blob: d5a0533f71c76ba2052bebe58ad9c65e118d2951 [file] [log] [blame]
#Properties file for org.eclipse.rephraserengine.ui
Bundle-Vendor = - Photran
Bundle-Name = Rephraser Engine User Interface Plug-in
searchMenu.label = Se&arch
menu.label = Refac&tor
menu.label.0 = (&Debugging)
action.label = Display &Error/Warning Log
action.label.0 = &Reset Database Statistics
action.label.1 = Display Database &Statistics
action.label.2 = Clear and Rebuild Database
action.label.3 = Ensure Database is Up-to-Date
action.label.4 = Display Edge Model of Current File
action.label.5 = Display Database = VPG
actionSet.label = Rephraser Engine Debugging
actionSet.description = Rephraser Engine Debugging Actions