blob: 3d25be2f400c823eec0e88e8c4eb9275bb40bd54 [file] [log] [blame]
!! Demonstrates COMMON block hell
!! J. Overbey 8/18/08
program main
implicit none
external change_c
common a, b
integer :: a
real :: b
common /common/ c, d, e /common2/ f, g, /common3/ h
complex :: c
dimension c(3)
! double precision :: d, e, f, g, h
double precision :: d
double precision :: e
double precision :: f
double precision :: g
double precision :: h
a = 1
b = 2.3
c = (4,5)
print *, a, b, c
call change_ab
call change_c
print *, "Now the first two variables below should have garbage values"
print *, "and the third should be (5,6):"
print *, a, b, c
end program
subroutine change_ab
implicit none
! q and r are stored at the same place in memory as a and b above,
! but they have the wrong types
common q, r
real :: q
integer :: r
q = 4.5
r = 6
print *, q, r
end subroutine