blob: c8216af5af90baf0c19e165e048fd4042a3a5e68 [file] [log] [blame]
# Runs src-liebmann-3-loops/a.exe, which outputs a 2-D matrix of real numbers,
# and then feeds this matrix to gnuplot to generate a visualization, which
# is saved as liebmann-viz.gif.
# J. Overbey 8/27/08
src-liebmann-3*/a.exe >data
cat <<EOF | gnuplot
#==GNUPLOT INPUT=================================================================
set term gif
set output "liebmann-viz.gif"
#set pm3d # 1a. Normal
set pm3d map # 1b. Display a 2-D color gradient rather than the 3-D visualization
#set pm3d at b # 1c. Display a 2-D color gradient under the 3-D visualization
# # 2a. Nothing = Black to yellow via blue and red
#set palette model XYZ functions gray**0.35, gray**0.5, gray**0.8 # 2b. Brown to yellow
set palette model XYZ functions gray**0.3, gray**0.5, 0 # 2b. Dark red to yellow (Jeff)
#set palette model XYZ functions gray**0.8, gray**0.5, gray**0.35 # 2c. Green to yellow
#set palette rgbformulae 21,22,23 # 2d. Black to red to yellow to white
#set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31 # 2e. Blue to green to yellow to red
#set palette defined (0 "black", 2.5 "red", 5 "yellow")
splot 'data' matrix notitle # 3a. Plot normally
#splot 'data' matrix notitle with pm3d # 3b. Colorize the 3-D visualization (set 1a above)
rm -f data
echo "Visualization saved as liebmann-viz.gif"
if [ `uname -s` == "Darwin" ]; then
open liebmann-viz.gif
elif [ `which eog` != "" ]; then
eog liebmann-viz.gif