blob: dd077a400b64af89a2535969736cdd734f737ba5 [file] [log] [blame]
<-- Notes -->
- Take a look at the CDT implementations for the search results page. PDOMSearch(Tree*|View*|List*)
<-- BEGIN Chuck James -->
- Day 1
- Worked on user story 2.1. Ran tests against refactored core.vpg.test.
Completed in 1.5 units compared to 2 units estimated.
- Started looking into showing/extending the menu items, but haven't updated the plugin xml yet.
Probably will be updating the org.eclipse.photran.ui plugin.xml.
- Day 2
- Experiment with a context menu using the Plugin template gave a good example of how to do
a context menu.
- Do we need to create separate actions for each action type (file, workspace, project?) or can we re-use a single class
and use the action parameter? Maybe use 3 subclasses of the main action? Decided
on the single base class with 3 subclasses.
- Plan to borrow the ActionSet code from the Comment/Uncomment code to create an ActionSet for
our refactor action.
- Plan to write a manual test to verify the menu(s) are working.
- Day 3
- Added the ActionSet and got (after much deliberation) it to display in the Search menu.
- Updated icon for search.
- Wrote manual tests to verify the UI was working.
- Discovered that "selecting" a token could be done by simply placing the cursor in
the text, not having to actually select the token. Also, selecting multiple tokens
or a token with any whitespace generates the error "Please select a token". Probably
should be fixed to reflect the "correct" error.
- Day 4 (Short day)
- Started looking into how we might implement the search results objects by extending extension point. This will require implementing
the ISearchResultPage and IContentProvider interfaces. Didn't really get too far with this.
- We thought the VPG wasn't initalized on the call to SearchReferences, but apparently it was...
This was a wild goose chase.
<-- END Chuck James -->
<-- BEGIN Sarah Kevin -->
- Day 1 (2.5 Units worked)
- Worked on user story 2.4. Implemented the ISearchQuery interface for the search through the
ReferenceSearch class.
- Created the searchForReference method within the ReferenceSearch class as a 'helper' method.
- Day 2 (2.5 Units worked)
- Worked on user story 2.5. Implemented the AbstractTextSearchResult to show the search view
through the ReferenceSearchResult class.
- Finished implementing the ReferenceSearch run() method. Still need to determine if the
getFile attribute is the best/correct value to use when adding a Match to the ReferenceSearchResult.
- Changed the VPGInformationTest to test user stories 2.4 and 2.5. Checked the matches within
the ReferenceSearchResult to make sure they were what was expected.
- Performed group work to integrate results so far with James and Chuck's progress (see Group Work).
- Day 3
- Clean up tests and To Do's left in the code. Update the Wiki with the comments for user stories 2.4
and 2.5.
- Added JavaDoc to ReferenceSearch and ReferenceSearchResult.
- Determined that we will leave some To Do's, such as CanRerun() which can be re-looked at after
user story 3.1. This is the same for getEditorMatchAdapter() and getFileMatchAdapter(), which
can be implemented during or after user story 3.1.
- Determined that we can leave the getFile() attribute when creating a Match. If this needs to be
changed later, it will not be a hard thing to modify.
<-- END Sarah Kevin -->
<-- BEGIN Group work -->
- Day 2
- The ActionDelegate code was completed and the SearchReferences within one file was completed, so
we put the modules together and verified that they worked as a pair.
- Ran regression tests (whoo for buzzwords)
- Day 4
- Implemented 2.6 as a group.
<-- END Group work -->