169546 chkpii error in update.core for build M20070103-0800
diff --git a/update/org.eclipse.update.core/src/org/eclipse/update/internal/core/messages.properties b/update/org.eclipse.update.core/src/org/eclipse/update/internal/core/messages.properties
index e25af38..ff1dd65 100644
--- a/update/org.eclipse.update.core/src/org/eclipse/update/internal/core/messages.properties
+++ b/update/org.eclipse.update.core/src/org/eclipse/update/internal/core/messages.properties
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
 ActivityConstraints_optionalChild = Feature included in another feature cannot be enabled if the parent is disabled. Enable the parent first.
 ActivityConstraints_patchUnconfigure = is a patch and cannot be directly disabled. Use \'Revert\' to restore \
 the last configuration before the patch was installed.
-ActivityConstraints_patchUnconfigureBackup = is a patch and cannot be directly disabled. Use \'Revert\' to restore \
+ActivityConstraints_patchUnconfigureBackup = is a patch and cannot be directly disabled. Use \"Revert\" to restore \
 configuration "{0}" in Saved Configurations.
 ActivityConstraints_timeline = Cannot revert to \"{0}\" because it is not compatible with the current configuration.
 ActivityConstraints_exclusive = must be processed separately from other features.