blob: cc6ac700b2509d49c2290735a78121e0f25b06eb [file] [log] [blame]
! Examples using Cray pointers (non-standard extension)
! Jeff Overbey 8/27/08
implicit none
call example1
call example2
call example3
! Example 1: Pointer to scalar
subroutine example1()
integer :: pointer ! A Cray pointer is just an integer
pointer (pointer, pointee) ! We associate the pointer variable with another variable
real :: pointee ! To dereference the pointer, we read this variable
real :: value = 5.0
pointer = loc(value)
print *, pointee ! = 5.0
end subroutine
! Example 2: Pointer to array, constant size
subroutine example2()
integer :: pointer
real :: pointee
pointer (pointer, pointee(5))
real :: array(5) = (/ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5 /)
pointer = loc(array)
print *, pointee(3) ! = 3.3
end subroutine
! Example 3: Pointer to array, arbitrary size
subroutine example3()
integer :: pointer
real :: pointee
pointer (pointer, pointee(*))
real :: array(5) = (/ 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5 /)
pointer = loc(array)
print *, pointee(-2) ! = 3.3
print *, pointee(3) ! = 3.3
end subroutine