blob: f193e2d6d676226e38afd6af6381f320d7d4ecd7 [file] [log] [blame]
program GaussianElimination
! Solve a linear system of equations with Gaussian Elimination
! and Back Substitution
! SUBROUTINES: mtxrd,mtxwrt,mtxmlt
! Always declare ALL variables
implicit none
INTEGER :: indx,jndx,kndx,lndx ! loop counters
INTEGER :: nsize ! # of equations (size of the A matrix)
REAL :: amtx(10,10) ! A matrix in Ax=B
REAL :: bvct(10) ! B vector in Ax=B
REAL :: xvct(10) ! x vector in Ax=B
REAL :: scl(10) ! Scale factors
INTEGER :: irow(10) ! Row numbers (for swapping rows)
INTEGER :: ipivot ! Pivot row
INTEGER :: itemp ! Temporary value while swapping
REAL :: tmpval ! Temporary value while pivoting
REAL :: pival ! Pivot value
REAL :: fctr ! Multiplication factor for row reduction
CHARACTER(len = 64) :: filein ! Input file name
INTEGER :: ieof ! Flag to ensure the file opens correctly
! Initially, no row swaps
do indx = 1, 10
irow(indx) = indx
end do
! Introduce the program
write (*, *) &
'Program to solve a linear system of equations using'
write (*, *) &
' Gaussian Elimination and Back Substitution'
write (*, *) ! A Blank Line
! Read from a file (we don't have to type all those numbers)
write (*, *) 'Enter the input file name: '
read (*, *) filein
open (10, file = filein, status = 'old', iostat = ieof)
! If I have trouble opening the file, blow me out of the program!
if (ieof .ne. 0) then
write (*, *) 'File error!'
end if
! Input the A matrix - write it out for the user
write (*, *) 'A Matrix:'
call mtxrd(amtx,nsize,nsize)
call mtxwrt(amtx,irow,nsize,nsize)
! Input the B vector - write it out for the user
write (*, *) ! Blank line
write (*, *) 'B Vector:'
call vctrd(bvct,nsize)
call vctwrt(bvct,nsize)
do indx = 1,nsize
scl(indx) = abs(amtx(indx,1))
do jndx = 2, nsize
if (abs(amtx(indx,jndx)) > scl(indx)) then
scl(indx) = abs(amtx(indx,jndx))
end if
end do
end do
write (*, *) ! Blank line
write (*, *) 'Scale factors:'
call vctwrt(scl,nsize)
do kndx = 1, nsize-1 ! For each column k...
! Choose the pivot element
ipivot = kndx ! WAS ipivot = irow(kndx)
pival = abs(amtx(irow(ipivot), kndx) / scl(irow(ipivot)))
do lndx = kndx+1, nsize
tmpval = abs(amtx(irow(lndx), kndx) / scl(irow(lndx)))
if (tmpval > pival) then
pival = tmpval
ipivot = lndx ! WAS ipivot = irow(lndx)
end if
end do
!write (*, *) ! Blank line
!write (*, *) 'Swapping rows ', kndx, ' and ', ipivot, ' -- pival is ', pival
! Row swap
itemp = irow(kndx)
irow(kndx) = irow(ipivot)
irow(ipivot) = itemp
!call augwrt(amtx,irow,bvct,nsize)
! Row reduce
do indx = kndx+1, nsize ! For each row i > k...
fctr = amtx(irow(indx),kndx) / amtx(irow(kndx),kndx)
amtx(irow(indx),kndx) = 0.0 ! We're zeroing out a(i,k)
do jndx = kndx+1,nsize ! Scale & subtract the rest of the row
amtx(irow(indx),jndx) = amtx(irow(indx),jndx) - fctr * amtx(irow(kndx),jndx)
end do
bvct(irow(indx)) = bvct(irow(indx)) - fctr * bvct(irow(kndx))
end do
!write (*, *) 'Reduction:'
!call augwrt(amtx,irow,bvct,nsize)
end do
write (*, *) ! Blank line
write (*, *) 'Reduced, Augmented Matrix:'
call augwrt(amtx,irow,bvct,nsize)
! Back Substitute
do indx = nsize, 1, -1 ! Start at lower right and work upwards
xvct(indx) = bvct(irow(indx))
! Subtract the previous x-values times their respective coefficients
do jndx = indx+1, nsize
xvct(indx) = xvct(indx) - amtx(irow(indx),jndx) * xvct(jndx)
end do
! Divide by the current coefficient
xvct(indx) = xvct(indx) / amtx(irow(indx),indx)
end do
write (*, *) ! Blank line
write (*, *) 'Solution Vector:'
call vctwrt(xvct,nsize)
subroutine mtxrd(amtx,mrow,ncol)
! ABSTRACT: Subroutine to read an m x n matrix from a file
! FORMAT: first line has the dimensions
! each following line has a row of the matrix
! Always declare ALL variables
implicit none
INTEGER :: irow,jcol ! row, column loop counters
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: mrow,ncol ! # rows, columns
REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: amtx(:,:) ! matrix
! Read the size of the matrix
read (10, *) mrow,ncol
! Read the matrix, one row at a time
do irow = 1,mrow
read (10, *) (amtx(irow,jcol),jcol=1,ncol)
end do
end subroutine mtxrd
subroutine mtxwrt(amtx,irow,mrow,ncol)
! ABSTRACT: Subroutine to write an m x n matrix to the screen
! Always declare ALL variables
implicit none
INTEGER :: indx,jcol ! row, column loop counters
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mrow,ncol ! # rows, columns
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: irow(:) ! For row swapping
REAL, INTENT(IN) :: amtx(:,:) ! matrix
! Write the matrix, one row at a time
do indx = 1,mrow
write (*, '('' '',10g10.4)') (amtx(irow(indx),jcol),jcol=1,ncol)
end do
end subroutine mtxwrt
subroutine augwrt(amtx,irow,bvct,nsize)
! ABSTRACT: Subroutine to write an n x n matrix with a vector augmented to it
! Always declare ALL variables
implicit none
INTEGER :: indx,jcol ! row, column loop counters
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nsize ! # rows
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: irow(:) ! For row swapping
REAL, INTENT(IN) :: amtx(:,:) ! matrix
REAL, INTENT(IN) :: bvct(:) ! vector
! Write the matrix, one row at a time
do indx = 1,nsize
write (*, '('' '',10g10.4)') &
end do
end subroutine augwrt
subroutine vctrd(vctr,nsize)
! ABSTRACT: Subroutine to read a vector from a file
! FORMAT: first line has the dimensions
! each following line has a row of the vector
! Always declare ALL variables
implicit none
INTEGER :: irow ! row loop counters
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nsize ! # rows
REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: vctr(:) ! vector
! Read the size of the matrix
read (10, *) nsize
! Read the matrix, one row at a time
do irow = 1,nsize
read (10, *) vctr(irow)
end do
end subroutine vctrd
subroutine vctwrt(vctr,nsize)
! ABSTRACT: Subroutine to write a vector to the screen
! Always declare ALL variables
implicit none
INTEGER :: irow ! row loop counters
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nsize ! # rows
REAL, INTENT(IN) :: vctr(:) ! vector
! Write the matrix, one row at a time
do irow = 1,nsize
write (*, *) vctr(irow)
end do
end subroutine vctwrt
end program GaussianElimination