| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <?eclipse version="3.2"?> |
| <plugin> |
| <!-- ==============--> |
| <!-- Error Parsers --> |
| <!-- ==============--> |
| <!-- Error parser IDs are qualified with org.eclipse.photran.core for backward |
| compatibility. In previous versions of Photran, they were located in the |
| photran.core plug-in, so users' projects have their error parser settings |
| stored with that qualifier. They were moved into photran.cdtinterface in |
| order to remove photran.core's dependency on CDT; now, all CDT-dependent |
| functionality is located in photran.cdtinterface. --> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.AbsoftErrorParser" |
| name="Photran Error Parser for Absoft Fortran" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.AbsoftErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.CrayErrorParser" |
| name="Photran Error Parser for Cray Fortran" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.CrayErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.GFortranErrorParser" |
| name="%FDTGFortranErrorParser.name" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.GFortranErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.IntelFortranErrorParser" |
| name="Photran Error Parser for Intel Fortran 8.1" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.IntelFortranErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.LaheyFortranErrorParser" |
| name="Photran Error Parser for Lahey/Fujitsu Fortran 7.1" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.LaheyFortranErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.G95FortranErrorParser" |
| name="Photran Error Parser for G95 Fortran" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.G95FortranErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.NAGErrorParser" |
| name="Photran Error Parser for NAG Fortran" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.NAGErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.Open64ErrorParser" |
| name="Photran Error Parser for Open64 Fortran" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.Open64ErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.core.PGIErrorParser" |
| name="Photran Error Parser for PGI Fortran" |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"> |
| <errorparser |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.errorparsers.PGIErrorParser"> |
| </errorparser> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!--======================--> |
| <!-- CDT Core Integration --> |
| <!--======================--> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.language"> |
| <language |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.core.FortranLanguage" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.fortran" |
| name="%language.name"> |
| <contentType id="org.eclipse.photran.core.fortranSource"/> |
| </language> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!--==================--> |
| <!-- CDT Launch Clone --> |
| <!--==================--> |
| |
| <!-- Fortran Launch Configuration (visible in "Run..." dialog)--> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.debug.core.launchConfigurationTypes"> |
| <launchConfigurationType |
| sourceLocatorId="org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.sourceLocator" |
| delegate="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.launch.FortranCDILaunchDelegate" |
| public="true" |
| sourcePathComputerId="org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.sourcePathComputer" |
| name="%launchConfigurationType.name" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.launch.localCLaunch" |
| modes="run,debug"> |
| </launchConfigurationType> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationTypeImages"> |
| <launchConfigurationTypeImage |
| icon="icons/obj16/f_app.gif" |
| configTypeID="org.eclipse.photran.launch.localCLaunch" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.launch.localRunLaunchImage"> |
| </launchConfigurationTypeImage> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationTabGroups"> |
| <launchConfigurationTabGroup |
| type="org.eclipse.photran.launch.localCLaunch" |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.launch.FortranLocalRunLaunchConfigurationTabGroup" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.launch.localRunLaunchTabGroup"> |
| </launchConfigurationTabGroup> |
| </extension> |
| <!-- Fortran Application Launch Shortcut (Run As > Local Fortran Application) --> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts"> |
| <shortcut |
| label="%shortcut.label" |
| icon="icons/obj16/f_app.gif" |
| modes="run, debug" |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.launch.CApplicationLaunchShortcut" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.debug.ui.localCShortcut"> |
| <contextualLaunch> |
| <enablement> |
| <with variable="selection"> |
| <count value="1"/> |
| <iterate> |
| <or> |
| <instanceof value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.IBinary"/> |
| <instanceof value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICProject"/> |
| <test |
| forcePluginActivation="true" |
| property="org.eclipse.cdt.launch.isExecutable"/> |
| <test |
| forcePluginActivation="true" |
| property="org.eclipse.cdt.launch.isCProject"/> |
| <and> |
| <instanceof value="org.eclipse.ui.IFileEditorInput"/> |
| <adapt type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"> |
| <adapt type="org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICElement"/> |
| </adapt> |
| </and> |
| </or> |
| </iterate> |
| </with> |
| </enablement> |
| </contextualLaunch> |
| <description |
| mode="run" |
| description="%description.description"/> |
| <description |
| mode="debug" |
| description="%description.description.0"/> |
| <configurationType |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.launch.localCLaunch"> |
| </configurationType> |
| </shortcut> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!--==============--> |
| <!-- CDT UI Clone --> |
| <!--==============--> |
| |
| <!-- Fortran Perspective --> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.perspectives"> |
| <perspective |
| name="%perspective.name" |
| icon="icons/etool16/f_pers.gif" |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.FortranPerspectiveFactory" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranPerspective"> |
| </perspective> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions"> |
| <perspectiveExtension targetID="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranPerspective"> |
| <perspectiveShortcut id="org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPerspective"/> |
| <perspectiveShortcut id="org.eclipse.team.ui.TeamSynchronizingPerspective"/> |
| <view |
| id="org.eclipse.cdt.make.ui.views.MakeView" |
| relationship="stack" |
| relative="org.eclipse.ui.views.ContentOutline" |
| visible="true"/> |
| <viewShortcut id="org.eclipse.cdt.make.ui.views.MakeView"/> |
| <actionSet id="org.eclipse.cdt.make.ui.makeTargetActionSet"/> |
| |
| <!-- Copied from CDT UI for CDT 4.0 --> |
| <actionSet id="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchActionSet"/> |
| <actionSet id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.buildConfigActionSet"/> |
| <actionSet id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.NavigationActionSet"/> |
| <actionSet id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.OpenActionSet"/> |
| <actionSet id="org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.actionSet.presentation"/> |
| <!--showInPart id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.includeBrowser"/--> |
| <!--showInPart id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CView"/--> |
| <!--showInPart id="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.ProjectExplorer"/--> |
| <viewShortcut id="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.ProjectExplorer"/> |
| <viewShortcut id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.includeBrowser"/> |
| </perspectiveExtension> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!-- Fortran Projects View --> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.views"> |
| <category |
| name="%category.name" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.views"> |
| </category> |
| <view |
| name="%view.name" |
| icon="icons/etool16/fview.gif" |
| category="org.eclipse.photran.ui.views" |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.FortranView" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranView"> |
| </view> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!-- Fortran Wizards --> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.newWizards"> |
| <category |
| name="%category.name.0" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.newFortranWizards" /> |
| |
| <!-- New Fortran Project Wizards --> |
| |
| <!-- CDT 4.0 and later --> |
| <wizard |
| canFinishEarly="false" |
| category="org.eclipse.photran.ui.newFortranWizards" |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.FortranProjectWizard" |
| finalPerspective="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranPerspective" |
| hasPages="true" |
| icon="icons/etool16/newfortran_app.gif" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.wizards.CDT4FortranProjectWizard" |
| name="%wizard.name" |
| project="true"> |
| <description> |
| %wizard.description |
| </description> |
| </wizard> |
| |
| <!-- New File Wizards --> |
| <wizard |
| name="%wizard.name.0" |
| icon="icons/etool16/newfortranfile_wiz.gif" |
| category="org.eclipse.photran.ui.newFortranWizards" |
| finalPerspective="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranPerspective" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.wizards.NewSourceFileCreationWizard"> |
| <class class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.NewSourceFileCreationWizard"> |
| <parameter name="cfile" value="true"/> |
| </class> |
| <description> |
| %wizard.description.0 |
| </description> |
| </wizard> |
| <wizard |
| name="%wizard.name.1" |
| icon="icons/etool16/newfile_wiz.gif" |
| category="org.eclipse.photran.ui.newFortranWizards" |
| finalPerspective="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranPerspective" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.wizards.NewFileCreationWizard"> |
| <class class="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.wizards.NewFileCreationWizard"> |
| <parameter name="cfile" value="true"/> |
| </class> |
| <description> |
| %wizard.description.1 |
| </description> |
| </wizard> |
| <wizard |
| name="%wizard.name.2" |
| icon="icons/etool16/newsrcfldr_wiz.gif" |
| category="org.eclipse.photran.ui.newFortranWizards" |
| finalPerspective="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranPerspective" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.wizards.NewSourceFolderCreationWizard"> |
| <class class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.NewSourceFolderCreationWizard"> |
| <parameter name="cfolder" value="true"/> |
| </class> |
| <description> |
| %wizard.description.2 |
| </description> |
| </wizard> |
| <wizard |
| name="%wizard.name.3" |
| icon="icons/etool16/newfolder_wiz.gif" |
| category="org.eclipse.photran.ui.newFortranWizards" |
| finalPerspective="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranPerspective" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.wizards.NewFolderCreationWizard"> |
| <class class="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.wizards.NewFolderCreationWizard"> |
| <parameter name="cfolder" value="true"/> |
| </class> |
| <description> |
| %wizard.description.3 |
| </description> |
| </wizard> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.actionSets"> |
| <actionSet |
| description="%actionSet.description" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.FortranElementCreationActionSet" |
| label="%actionSet.label" |
| visible="false"> |
| <action |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.NewFileDropDownAction" |
| icon="icons/etool16/newfortranfile_wiz.gif" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.actions.NewFileDropDown" |
| label="%action.label" |
| style="pulldown" |
| toolbarPath="Normal/FortranWizards" |
| tooltip="%action.tooltip"/> |
| <action |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.NewFolderDropDownAction" |
| icon="icons/etool16/newsrcfldr_wiz.gif" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.actions.NewFolderDropDown" |
| label="%action.label.0" |
| style="pulldown" |
| toolbarPath="Normal/FortranWizards" |
| tooltip="%action.tooltip.0"/> |
| <action |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.NewProjectDropDownAction" |
| icon="icons/etool16/newfortran_app.gif" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.actions.NewProjectDropDown" |
| label="%action.label.1" |
| style="pulldown" |
| toolbarPath="Normal/FortranWizards" |
| tooltip="%action.tooltip.1"/> |
| </actionSet> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!--====================--> |
| <!-- New File Templates --> |
| <!--====================--> |
| |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.editors.templates"> |
| <!--contextType |
| name="%c.contextType.name" |
| class="org.eclipse.cdt.internal.corext.template.c.CContextType" |
| id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.text.templates.c"> |
| </contextType--> |
| <include file="templates/fortran-codetemplates.xml" /> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!--=======================--> |
| <!-- New Project Templates --> |
| <!--=======================--> |
| |
| <extension point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.templates"> |
| <!-- Templates --> |
| <template |
| filterPattern=".*" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.projects.EmptyFortranProject" |
| location="templates/EmptyFortranProject/template.xml" |
| projectType="org.eclipse.cdt.build.makefile.projectType"> |
| </template> |
| <template |
| filterPattern=".*" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.projects.HelloWorldFortranProject" |
| location="templates/HelloWorldFortranProject/template.xml" |
| projectType="org.eclipse.cdt.build.makefile.projectType"> |
| </template> |
| <template |
| filterPattern=".*" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.projects.MPIHelloWorldFortranProject" |
| location="templates/MPIHelloWorldFortranProject/template.xml" |
| projectType="org.eclipse.cdt.build.makefile.projectType"> |
| </template> |
| <template |
| filterPattern=".*" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.projects.MPIPiFortranProject" |
| location="templates/MPIPiFortranProject/template.xml" |
| projectType="org.eclipse.cdt.build.makefile.projectType"> |
| </template> |
| </extension> |
| <!-- Custom Process Runners (referenced in template.xml files) --> |
| <extension point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.templateProcessTypes"> |
| <processType |
| name="addFortranErrorParsers" |
| processRunner="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.templates.AddFortranErrorParsersProcessRunner"> |
| </processType> |
| <processType |
| name="addAllBinaryParsers" |
| processRunner="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.templates.AddAllBinaryParsersProcessRunner"> |
| </processType> |
| </extension> |
| |
| |
| <!--=============================--> |
| <!-- ActionSet-part associations --> |
| <!--=============================--> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.actionSetPartAssociations"> |
| <actionSetPartAssociation |
| targetID="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.SearchActionSet"> |
| <part id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranView"/> |
| <part id="org.eclipse.search.SearchResultView"/> |
| </actionSetPartAssociation> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!--===============================--> |
| <!-- Model Builder Extension Point --> |
| <!--===============================--> |
| |
| <extension-point id="modelbuilder" name="%extension-point.name" schema="schema/modelbuilder.exsd"/> |
| |
| <!--============================--> |
| <!-- DOM Parser Extension Point --> |
| <!--============================--> |
| |
| <extension-point id="domparser" name="%extension-point.name.0" schema="schema/domparser.exsd"/> |
| |
| <!--============================================--> |
| <!-- Convert C/C++ Projects to Photran Projects --> |
| <!--============================================--> |
| <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus"> |
| <viewerContribution |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.ViewActions" |
| targetID="org.eclipse.photran.ui.FortranView"> |
| <visibility> |
| <objectState name="nature" value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature" /> |
| </visibility> |
| <action |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.ui.ProjectConversionAction" |
| label="%action.label.2" |
| menubarPath="additions" |
| icon="icons/obj16/f_file_obj.gif" |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.ProjectConversionAction" /> |
| </viewerContribution> |
| <objectContribution |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.ViewActions" |
| objectClass="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject"> |
| <visibility> |
| <and> |
| <objectState name="nature" value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature" /> |
| <not> |
| <objectState name="nature" value="org.eclipse.photran.core.fnature" /> |
| </not> |
| </and> |
| </visibility> |
| <action |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface.ui.ProjectConversionAction" |
| label="%action.label.2" |
| menubarPath="additions" |
| icon="icons/obj16/f_file_obj.gif" |
| class="org.eclipse.photran.internal.cdtinterface.ui.ProjectConversionAction" /> |
| </objectContribution> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer"> |
| <viewerContentBinding viewerId="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.ProjectExplorer"> |
| <includes> |
| <contentExtension pattern="org.eclipse.photran.ui.navigator.content"/> |
| </includes> |
| </viewerContentBinding> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent"> |
| <navigatorContent |
| activeByDefault="true" |
| id="org.eclipse.photran.ui.navigator.content" |
| contentProvider="org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.navigator.CNavigatorContentProvider" |
| labelProvider="org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.navigator.CNavigatorLabelProvider" |
| name="Fortran Elements" |
| priority="high"> |
| <triggerPoints> |
| <or> |
| <adapt |
| type="org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject"> |
| <test |
| property="org.eclipse.core.resources.projectNature" |
| value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature"> |
| </test> |
| </adapt> |
| <instanceof |
| value="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CElementGrouping"> |
| </instanceof> |
| <instanceof |
| value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICElement"> |
| </instanceof> |
| <instanceof |
| value="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"> |
| </instanceof> |
| </or> |
| </triggerPoints> |
| <possibleChildren> |
| <or> |
| <instanceof |
| value="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"> |
| </instanceof> |
| <instanceof |
| value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICElement"> |
| </instanceof> |
| <instanceof |
| value="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CElementGrouping"> |
| </instanceof> |
| </or> |
| </possibleChildren> |
| <override |
| policy="InvokeAlwaysRegardlessOfSuppressedExt" |
| suppressedExtensionId="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.navigator.content"/> |
| <commonWizard |
| associatedExtensionId="org.eclipse.photran.ui.navigator.content" |
| menuGroupId="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.newProject" |
| type="new" |
| wizardId="org.eclipse.photran.ui.wizards.CDT4FortranProjectWizard"> |
| <enablement/> |
| </commonWizard> |
| <commonWizard |
| associatedExtensionId="org.eclipse.photran.ui.navigator.content" |
| menuGroupId="org.eclipse.cdt.ui" |
| type="new" |
| wizardId="org.eclipse.photran.ui.wizards.NewSourceFileCreationWizard"> |
| <enablement> |
| <or> |
| <instanceof value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICElement" /> |
| <and> |
| <instanceof value="org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer"/> |
| <test property="org.eclipse.core.resources.projectNature" value="org.eclipse.photran.core.fnature"/> |
| </and> |
| </or> |
| </enablement> |
| </commonWizard> |
| <commonWizard |
| associatedExtensionId="org.eclipse.photran.ui.navigator.content" |
| menuGroupId="org.eclipse.cdt.ui" |
| type="new" |
| wizardId="org.eclipse.photran.ui.wizards.NewSourceFolderCreationWizard"> |
| <enablement> |
| <or> |
| <instanceof value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICElement" /> |
| <and> |
| <instanceof value="org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer"/> |
| <test property="org.eclipse.core.resources.projectNature" value="org.eclipse.photran.core.fnature"/> |
| </and> |
| </or> |
| </enablement> |
| </commonWizard> |
| </navigatorContent> |
| </extension> |
| |
| </plugin> |