blob: 405f051aaa3f48121ffd29903270db693c702b9a [file] [log] [blame]
! This is syntactically correct but semantically incorrect and meaningless
program Fortran2003
import x, y
import :: z
type, bind(c) :: class
procedure(), public :: proc_component
procedure type_bound_proc1
procedure, non_overridable :: type_bound_proc3
procedure type_bound_proc4 => proc
procedure, non_overridable :: type_bound_proc6 => proc
end type
enum, bind(c)
enumerator apple = 3, orange, pear
enumerator :: grapefruit
end enum
type(class), asynchronous, bind(c, name='x'), protected, value, volatile, pointer :: t1
class(class) :: t2
class(*) :: t3
common /c1/ t1, t2
asynchronous x1, x2
asynchronous :: x3
bind(c) x4
bind(c,name=x) :: x5, /c1/
protected x6
protected :: x7, x8
abstract interface
subroutine s
end subroutine s
end interface
procedure() p1
procedure(integer) p2
procedure(), pointer :: p3
procedure(integer), save, optional :: p4, p5 => null(), p6
associate (this => 3 + 4, that => 5)
print *, this
print *, that
end associate
select type (renamed => t3)
type is (class)
print *, "1"
class is (class)
print *, '2'
class default
print *, '3'
if (3 .eq. 4) then
print *, '?!'
end if
do i = 6,8
print *, ":-)"
end do
do 51 i = 6,8
51 print *, ":-)"
end select
! if (t1%type_bound_proc1() .eq. 3) print *, "!"
call t2%type_bound_proc4
open (3,action=something,asynchronous='?',decimal='?',encoding='?',iomsg=v,round='?',sign='?')
wait (3,id=n,iostat=m)
close (unit=3,iomsg=v)
use, intrinsic :: some_module
use :: some_other_module, operator(.x.) => operator(.y.)
use :: some_third_module, only: operator(.x.) => operator(.y.)
end program