blob: 91ace767c81f59280a31c633c39c046a7f7be957 [file] [log] [blame]
!! Illustrates a bug in IBM XL Fortran for AIX, V12.1 (5724-U82)
!! XLF reports errors when a subclass, whose parent class is in a different
!! module, overrides a procedure with a pointer to class(*) as either an
!! argument or a return type. If both modules are combined into a single
!! module, the code compiles successfully.
!! Jeff Overbey (2/24/09)
module mod_base
implicit none
! Abstract class "base" contains two routines
! * accept_any accepts a pointer to class(*)
! * return_any returns a pointer to class(*)
type, public, abstract :: base
procedure(accept_any), deferred :: accept_any
procedure(return_any), deferred :: return_any
end type
abstract interface
subroutine accept_any(self, arg)
import base
class(base), intent(in) :: self
class(*), pointer, intent(in) :: arg
end subroutine
function return_any(self) result(return)
import base
class(base), intent(in) :: self
class(*), pointer :: return
end function
end interface
end module
module mod_extended
use mod_base
implicit none
type, public, extends(base) :: extended
procedure :: accept_any => extended_accept_any ! XLF reports Dummy argument arg of overridden binding accept_any and the corresponding dummy argument of overriding binding accept_any must have the same type and type parameters.
procedure :: return_any => extended_return_any ! XLF reports The function results of the overridden binding return_any and overridding binding return_any must have the same type and type parameters.
end type
subroutine extended_accept_any(self, arg)
class(extended), intent(in) :: self
class(*), pointer, intent(in) :: arg
end subroutine
function extended_return_any(self) result(return)
class(extended), intent(in) :: self
class(*), pointer :: return
return => null()
end function
end module
program p; end program