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% Plug-in Decomposition
This chapter presents a high-level overview of the different projects and
plug-ins in Photran. It serves as a guide for developers reverse-engineering
Photran to \emph{guess-and-locate} where certain components are. It also serves
as a guide for contributers on \emph{where} to put their contributions.
The following sections are grouped by feature. A feature is a collection of
related Eclipse plug-ins that the user can install as a whole.
\section{Base Photran Feature: \\org.eclipse.photran-feature}
The following projects comprise the ``base'' of Photran. All sources in these projects are Java 4.
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface}
This contains all of the components (core and user interface) related
to integration with the CDT. It includes:
\item FortranLanguage for Fortran (i.e., the means of adding Fortran to the list
of languages recognized by the CDT)
\item Fortran model elements, and icons for the Outline and Projects Views
\item \emph{Simple} lexical analyzer-based model builder and an extension
point for contributing more sophisticated model builders
\item Fortran perspective, Fortran Projects view, and new project wizards
For more information about CDT, see Chapter~\ref{cha:cdt}.
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran.core}
This is the Photran Core plug-in. It contains much of the Fortran-specific
``behind the scenes'' functionality:
\item Utility classes
\item Error parsers for Fortran compilers
\item Fortran 95 lexical analyzer
\item Workspace preferences
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran.managedbuilder.core}, \\
\textbf{org.eclipse.photran.managedbuilder.gnu.ui}, \\
Support for Managed Build projects using the GNU toolchain. Managed by Craig Rasmussen at LANL.
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran.ui}
This contains the Fortran-specific components of the user interface:
\item Fortran Editors
\item Preference pages
\section{Virtual Program Graph (VPG) feature: \\org.eclipse.photran.vpg-feature}
The following projects support parsing, analysis, and refactoring of Fortran
sources. They are written in Java 5. The Virtual Program Graph is described in
more detail in Chapter~\ref{cha:parsing}.
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran.vpg.core}
This contains the parsing, analysis, and refactoring infrastructure.
\item Fortran parser and abstract syntax tree (AST)
\item Fortran preprocessor (to handle INCLUDE lines)
\item Parser-based model builder
\item Virtual Program Graph library (vpg-eclipse.jar)
\item Photran's Virtual Program Graph (VPG)
\item Utility classes (e.g., \texttt{SemanticError}, \texttt{LineCol})
\item Project property pages
\item Binding analysis (equivalent to symbol tables)
\item Refactoring/program transformation engine
\item Refactorings
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran.core.vpg.tests}, \\
JUnit Plug-in tests for the VPG core plug-in.
All tests in org.eclipse.photran.core.vpg.tests should pass. Test suites and
test cases are placed in the ``failing'' plug-in project until all of their
tests pass.
These plug-ins \textit{must} be run as a ``JUnit Plug-in Test'' (\textbf{not} a
``JUnit Test''). In the launch configuration, the environment variable TESTING
must be set to some non-empty value. (This ensures that the VPG will not try to
run in the background and interfere with testing.)
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran.ui.vpg}
UI contributions that depend on the \texttt{org.eclipse.photran.core.vpg}
plug-in. Currently, this includes (1) the Open Declaration action, a project
property page where the user can customize the search path for Fortran modules
and include files, and (2) all of the actions in the Refactoring menu. Search
and other VPG-dependent features will be placed here in the future.
\section{XL Fortran Compiler Feature: \\org.eclipse.photran.xlf-feature}
The following are plug-ins to support the
\href{}{XL Fortran compiler}.
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran.core.errorparsers.xlf}, \\
Support for Managed Build projects using XL toolchains. Managed by Craig
Rasmussen at LANL.
\section{Intel Fortran Compiler Feature: \\}
The following are plug-ins to support the \href{}{Intel Fortran Compiler}.
\item \textbf{}, \\
Support for Managed Build projects using Intel toolchains. Maintained by Bill
Hilliard at Intel.
\section{Non-plug-in projects}
The following projects are in CVS but are not distributed to users:
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran-dev-docs}
Developer documentation, including this document (\texttt{dev-guide/*}), CVS
instructions (\texttt{dev-guide/cvs-instructions.pdf}), the materials from our
presentation at EclipseCon 2006 on adding a new language to the CDT, and a
spreadsheet mapping features in the Fortran language to JUnit tests
\item \textbf{org.eclipse.photran-samples}
A Photran project containing an assortment of Fortran code.