blob: 5cac5920869015030080b5a5291a63360fc58114 [file] [log] [blame]
!! Examples of using INTERFACE blocks in Fortran
!! INTERFACE blocks have two different uses:
!! 1. Declaring the interface of an external subprogram
!! (as an alternative to the EXTERNAL statement, which
!! declares that the subprogram is external but says nothing
!! about its signature)
!! 2. Overloading
!! J. Overbey 9/15/08
module interface_example
implicit none
! USAGE 1: Declaring the interface of an external subprogram
! This declares two functions in the module, named "one" and "two"
! They will be resolved to the corresponding external functions at link time
integer function one()
end function
integer function two()
end function
end interface
! Since "one" and "two" are in the module, they can be made private; we'll
! hide "two" from the outside world
private :: two
! USAGE 2: Overloading
! This declares a function named "description" which can be called with
! either an integer or real parameter;
! description(1)
! will actually invoke description_int(1), while
! description(2.0)
! will actually invoke description_real(2.0)
interface description
! This overload is an external function; we'll use the same syntax as
! above, simply declaring its interface
character(len=50) function description_int(value)
integer, intent(in) :: value
end function description_int
! This overload is a procedure in the module, so we can use a
! MODULE PROCEDURE statement since we already know its interface
module procedure description_real
end interface
! INTERFACE blocks can also be used for operator overloading, but I won't
! demonstrate that here
character(len=50) function description_real(value)
real, intent(in) :: value
write (description_real, *) "REAL:", value
end function
end module interface_example
program program
use interface_example, only: one, description
implicit none
integer :: two = 2 ! Note that "two" is hidden in the module,
! so we can declare a "two" variable here
! Call the function declared in the INTERFACE block
print *, one()
! Call the overloaded "description" function
print *, description(two)
print *, description(3.0)
end program program
integer function one(); one = 1; end function
integer function two(); two = 2; end function
character(len=50) function description_int(value)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: value
write (description_int, *) "INTEGER:", value
end function