blob: e4306640c771c0be287cb5812024eff58971612a [file] [log] [blame]
module module1
implicit none
! sub1a cannot be made public w/o ONLY clause in main
subroutine sub1a
print *, "sub1a in module1"
end subroutine
! sub1b can be made public
subroutine sub1b
print *, "sub1b in module1"
end subroutine
end module module1
module module2
implicit none
! integer1 and integer3 cannot be made public w/o ONLY clause
! integer2 and integer4 can be made public
integer, private :: integer1, integer2
integer :: integer3, integer4
private :: integer4, integer3
end module
program main
use module1
use module2
implicit none
integer :: integer1, integer3
call sub1a ! local, not import
subroutine sub1a
print *, "sub1a in main program"
end subroutine
end program main