| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| pluginName = Ant UI |
| providerName = Eclipse.org |
| |
| AntLaunchShortcut.label = Ant Build |
| AntLaunchShortcutWithDialog.label = Ant Build... |
| antLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.description=Run an Ant build file. |
| antBuilderLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.description=Create a configuration that will run an Ant build file during a build. |
| |
| AntBuild...Shortcut.description=Launches an Ant build and allows it to be configured |
| AntBuildShortcut.description=Launches an Ant build with default settings |
| |
| AntEditor.name=Ant Editor |
| AddBookmark.label=Add Boo&kmark... |
| AddBookmark.tooltip=Add Bookmark... |
| AddTask.label=Add &Task... |
| AddTask.tooltip=Add Task... |
| |
| CategoryView.antViews = Ant |
| |
| View.antView = Ant |
| |
| PreferencePage.antPreferences = Ant |
| PreferencePage.antRuntimePreferences = Runtime |
| PreferencePage.antEditorPreferences = Editor |
| PreferencePage.antCodeFormatterPreferences = Formatter |
| PreferencePage.antTemplatePreferences = Templates |
| PreferencePage.antCodeAssistPreferences = Content Assist |
| |
| buildFile.contextType.name= Ant |
| task.contextType.name= Ant Task |
| target.contextType.name= Ant Target |
| |
| antDocumentSetupParticipant.name= Ant Document Setup Participant |
| |
| ant.resolvers.src= Source Fileset |
| ant.resolvers.src.description= A source fileset |
| ant.resolvers.dst= Destination Fileset |
| ant.resolvers.dst.description= An output fileset |
| |
| Ant.marker.label = Ant Buildfile Problem |
| |
| antNewJavaProjectWizard.name= Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile |
| antNewJavaProjectWizard.description= Create a Java project from an existing Ant buildfile on the file system |
| |
| antExportWizard.name= Ant Buildfiles |
| antExportWizard.description= Generates Ant Buildfiles for Eclipse Java projects. |
| |
| Folding.label= F&olding |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openExternalDoc.name= Open External Documentation |
| ActionDefinition.openExternalDoc.description= Open the External documentation for the current task in the Ant editor |
| ActionDefinition.renameInFile.name= Rename In File |
| ActionDefinition.renameInFile.description= Renames all references within the same buildfile |
| |
| context.editingAnt.name= Editing Ant Buildfiles |
| context.editingAnt.description= Editing Ant Buildfiles Context |
| antBreakpointGroupName= Ant Breakpoints |
| AddBreakpoint.label=Toggle &Breakpoint |
| EnableBreakpoint.label=&Enable Breakpoint |
| AntShortcut.description.debug=Debug Ant Build |
| AntShortcut.description.run=Run Ant Build |
| |
| Dummy.label |
| |
| runToLineAction.label= Run to Line |
| |
| antEditorPresentationActionSet.label= Ant Editor Presentation |
| toggleMarkOccurrences.label= Toggle Ant Mark Occurrences |
| toggleMarkOccurrences.tooltip= Toggle Ant Mark Occurrences |
| toggleMarkOccurrences.description= Toggles mark occurrences in Ant editors |
| |
| toggleAutoReconcile.label= Toggle Ant Editor Auto Reconcile |
| toggleAutoReconcile.tooltip= Toggle Ant Editor Auto Reconcile |
| |
| preferenceKeywords.general=Ant buildfile color |
| preferenceKeywords.runtime=ant runtime classpath tasks types properties property |
| preferenceKeywords.editor=ant buildfile appearance syntax problems error warning folding color |
| preferenceKeywords.formatter=ant format formatter |
| preferenceKeywords.codeAssist=ant content complete color auto activation trigger |
| preferenceKeywords.template=ant templates snippets macros |
| |
| AntRenameParticipant.name= Ant launch configuration rename participant |
| |
| AntElementHyperlinkDetector.description= A hyperlink detector for Ant buildfile elements |
| AntElementHyperlinkDetector.label= Ant Element |
| AntEditorHyperlinkTarget.name= Ant Editor |
| |
| OpenDeclarationCommand.label=Open Declaration |
| OpenDeclarationCommand.description=Opens the Ant editor on the referenced element |