
<attribute name="excludes" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Set of exclude patterns.]]></short-description>
Sets the set of exclude patterns. Patterns may be separated by a comma
or a space.
<attribute name="executable" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The command to execute.]]></short-description>
The command to execute.
<attribute name="failifexecutionfails" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Stop the build if program cannot be started.]]></short-description>
Stop the build if program cannot be started. Defaults to true.
<attribute name="failonerror" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Fail if the command exits with a non-zero return code.]]></short-description>
Fail if the command exits with a non-zero return code.
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The file or single directory of which the permissions must be changed.]]></short-description>
The file or single directory of which the permissions must be changed.
<attribute name="includes" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Set of include patterns.]]></short-description>
Sets the set of include patterns. Patterns may be separated by a comma
or a space.
<attribute name="newenvironment" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Do not propagate old environment when new environment variables are specified.]]></short-description>
Do not propagate old environment when new environment variables are specified.
<attribute name="os" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[List of operating systems on which the command may be executed.]]></short-description>
List of operating systems on which the command may be executed.
<attribute name="output" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[File the output of the process is redirected to.]]></short-description>
File the output of the process is redirected to.
<attribute name="outputproperty" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Property name whose value should be set to the output of
the process.]]></short-description>
Property name whose value should be set to the output of
the process.
<attribute name="parallel" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, run the command only once, appending all files as arguments.]]></short-description>
If true, run the command only once, appending all files as arguments.
If false, command will be executed once for every file. Defaults to false.
<attribute name="perm" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The new permissions.]]></short-description>
The new permissions.
<attribute name="relative" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Whether the filenames should be passed on the command line as
absolute or relative pathnames.]]></short-description>
Whether the filenames should be passed on the command line as
absolute or relative pathnames. Paths are relative to the base
directory of the corresponding fileset for source files or the
dest attribute for target files.
<attribute name="resultproperty" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The name of a property in which the return code of the
command should be stored.]]></short-description>
The name of a property in which the return code of the
command should be stored. Only of interest if failonerror=false.
<attribute name="skipemptyfilesets" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If no source files have been found or are newer than their
corresponding target files, do not run the command.]]></short-description>
If no source files have been found or are newer than their
corresponding target files, do not run the command.
<attribute name="type" type=""
briefType="&quot;file&quot;, &quot;dir&quot;, &quot;both&quot;" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Whether the command works only on files, directories or both?.]]></short-description>
Whether the command works only on files, directories or both?
<attribute name="vmlauncher" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, launch new process with VM, otherwise use the OS's shell.]]></short-description>
If true, launch new process with VM, otherwise use the OS's shell.
<element name="env" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an environment variable to the launched process.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an environment variable to the launched process.]]>
<element name="fileset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Source files to operate upon.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Source files to operate upon.]]>
<element name="arg" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a command-line argument.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a command-line argument.]]>
<element name="exclude" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a name entry on the exclude list.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a name entry on the exclude list.]]>
<element name="include" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a name entry on the include list.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a name entry on the include list.]]>
<element name="mapper" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Mapper to use for mapping source files to target files.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Mapper to use for mapping source files to target files.]]>
<element name="patternset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a set of patterns.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a set of patterns.]]>
<element name="srcfile" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Marker that indicates where the name of the source file should
be put on the command line.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Marker that indicates where the name of the source file should
be put on the command line.]]>
<element name="targetfile" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Marker that indicates where the name of the target file should
be put on the command line.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Marker that indicates where the name of the target file should
be put on the command line.]]>
<task name="concat" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[This class contains the 'concat' task, used to concatenate a series of files into a single stream.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[This class contains the 'concat' task, used to concatenate a series
of files into a single stream. The destination of this stream may
be the system console, or a file. The following is a sample
&lt;concat destfile=&quot;${build.dir}/index.xml&quot;
&lt;fileset dir=&quot;${xml.root.dir}&quot;
includes=&quot;*.xml&quot; /&gt;
<attribute name="append" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Behavior when the destination file exists.]]></short-description>
Sets the behavior when the destination file exists. If set to
<code>true</code> the stream data will be appended to the
existing file, otherwise the existing file will be
overwritten. Defaults to <code>false</code>.
<attribute name="destfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Destination file, or uses the console if not specified.]]></short-description>
Sets the destination file, or uses the console if not specified.
<attribute name="encoding" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Encoding for the input files, used when displaying the
data via the console.]]></short-description>
Sets the encoding for the input files, used when displaying the
data via the console.
<element name="filelist" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[List of files to concatenate.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[List of files to concatenate.]]>
<element name="fileset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Set of files to concatenate.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Set of files to concatenate.]]>
<body >
This method adds text which appears in the 'concat' element.
<task name="condition" category="control"
<short-description><![CDATA[Task to set a property conditionally using &lt;uptodate&gt;, &lt;available&gt;, and many other supported conditions.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Task to set a property conditionally using &lt;uptodate&gt;, &lt;available&gt;,
and many other supported conditions.
<p>This task supports boolean logic as well as pluggable conditions
to decide, whether a property should be set.</p>
<p>This task does not extend Task to take advantage of
<attribute name="property" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The name of the property to set.]]></short-description>
The name of the property to set. Required.
<attribute name="value" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The value for the property to set, if condition evaluates to true.]]></short-description>
The value for the property to set, if condition evaluates to true.
Defaults to "true".
<element name="and" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;and&gt; condition "container".]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;and&gt; condition "container".]]>
<element name="available" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;available&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;available&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="checksum" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;checksum&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;checksum&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="contains" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a &lt;contains&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a &lt;contains&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="equals" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;equals&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;equals&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="filesmatch" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a &lt;filesmatch&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a &lt;filesmatch&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="http" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;http&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;http&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="isfalse" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a &lt;isfalse&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a &lt;isfalse&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="isset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;isset&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;isset&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="istrue" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a &lt;istrue&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a &lt;istrue&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="not" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;not&gt; condition "container".]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;not&gt; condition "container".]]>
<element name="or" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;or&gt; condition "container".]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;or&gt; condition "container".]]>
<element name="os" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;os&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;os&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="socket" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a &lt;socket&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a &lt;socket&gt; condition.]]>
<element name="uptodate" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add an &lt;uptodate&gt; condition.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add an &lt;uptodate&gt; condition.]]>
<task name="copy" category="filesystem"
<short-description><![CDATA[Copies a file or directory to a new file or directory.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Copies a file or directory to a new file
or directory. Files are only copied if the source file is newer
than the destination file, or when the destination file does not
exist. It is possible to explicitly overwrite existing files.</p>
<p>This implementation is based on Arnout Kuiper's initial design
document, the following mailing list discussions, and the
copyfile/copydir tasks.</p>]]>
<attribute name="encoding" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Character encoding.]]></short-description>
Sets the character encoding
<attribute name="failonerror" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If false, note errors to the output but keep going.]]></short-description>
If false, note errors to the output but keep going.
<attribute name="file" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Single source file to copy.]]></short-description>
Sets a single source file to copy.
<attribute name="filtering" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, enables filtering.]]></short-description>
If true, enables filtering.
<attribute name="flatten" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[When copying directory trees, the files can be "flattened"
into a single directory.]]></short-description>
When copying directory trees, the files can be "flattened"
into a single directory. If there are multiple files with
the same name in the source directory tree, only the first
file will be copied into the "flattened" directory, unless
the forceoverwrite attribute is true.
<attribute name="includeemptydirs" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Used to copy empty directories.]]></short-description>
Used to copy empty directories.
<attribute name="overwrite" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Overwrite any existing destination file(s).]]></short-description>
Overwrite any existing destination file(s).
<attribute name="preservelastmodified" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Give the copied files the same last modified time as the original files.]]></short-description>
Give the copied files the same last modified time as the original files.
<attribute name="todir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Destination directory.]]></short-description>
Sets the destination directory.
<attribute name="tofile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Destination file.]]></short-description>
Sets the destination file.
<attribute name="verbose" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Used to force listing of all names of copied files.]]></short-description>
Used to force listing of all names of copied files.
<element name="fileset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a set of files to copy.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a set of files to copy.]]>
<element name="filterchain" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a FilterChain.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a FilterChain.]]>
<element name="filterset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a filterset.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a filterset.]]>
<element name="mapper" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Defines the mapper to map source to destination files.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Defines the mapper to map source to destination files.]]>
<task name="copydir" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Copies a directory.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Copies a directory.]]>
<attribute name="dest" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<attribute name="filtering" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<attribute name="flatten" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<attribute name="forceoverwrite" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<attribute name="src" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<task name="copyfile" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Copies a file.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Copies a file.]]>
<attribute name="dest" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<attribute name="filtering" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<attribute name="forceoverwrite" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<attribute name="src" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[No description.]]></short-description>
<task name="csc" category="dotnet"
<short-description><![CDATA[Compiles C# source into executables or modules.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Compiles C# source into executables or modules.
The task will only work on win2K until other platforms support
csc.exe or an equivalent. CSC.exe must be on the execute path too. <p>
All parameters are optional: &lt;csc/&gt; should suffice to produce a debug
build of all *.cs files. References to external files do require explicit
enumeration, so are one of the first attributes to consider adding. <p>
The task is a directory based task, so attributes like <b>includes="*.cs"
</b> and <b>excludes="broken.cs"</b> can be used to control the files pulled
in. By default, all *.cs files from the project folder down are included in
the command. When this happens the output file -if not specified- is taken
as the first file in the list, which may be somewhat hard to control.
Specifying the output file with <b>'outfile'</b> seems prudent. <p>
<li> is incremental build still broken in beta-1?
<li> is Win32Icon broken?
<li> all the missing options
Beta 1 edition
To avoid having to remember which assemblies to include, the task
automatically refers to the main dotnet libraries in Beta1.
Slightly different
Split command execution to a separate class;
"I can't believe it's so rudimentary"
First pass; minimal builds only support;
<attribute name="additionalmodules" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Semicolon separated list of modules to refer to.]]></short-description>
Semicolon separated list of modules to refer to.
<attribute name="debug" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Debug flag on or off.]]></short-description>
set the debug flag on or off.
<attribute name="definitions" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Semicolon separated list of defined constants.]]></short-description>
Semicolon separated list of defined constants.
<attribute name="destdir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Destination directory of files to be compiled.]]></short-description>
Set the destination directory of files to be compiled.
<attribute name="destfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Name of exe/library to create.]]></short-description>
Set the name of exe/library to create.
<attribute name="docfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[File for generated XML documentation.]]></short-description>
file for generated XML documentation
<attribute name="extraoptions" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Any extra options which are not explicitly supported
by this task.]]></short-description>
Any extra options which are not explicitly supported
by this task.
<attribute name="failonerror" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, fail on compilation errors.]]></short-description>
If true, fail on compilation errors.
<attribute name="filealign" type="int"
briefType="int" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[File alignment.]]></short-description>
Set the file alignment.
Valid values are 0,512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192,
and 16384, 0 means 'leave to the compiler'
<attribute name="fullpaths" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, print the full path of files on errors.]]></short-description>
If true, print the full path of files on errors.
<attribute name="includedefaultreferences" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, automatically includes the common assemblies
in dotnet, and tells the compiler to link in mscore.dll.
set the automatic reference inclusion flag on or off this flag controls
the string of references and the /nostdlib option in CSC.]]></short-description>
If true, automatically includes the common assemblies
in dotnet, and tells the compiler to link in mscore.dll.
set the automatic reference inclusion flag on or off this flag controls
the string of references and the /nostdlib option in CSC
<attribute name="incremental" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Incremental compilation flag on or off.]]></short-description>
set the incremental compilation flag on or off.
<attribute name="mainclass" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Name of main class for executables.]]></short-description>
Sets the name of main class for executables.
<attribute name="noconfig" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[A flag that tells the compiler not to read in the compiler
settings files 'csc.rsp' in its bin directory and then the local directory.]]></short-description>
A flag that tells the compiler not to read in the compiler
settings files 'csc.rsp' in its bin directory and then the local directory
<attribute name="optimize" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, enables optimization flag.]]></short-description>
If true, enables optimization flag.
<attribute name="outputfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Output file.]]></short-description>
Set the output file
<attribute name="referencefiles" type=""
briefType="Path" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Path of references to include.]]></short-description>
Path of references to include.
Wildcards should work.
<attribute name="references" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Semicolon separated list of DLLs to refer to.]]></short-description>
Semicolon separated list of DLLs to refer to.
<attribute name="srcdir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Source directory of the files to be compiled.]]></short-description>
Set the source directory of the files to be compiled.
<attribute name="targettype" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Type of target.]]></short-description>
Set the type of target.
<attribute name="unsafe" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, enables the unsafe keyword.]]></short-description>
If true, enables the unsafe keyword.
<attribute name="utf8output" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, require all compiler output to be in UTF8 format.]]></short-description>
If true, require all compiler output to be in UTF8 format.
<attribute name="warnlevel" type="int"
briefType="int" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Level of warning currently between 1 and 4
with 4 being the strictest.]]></short-description>
Level of warning currently between 1 and 4
with 4 being the strictest.
<attribute name="win32icon" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Filename of icon to include.]]></short-description>
Set the filename of icon to include.
<attribute name="win32res" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Filename of a win32 resource (.RES) file to include.]]></short-description>
Sets the filename of a win32 resource (.RES) file to include.
This is not a .NET resource, but what Windows is used to.
<task name="cvs" category="scm"
<short-description><![CDATA[Performs operations on a CVS repository. original 1.20 NOTE: This implementation has been moved to AbstractCvsTask with the addition of some accessors for extensibility.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Performs operations on a CVS repository.
original 1.20
NOTE: This implementation has been moved to AbstractCvsTask with
the addition of some accessors for extensibility.]]>
<attribute name="append" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Whether to append output/error when redirecting to a file.]]></short-description>
Whether to append output/error when redirecting to a file.
<attribute name="command" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The CVS command to execute.]]></short-description>
The CVS command to execute.
<attribute name="compression" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, this is the same as compressionlevel="3".]]></short-description>
If true, this is the same as compressionlevel="3".
<attribute name="compressionlevel" type="int"
briefType="int" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If set to a value 1-9 it adds -zN to the cvs command line, else
it disables compression.]]></short-description>
If set to a value 1-9 it adds -zN to the cvs command line, else
it disables compression.
<attribute name="cvsroot" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The CVSROOT variable.]]></short-description>
The CVSROOT variable.
<attribute name="cvsrsh" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The CVS_RSH variable.]]></short-description>
The CVS_RSH variable.
<attribute name="date" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Use the most recent revision no later than the given date.]]></short-description>
Use the most recent revision no later than the given date.
<attribute name="dest" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The directory where the checked out files should be placed.]]></short-description>
The directory where the checked out files should be placed.
<attribute name="error" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The file to direct standard error from the command.]]></short-description>
The file to direct standard error from the command.
<attribute name="failonerror" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Stop the build process if the command exits with
a return code other than 0.]]></short-description>
Stop the build process if the command exits with
a return code other than 0.
Defaults to false.
<attribute name="noexec" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, report only and don't change any files.]]></short-description>
If true, report only and don't change any files.
<attribute name="output" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The file to direct standard output from the command.]]></short-description>
The file to direct standard output from the command.
<attribute name="package" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The package/module to operate upon.]]></short-description>
The package/module to operate upon.
<attribute name="passfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Password file to read passwords from.]]></short-description>
Password file to read passwords from.
<attribute name="port" type="int"
briefType="int" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Port used by CVS to communicate with the server.]]></short-description>
Port used by CVS to communicate with the server.
<attribute name="quiet" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, suppress informational messages.]]></short-description>
If true, suppress informational messages.
<attribute name="tag" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The tag of the package/module to operate upon.]]></short-description>
The tag of the package/module to operate upon.
<element name="commandline" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds direct command-line to execute.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds direct command-line to execute.]]>
<task name="cvschangelog" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Examines the output of cvs log and group related changes together.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Examines the output of cvs log and group related changes together.
It produces an XML output representing the list of changes.
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- Root element --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> changelog <FONT color=#ff00ff>(entry</FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff>+</FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff>)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- CVS Entry --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> entry <FONT color=#ff00ff>(date,author,file</FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff>+</FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff>,msg)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- Date of cvs entry --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> date <FONT color=#ff00ff>(#PCDATA)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- Author of change --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> author <FONT color=#ff00ff>(#PCDATA)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- List of files affected --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> msg <FONT color=#ff00ff>(#PCDATA)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- File changed --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> file <FONT color=#ff00ff>(name,revision,prevrevision</FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff>?</FONT><FONT color=#ff00ff>)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- Name of the file --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> name <FONT color=#ff00ff>(#PCDATA)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- Revision number --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> revision <FONT color=#ff00ff>(#PCDATA)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#0000ff>&lt;!-- Previous revision number --&gt;</FONT>
<FONT color=#6a5acd>&lt;!ELEMENT</FONT> prevrevision <FONT color=#ff00ff>(#PCDATA)</FONT><FONT color=#6a5acd>&gt;</FONT>
<attribute name="daysinpast" type="int"
briefType="int" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Number of days worth of log entries to process.]]></short-description>
Set the number of days worth of log entries to process.
<attribute name="destfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Output file for the log.]]></short-description>
Set the output file for the log.
<attribute name="dir" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Base dir for cvs.]]></short-description>
Set the base dir for cvs.
<attribute name="end" type="java.util.Date"
briefType="Date" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Date at which the changelog should stop.]]></short-description>
Set the date at which the changelog should stop.
<attribute name="start" type="java.util.Date"
briefType="Date" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Date at which the changelog should start.]]></short-description>
Set the date at which the changelog should start.
<attribute name="usersfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Lookup list of user names & addresses.]]></short-description>
Set a lookup list of user names & addresses
<element name="fileset" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds a set of files about which cvs logs will be generated.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds a set of files about which cvs logs will be generated.]]>
<element name="user" type=""
<short-description><![CDATA[Add a user to list changelog knows about.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Add a user to list changelog knows about.]]>
<task name="cvspass" category="scm"
<short-description><![CDATA[Adds an new entry to a CVS password file.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Adds an new entry to a CVS password file.]]>
<attribute name="cvsroot" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[The CVS repository to add an entry for.]]></short-description>
The CVS repository to add an entry for.
<attribute name="passfile" type=""
briefType="File" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Password file to add the entry to.]]></short-description>
Password file to add the entry to.
<attribute name="password" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[Password to be added to the password file.]]></short-description>
Password to be added to the password file.
<task name="cvstagdiff" category="other"
<short-description><![CDATA[Examines the output of cvs rdiff between two tags.]]></short-description>
<![CDATA[Examines the output of cvs rdiff between two tags.
It produces an XML output representing the list of changes.
&lt;!-- Root element --&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT tagdiff ( entry+ ) &gt;
&lt;!-- Start tag of the report --&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST tagdiff startTag NMTOKEN #IMPLIED &gt;
&lt;!-- End tag of the report --&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST tagdiff endTag NMTOKEN #IMPLIED &gt;
&lt;!-- Start date of the report --&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST tagdiff startDate NMTOKEN #IMPLIED &gt;
&lt;!-- End date of the report --&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST tagdiff endDate NMTOKEN #IMPLIED &gt;
&lt;!-- CVS tag entry --&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT entry ( file ) &gt;
&lt;!-- File added, changed or removed --&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT file ( name, revision?, prevrevision? ) &gt;
&lt;!-- Name of the file --&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT name ( #PCDATA ) &gt;
&lt;!-- Revision number --&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT revision ( #PCDATA ) &gt;
&lt;!-- Previous revision number --&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT prevrevision ( #PCDATA ) &gt;
<attribute name="compression" type="boolean"
briefType="boolean" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If true, this is the same as compressionlevel="3".]]></short-description>
If true, this is the same as compressionlevel="3".
<attribute name="compressionlevel" type="int"
briefType="int" required="NOTDEFINED">
<short-description><![CDATA[If set to a value 1-9 it adds -zN to the cvs command line, else
it disables compression.]]></short-description>
If set to a value 1-9 it adds -zN to the cvs command line, else
it disables compression.
<attribute name="cvsroot" type="java.lang.String"
briefType="String" required="NOTDEFINED">