blob: b0c7d97bea213946925f7be14a324d32d0f17679 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.update.internal.core;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.boot.update.*;
import java.util.*;
* This class represents either a component or a product. A parcel can
* have sub parcels, and copy objects. Attributes are action (add, fix), id, status (pending, complete),
* type (component / product).
public class UMSessionManagerParcel extends UMSessionManagerEntry {
protected ArrayList _alParcels = new ArrayList();
protected ArrayList _alOperations = new ArrayList();
protected ILogEntryProperty _propertyAction = null;
protected ILogEntryProperty _propertyID = null;
protected ILogEntryProperty _propertyType = null;
* UpdateManagerParcel constructor comment.
public UMSessionManagerParcel( ILogEntry logEntry ) {
super( logEntry );
// Action
_propertyAction = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ACTION);
if (_propertyAction == null) {
_propertyAction = new LogEntryProperty(logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ACTION, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
logEntry.addProperty( _propertyAction );
// Id
_propertyID = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ID);
if (_propertyID == null) {
_propertyID = new LogEntryProperty(logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ID, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
logEntry.addProperty( _propertyID );
// Type
_propertyType = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_TYPE);
if (_propertyType == null) {
_propertyType = new LogEntryProperty(logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_TYPE, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
logEntry.addProperty( _propertyType );
* @param logEntry org.eclipse.update.internal.core.LogEntry
public void buildTreeFromLog(ILogEntry logEntry) {
super.buildTreeFromLog( logEntry );
// Action
ILogEntryProperty property = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ACTION);
if (property != null) {
_propertyAction = property;
// Id
property = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_ID);
if (property != null) {
_propertyID = property;
// Type
property = _logEntry.getProperty(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_TYPE);
if (property != null) {
_propertyType = property;
ILogEntry[] entries = logEntry.getChildEntries();
// Parcels
int iIndex = 0;
UMSessionManagerParcel parcel = null;
for( int i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
if (entries[i] != null && entries[i].getName().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_PARCEL) == true) {
parcel = new UMSessionManagerParcel( entries[i] );
_alParcels.add( parcel );
parcel.buildTreeFromLog( entries[i] );
// Operations
iIndex = 0;
UMSessionManagerOperation operation = null;
for( int i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
if (entries[i] != null && entries[i].getName().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_OPERATION) == true) {
operation = new UMSessionManagerOperation( entries[i] );
_alOperations.add( operation );
operation.buildTreeFromLog( entries[i] );
* @return org.eclipse.update.internal.core.UMSessionManagerOperation
* @param actionType java.lang.String
public UMSessionManagerOperation createOperation() {
// Create a new log entry
ILogEntry logEntryChild = new LogEntry( _logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_OPERATION );
_logEntry.addChildEntry( logEntryChild );
// Create the operation object
UMSessionManagerOperation operation = new UMSessionManagerOperation( logEntryChild );
_alOperations.add( operation );
return operation;
* Creates a sub-parcel
* @return org.eclipse.update.internal.core.UpdateManagerParcel
* @param actionType java.lang.String
public UMSessionManagerParcel createParcel() {
// Create a new log entry
ILogEntry logEntryChild = new LogEntry( _logEntry, UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_PARCEL );
_logEntry.addChildEntry( logEntryChild );
// Create the parcel object
UMSessionManagerParcel parcel = new UMSessionManagerParcel( logEntryChild );
_alParcels.add( parcel );
return parcel;
* Execute any pending or failed updates.
public boolean execute(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
// Stop if any failure occurs
boolean bSuccess = true;
// Parcels may be sequential, do in forward order
for (int i = 0; i < _alParcels.size(); ++i) {
if (((UMSessionManagerParcel) _alParcels.get(i)).execute(progressMonitor) == false) {
bSuccess = false;
// Operations may be sequential, do in forward order
if (bSuccess == true) {
for (int i = 0; i < _alOperations.size(); ++i) {
if (((UMSessionManagerOperation) _alOperations.get(i)).execute(progressMonitor) == false) {
bSuccess = false;
// Status
setStatus(bSuccess == true ? UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_SUCCEEDED : UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_FAILED);
return bSuccess;
* Execute any pending or failed updates.
public boolean executeUndo(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
// Undo only failed attempts
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_FAILED) == false) {
return true;
// Attempt all even if failure occurs
boolean bSuccess = true;
// Parcels may be sequential, undo in reverse order
for (int i = _alParcels.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (((UMSessionManagerParcel) _alParcels.get(i)).executeUndo(progressMonitor) == false) {
bSuccess = false;
// Operations may be sequential, undo in reverse order
for (int i = _alOperations.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (((UMSessionManagerOperation) _alOperations.get(i)).executeUndo(progressMonitor) == false) {
bSuccess = false;
// Status
setStatus(bSuccess == true ? UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_FAILED_UNDO_SUCCEEDED : UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_FAILED_UNDO_FAILED);
return bSuccess;
* @return java.lang.String
public String getAction() {
return _propertyAction.getValue();
* @return java.lang.String
public String getId() {
return _propertyID.getValue();
* Returns all operations
* @return org.eclipse.update.internal.core.UMSessionManagerOperation[]
public UMSessionManagerOperation[] getOperations() {
UMSessionManagerOperation[] operations = new UMSessionManagerOperation[_alOperations.size()];
return (UMSessionManagerOperation[])_alOperations.toArray( operations );
* Returns all sub-parcels
* @return org.eclipse.update.internal.core.UpdateManagerParcel[]
public UMSessionManagerParcel[] getParcels() {
UMSessionManagerParcel[] parcels = new UMSessionManagerParcel[_alParcels.size()];
return (UMSessionManagerParcel[])_alParcels.toArray( parcels );
* @param strb java.lang.StringBuffer
* @param iIndentation int
public void getStatusString(java.lang.StringBuffer strb, int iIndentation) {
if (getStatus().equals(UpdateManagerConstants.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) == true) {
else {
// Parcel label
IInstallable descriptor = (IInstallable) getData();
indent(strb, iIndentation);
strb.append( descriptor.getLabel());
// Parcels may be sequential, do in forward order
for (int i = 0; i < _alParcels.size(); ++i) {
((UMSessionManagerParcel) _alParcels.get(i)).getStatusString(strb, iIndentation + 2);
// Operations may be sequential, do in forward order
for (int i = 0; i < _alOperations.size(); ++i) {
((UMSessionManagerOperation) _alOperations.get(i)).getStatusString(strb, iIndentation + 2);
* @return java.lang.String
public String getType() {
return _propertyType.getValue();
public void setAction( String strAction ) {
_propertyAction.setValue( strAction != null ? strAction : UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
public void setId( String strID ) {
_propertyID.setValue( strID != null ? strID : UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );
public void setType( String strType ) {
_propertyType.setValue( strType != null ? strType : UpdateManagerConstants.STRING_EMPTY );