blob: c958f96739bb0146e9b1b25cf72c066fe9325a6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 QNX Software Systems and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* QNX - Initial API and implementation
* Andrew Ferguson (Symbian) - Provide B-tree deletion routine
* Markus Schorn (Wind River Systems)
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
* @author Doug Schaefer
public class BTree {
// Constants for internal deletion routine (see deleteImp doc)
private static final int DELMODE_NORMAL = 0;
private static final int DELMODE_DELETE_MINIMUM = 1;
private static final int DELMODE_DELETE_MAXIMUM = 2;
protected final Database db;
protected final int rootPointer;
protected final int DEGREE;
protected final int MAX_RECORDS;
protected final int MAX_CHILDREN;
protected final int MIN_RECORDS;
protected final int OFFSET_CHILDREN;
protected final int MEDIAN_RECORD;
protected final IBTreeComparator cmp;
public BTree(Database db, int rootPointer, IBTreeComparator cmp) {
this(db, rootPointer, 8, cmp);
* Constructor.
* @param db the database containing the btree
* @param root offset into database of the pointer to the root node
public BTree(Database db, int rootPointer, int degree, IBTreeComparator cmp) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.getString("BTree.IllegalDegree")); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.db = db;
this.rootPointer = rootPointer;
this.cmp = cmp;
this.DEGREE = degree;
this.MAX_RECORDS = 2*DEGREE - 1;
protected int getRoot() throws CoreException {
return db.getInt(rootPointer);
protected final void putRecord(Chunk chunk, int node, int index, int record) {
chunk.putInt(node + index * Database.INT_SIZE, record);
protected final int getRecord(Chunk chunk, int node, int index) {
return chunk.getInt(node + index * Database.INT_SIZE);
protected final void putChild(Chunk chunk, int node, int index, int child) {
chunk.putInt(node + OFFSET_CHILDREN + index * Database.INT_SIZE, child);
protected final int getChild(Chunk chunk, int node, int index) {
return chunk.getInt(node + OFFSET_CHILDREN + index * Database.INT_SIZE);
* Inserts the record into the b-tree. We don't insert if the
* key was already there, in which case we return the record
* that matched. In other cases, we just return the record back.
* @param offset of the record
* @return
public int insert(int record) throws CoreException {
int root = getRoot();
// is this our first time in
if (root == 0) {
return record;
return insert(null, 0, 0, root, record);
private int insert(Chunk pChunk, int parent, int iParent, int node, int record) throws CoreException {
Chunk chunk = db.getChunk(node);
// if this node is full (last record isn't null), split it
if (getRecord(chunk, node, MAX_RECORDS - 1) != 0) {
int median = getRecord(chunk, node, MEDIAN_RECORD);
if (median == record)
// found it, never mind
return median;
else {
// split it
// create the new node and move the larger records over
int newnode = allocateNode();
Chunk newchunk = db.getChunk(newnode);
for (int i = 0; i < MEDIAN_RECORD; ++i) {
putRecord(newchunk, newnode, i, getRecord(chunk, node, MEDIAN_RECORD + 1 + i));
putRecord(chunk, node, MEDIAN_RECORD + 1 + i, 0);
putChild(newchunk, newnode, i, getChild(chunk, node, MEDIAN_RECORD + 1 + i));
putChild(chunk, node, MEDIAN_RECORD + 1 + i, 0);
putChild(newchunk, newnode, MEDIAN_RECORD, getChild(chunk, node, MAX_RECORDS));
putChild(chunk, node, MAX_RECORDS, 0);
if (parent == 0) {
// create a new root
parent = allocateNode();
pChunk = db.getChunk(parent);
db.putInt(rootPointer, parent);
putChild(pChunk, parent, 0, node);
} else {
// insert the median into the parent
for (int i = MAX_RECORDS - 2; i >= iParent; --i) {
int r = getRecord(pChunk, parent, i);
if (r != 0) {
putRecord(pChunk, parent, i + 1, r);
putChild(pChunk, parent, i + 2, getChild(pChunk, parent, i + 1));
putRecord(pChunk, parent, iParent, median);
putChild(pChunk, parent, iParent + 1, newnode);
putRecord(chunk, node, MEDIAN_RECORD, 0);
// set the node to the correct one to follow
if (, median) > 0) {
node = newnode;
chunk = newchunk;
// binary search to find the insert point
int lower= 0;
int upper= MAX_RECORDS-1;
while (lower < upper && getRecord(chunk, node, upper-1) == 0) {
while (lower < upper) {
int middle= (lower+upper)/2;
int checkRec= getRecord(chunk, node, middle);
if (checkRec == 0) {
upper= middle;
else {
int compare=, record);
if (compare > 0) {
upper= middle;
else if (compare < 0) {
lower= middle+1;
else {
// found it, no insert, just return the record
return record;
final int i= lower;
int child = getChild(chunk, node, i);
if (child != 0) {
// visit the children
return insert(chunk, node, i, child, record);
} else {
// were at the leaf, add us in.
// first copy everything after over one
for (int j = MAX_RECORDS - 2; j >= i; --j) {
int r = getRecord(chunk, node, j);
if (r != 0)
putRecord(chunk, node, j + 1, r);
putRecord(chunk, node, i, record);
return record;
private void firstInsert(int record) throws CoreException {
// create the node and save it as root
int root = allocateNode();
db.putInt(rootPointer, root);
// put the record in the first slot of the node
putRecord(db.getChunk(root), root, 0, record);
private int allocateNode() throws CoreException {
return db.malloc((2 * MAX_RECORDS + 1) * Database.INT_SIZE);
* Deletes the specified record from the B-tree.
* <p>
* If the specified record is not present then this routine has no effect.
* <p>
* Specifying a record r for which there is another record q existing in the B-tree
* where,q)==0 && r!=q will also have no effect
* <p>
* N.B. The record is not deleted itself - its storage is not deallocated.
* The reference to the record in the btree is deleted.
* @param record the record to delete
* @param cmp the comparator for locating the record
* @throws CoreException
public void delete(int record) throws CoreException {
try {
deleteImp(record, getRoot(), DELMODE_NORMAL);
} catch(BTreeKeyNotFoundException e) {
// contract of this method is to NO-OP upon this event
private class BTreeKeyNotFoundException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9065438266175091670L;
public BTreeKeyNotFoundException(String msg) {
* Used in implementation of delete routines
private class BTNode {
final int node;
final int keyCount;
final Chunk chunk;
BTNode(int node) throws CoreException {
this.node = node;
this.chunk = db.getChunk(node);
int i=0;
while(i<MAX_RECORDS && getRecord(chunk, node, i)!=0)
keyCount = i;
private BTNode getChild(int index) throws CoreException {
if(0<=index && index<MAX_CHILDREN) {
int child = BTree.this.getChild(chunk, node, index);
return new BTNode(child);
return null;
* Implementation for deleting a key/record from the B-tree.
* <p>
* There is no distinction between keys and records.
* <p>
* This implements a single downward pass (with minor exceptions) deletion
* <p>
* @param key the address of the record to delete
* @param nodeRecord a node that (directly or indirectly) contains the specified key/record
* where DELMODE_NORMAL: locates the specified key/record using the comparator provided
* DELMODE_DELETE_MINIMUM: locates and deletes the minimum element in the subtree rooted at nodeRecord
* DELMODE_DELETE_MAXIMUM: locates and deletes the maximum element in the subtree rooted at nodeRecord
* @param cmp the comparator used to locate the record in the tree
* @return the address of the record removed from the B-tree
* @throws CoreException
private int deleteImp(int key, int nodeRecord, int mode)
throws CoreException, BTreeKeyNotFoundException {
BTNode node = new BTNode(nodeRecord);
// Determine index of key in current node, or -1 if its not in this node
int keyIndexInNode = -1;
for(int i=0; i<node.keyCount; i++)
if(getRecord(node.chunk, node.node, i) == key) {
keyIndexInNode = i;
if(getChild(node.chunk, node.node, 0)==0) {
/* Case 1: leaf node containing the key (by method precondition) */
if(keyIndexInNode!=-1) {
nodeContentDelete(node, keyIndexInNode, 1);
return key;
} else {
int subst = getRecord(node.chunk, node.node, 0);
nodeContentDelete(node, 0, 1);
return subst;
} else if(mode==DELMODE_DELETE_MAXIMUM) {
int subst = getRecord(node.chunk, node.node, node.keyCount-1);
nodeContentDelete(node, node.keyCount-1, 1);
return subst;
throw new BTreeKeyNotFoundException(
MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("BTree.DeletionOnAbsentKey"), //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[]{new Integer(key), new Integer(mode)}));
} else {
if(keyIndexInNode != -1) {
/* Case 2: non-leaf node which contains the key itself */
BTNode succ = node.getChild(keyIndexInNode+1);
if(succ!=null && succ.keyCount > MIN_RECORDS) {
/* Case 2a: Delete key by overwriting it with its successor (which occurs in a leaf node) */
int subst = deleteImp(-1, succ.node, DELMODE_DELETE_MINIMUM);
putRecord(node.chunk, node.node, keyIndexInNode, subst);
return key;
BTNode pred = node.getChild(keyIndexInNode);
if(pred!=null && pred.keyCount > MIN_RECORDS) {
/* Case 2b: Delete key by overwriting it with its predecessor (which occurs in a leaf node) */
int subst = deleteImp(-1, pred.node, DELMODE_DELETE_MAXIMUM);
putRecord(node.chunk, node.node, keyIndexInNode, subst);
return key;
/* Case 2c: Merge successor and predecessor */
// assert(pred!=null && succ!=null);
mergeNodes(succ, node, keyIndexInNode, pred);
return deleteImp(key, pred.node, mode);
} else {
/* Case 3: non-leaf node which does not itself contain the key */
/* Determine root of subtree that should contain the key */
int subtreeIndex;
switch(mode) {
subtreeIndex = node.keyCount;
for(int i=0; i<node.keyCount; i++)
if(, node.node, i), key)>0) {
subtreeIndex = i;
case DELMODE_DELETE_MINIMUM: subtreeIndex = 0; break;
case DELMODE_DELETE_MAXIMUM: subtreeIndex = node.keyCount; break;
default: throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, Messages.getString("BTree.UnknownMode"), null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
BTNode child = node.getChild(subtreeIndex);
if(child==null) {
throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, Messages.getString("BTree.IntegrityError"), null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(child.keyCount > MIN_RECORDS) {
return deleteImp(key, child.node, mode);
} else {
BTNode sibR = node.getChild(subtreeIndex+1);
if(sibR!=null && sibR.keyCount > MIN_RECORDS) {
/* Case 3a (i): child will underflow upon deletion, take a key from rightSibling */
int rightKey = getRecord(node.chunk, node.node, subtreeIndex);
int leftmostRightSiblingKey = getRecord(sibR.chunk, sibR.node, 0);
append(child, rightKey, getChild(sibR.chunk, sibR.node, 0));
nodeContentDelete(sibR, 0, 1);
putRecord(node.chunk, node.node, subtreeIndex, leftmostRightSiblingKey);
return deleteImp(key, child.node, mode);
BTNode sibL = node.getChild(subtreeIndex-1);
if(sibL!=null && sibL.keyCount > MIN_RECORDS) {
/* Case 3a (ii): child will underflow upon deletion, take a key from leftSibling */
int leftKey = getRecord(node.chunk, node.node, subtreeIndex-1);
prepend(child, leftKey, getChild(sibL.chunk, sibL.node, sibL.keyCount));
int rightmostLeftSiblingKey = getRecord(sibL.chunk, sibL.node, sibL.keyCount-1);
putRecord(sibL.chunk, sibL.node, sibL.keyCount-1, 0);
putChild(sibL.chunk, sibL.node, sibL.keyCount, 0);
putRecord(node.chunk, node.node, subtreeIndex-1, rightmostLeftSiblingKey);
return deleteImp(key, child.node, mode);
/* Case 3b (i,ii): leftSibling, child, rightSibling all have minimum number of keys */
if(sibL!=null) { // merge child into leftSibling
mergeNodes(child, node, subtreeIndex-1, sibL);
return deleteImp(key, sibL.node, mode);
if(sibR!=null) { // merge rightSibling into child
mergeNodes(sibR, node, subtreeIndex, child);
return deleteImp(key, child.node, mode);
throw new BTreeKeyNotFoundException(
MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("BTree.DeletionOnAbsentKey"), //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[]{new Integer(key), new Integer(mode)}));
* Merge node 'src' onto the right side of node 'dst' using node
* 'keyProvider' as the source of the median key. Bounds checking is not
* performed.
* @param src the key to merge into dst
* @param mid the node that provides the median key for the new node
* @param kIndex the index of the key in the node <i>mid</i> which is to become the new node's median key
* @param dst the node which is the basis and result of the merge
public void mergeNodes(BTNode src, BTNode keyProvider, int kIndex, BTNode dst)
throws CoreException {
nodeContentCopy(src, 0, dst, dst.keyCount+1, src.keyCount+1);
int midKey = getRecord(keyProvider.chunk, keyProvider.node, kIndex);
putRecord(dst.chunk, dst.node, dst.keyCount, midKey);
int keySucc = kIndex+1 == MAX_RECORDS ? 0 : getRecord(keyProvider.chunk, keyProvider.node, kIndex+1);, keyProvider.node, kIndex+1));
nodeContentDelete(keyProvider, kIndex+1, 1);
putRecord(keyProvider.chunk, keyProvider.node, kIndex, keySucc);
if(kIndex == 0 && keySucc == 0) {
* The root node is excused from the property that a node must have a least MIN keys
* This means we must special case it at the point when its had all of its keys deleted
* entirely during merge operations (which push one of its keys down as a pivot)
int rootNode = getRoot();
if(rootNode == keyProvider.node) {
db.putInt(rootPointer, dst.node);;
* Insert the key and (its predecessor) child at the left side of the specified node. Bounds checking
* is not performed.
* @param node the node to prepend to
* @param key the new leftmost (least) key
* @param child the new leftmost (least) subtree root
private void prepend(BTNode node, int key, int child) {
nodeContentCopy(node, 0, node, 1, node.keyCount+1);
putRecord(node.chunk, node.node, 0, key);
putChild(node.chunk, node.node, 0, child);
* Insert the key and (its successor) child at the right side of the specified node. Bounds checking
* is not performed.
* @param node
* @param key
* @param child
private void append(BTNode node, int key, int child) {
putRecord(node.chunk, node.node, node.keyCount, key);
putChild(node.chunk, node.node, node.keyCount + 1, child);
* Overwrite a section of the specified node (dst) with the specified section of the source node. Bounds checking
* is not performed. To allow just copying of the final child (which has no corresponding key) the routine
* behaves as though there were a corresponding key existing with value zero.<p>
* Copying from a node to itself is permitted.
* @param src the node to read from
* @param srcPos the initial index to read from (inclusive)
* @param dst the node to write to
* @param dstPos the initial index to write to (inclusive)
* @param length the number of (key,(predecessor)child) nodes to write
private void nodeContentCopy(BTNode src, int srcPos, BTNode dst, int dstPos, int length) {
for(int i=length-1; i>=0; i--) { // this order is important when src==dst!
int srcIndex = srcPos + i;
int dstIndex = dstPos + i;
if(srcIndex<src.keyCount+1) {
int srcChild = getChild(src.chunk, src.node, srcIndex);
putChild(dst.chunk, dst.node, dstIndex, srcChild);
if(srcIndex<src.keyCount) {
int srcKey = getRecord(src.chunk, src.node, srcIndex);
putRecord(dst.chunk, dst.node, dstIndex, srcKey);
* Delete a section of node content - (key, (predecessor)child) pairs. Bounds checking
* is not performed. To allow deletion of the final child (which has no corresponding key) the routine
* behaves as though there were a corresponding key existing with value zero.<p>
* Content is deleted and remaining content is moved leftward the appropriate amount.
* @param node the node to delete content from
* @param i the start index (inclusive) to delete from
* @param length the length of the sequence to delete
private void nodeContentDelete(BTNode node, int i, int length) {
for(int index=i; index<=MAX_RECORDS; index++) {
int newKey = (index+length) < node.keyCount ? getRecord(node.chunk, node.node, index+length) : 0;
int newChild = (index+length) < node.keyCount+1 ? getChild(node.chunk, node.node, index+length) : 0;
if(index<MAX_RECORDS) {
putRecord(node.chunk, node.node, index, newKey);
if(index<MAX_CHILDREN) {
putChild(node.chunk, node.node, index, newChild);
* Visit all nodes beginning when the visitor comparator
* returns >= 0 until the visitor visit returns falls.
* @param visitor
public void accept(IBTreeVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
accept(db.getInt(rootPointer), visitor);
private boolean accept(int node, IBTreeVisitor visitor) throws CoreException {
// if found is false, we are still in search mode
// once found is true visit everything
// return false when ready to quit
if (node == 0) {
return true;
if(visitor instanceof IBTreeVisitor2) {
try {
Chunk chunk = db.getChunk(node);
// binary search to find first record greater or equal
int lower= 0;
int upper= MAX_RECORDS-1;
while (lower < upper && getRecord(chunk, node, upper-1) == 0) {
while (lower < upper) {
int middle= (lower+upper)/2;
int checkRec= getRecord(chunk, node, middle);
if (checkRec == 0) {
upper= middle;
else {
int compare=;
if (compare >= 0) {
upper= middle;
else {
lower= middle+1;
// start with first record greater or equal, reuse comparison results.
int i= lower;
for (; i < MAX_RECORDS; ++i) {
int record = getRecord(chunk, node, i);
if (record == 0)
int compare=;
if (compare > 0) {
// start point is to the left
return accept(getChild(chunk, node, i), visitor);
else if (compare == 0) {
if (!accept(getChild(chunk, node, i), visitor))
return false;
if (!visitor.visit(record))
return false;
return accept(getChild(chunk, node, i), visitor);
} finally {
if(visitor instanceof IBTreeVisitor2) {
* TODO: It would be good to move these into IBTreeVisitor and eliminate
* IBTreeVisitor2 if this is acceptable.
private interface IBTreeVisitor2 extends IBTreeVisitor {
void preNode(int node) throws CoreException;
void postNode(int node) throws CoreException;
* Debugging method for checking B-tree invariants
* @return the empty String if B-tree invariants hold, otherwise
* a human readable report
* @throws CoreException
public String getInvariantsErrorReport() throws CoreException {
InvariantsChecker checker = new InvariantsChecker();
return checker.isValid() ? "" : checker.getMsg(); //$NON-NLS-1$
* A B-tree visitor for checking some B-tree invariants.
* Note ordering invariants are not checked here.
private class InvariantsChecker implements IBTreeVisitor2 {
boolean valid = true;
String msg = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
Integer leafDepth;
int depth;
public String getMsg() { return msg; }
public boolean isValid() { return valid; }
public void postNode(int node) throws CoreException { depth--; }
public int compare(int record) throws CoreException { return 0; }
public boolean visit(int record) throws CoreException { return true; }
public void preNode(int node) throws CoreException {
// collect information for checking
int keyCount = 0;
int indexFirstBlankKey = MAX_RECORDS;
int indexLastNonBlankKey = 0;
for(int i=0; i<MAX_RECORDS; i++) {
if(getRecord(db.getChunk(node), node, i)!=0) {
indexLastNonBlankKey = i;
} else if(indexFirstBlankKey== MAX_RECORDS){
indexFirstBlankKey = i;
int childCount = 0;
for(int i=0; i<MAX_CHILDREN; i++) {
if(getChild(db.getChunk(node), node, i)!=0) {
// check that non-blank keys are contiguous and blank key terminated
if(indexFirstBlankKey != indexLastNonBlankKey+1) {
boolean full = indexFirstBlankKey == MAX_RECORDS && indexLastNonBlankKey == MAX_RECORDS-1;
boolean empty = indexFirstBlankKey == 0 && indexLastNonBlankKey == 0;
if(!full && !empty){
valid = false;
msg += MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("BTree.IntegrityErrorA"), //$NON-NLS-1$
new Object[]{new Integer(node), new Integer(indexFirstBlankKey), new Integer(indexLastNonBlankKey)});
// Check: Key number constrains child numbers
if(childCount!=0 && childCount!=keyCount+1) {
valid = false;
msg += MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("BTree.IntegrityErrorB"), new Object[]{new Integer(node)}); //$NON-NLS-1$
// the root node is excused from the remaining node constraints
if(node == db.getInt(rootPointer)) {
// Check: Non-root nodes must have a keyCount within a certain range
if(keyCount < MIN_RECORDS || keyCount > MAX_RECORDS) {
valid = false;
msg += MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("BTree.IntegrityErrorC"), new Object[]{new Integer(node)}); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Check: All leaf nodes are at the same depth
if(childCount==0) {
if(leafDepth==null) {
leafDepth = new Integer(depth);
if(depth!=leafDepth.intValue()) {
valid = false;
msg += Messages.getString("BTree.IntegrityErrorD"); //$NON-NLS-1$