| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <?eclipse version="3.4"?> |
| <plugin> |
| <extension |
| id="application" |
| point="org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications"> |
| <application> |
| <run |
| class="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.Application"> |
| </run> |
| </application> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.ui.menus"> |
| <menuContribution |
| locationURI="menu:org.eclipse.ui.main.menu"> |
| <menu |
| label="Admin"> |
| <command |
| commandId="org.eclipse.ui.views.showView" |
| label="Show Error View" |
| style="push"> |
| <parameter |
| name="org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.viewId" |
| value="org.eclipse.pde.runtime.LogView"> |
| </parameter> |
| </command> |
| </menu> |
| </menuContribution> |
| <menuContribution |
| allPopups="false" |
| locationURI="toolbar:org.eclipse.ptp.rm.ui.views.MonitorView?after=org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.monitor.ui.separator3"> |
| <separator |
| name="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.separator1" |
| visible="true"> |
| </separator> |
| <command |
| commandId="org.eclipse.debug.ui.commands.OpenRunConfigurations" |
| icon="icons/run_exc.gif" |
| style="pulldown"> |
| </command> |
| </menuContribution> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <extension point="org.eclipse.core.runtime.adapters"> |
| <factory class="org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable" |
| adaptableType="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"> |
| <adapter type="org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.ILaunchable"/> |
| </factory> |
| </extension> |
| <extension |
| id="product" |
| point="org.eclipse.core.runtime.products"> |
| <product |
| application="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.application" |
| name="System Monitor"> |
| <property |
| name="windowImages" |
| value="/icons/icon_16.png,/icons/icon_32.png,/icons/icon_48.png,/icons/icon_64.png,/icons/icon_128.png"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="startupForegroundColor" |
| value="4A95FF"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="startupProgressRect" |
| value="10,385,530,10"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="startupMessageRect" |
| value="10,365,530,20"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="appName" |
| value="System Monitor"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="aboutText" |
| value="%aboutText"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="introTitle" |
| value="%productIntroTitle"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="preferenceCustomization" |
| value="plugin_customization.ini"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="cssTheme" |
| value="org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.theme.e4_default"> |
| </property> |
| <property |
| name="applicationCSSResources" |
| value="platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform/images/"> |
| </property> |
| </product> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.debug.core.launchDelegates"> |
| <launchDelegate |
| delegate="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ParallelLaunchConfigurationDelegate" |
| delegateDescription="%ParallelLaunchDelegate.desc" |
| id="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.launch" |
| modes="run" |
| name="%ParallelLaunchDelegate.name" |
| type="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.parallelLaunch"> |
| </launchDelegate> |
| </extension> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Tab ID's specified in the extension must be unique (across plugins), even if they are |
| not the same as the ID specified by the getId() method in the class. However, the |
| 'placement' element MUST use the ID specified by the class. It all seems a bit clunky, |
| but it seems to work. |
| --> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationTabs"> |
| <!-- Tabs for run mode --> |
| <tab |
| class="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.tabs.ResourcesTab" |
| group="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.parallelLaunchConfigurationTabGroup" |
| id="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.resourcesTab" |
| name="%ResourcesLaunchTab.name"> |
| <associatedDelegate |
| delegate="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.launch"> |
| </associatedDelegate> |
| </tab> |
| <tab |
| class="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.launch.ui.SysMonApplicationTab" |
| group="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.parallelLaunchConfigurationTabGroup" |
| id="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.applicationTab" |
| name="%ApplicationLaunchTab.name"> |
| <associatedDelegate |
| delegate="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.launch"> |
| </associatedDelegate> |
| <placement |
| after="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.applicationLaunch.resourcesTab"> |
| </placement> |
| </tab> |
| <tab |
| class="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.tabs.ArgumentsTab" |
| group="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.parallelLaunchConfigurationTabGroup" |
| id="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.argumentsTab" |
| name="%ArgumentsLaunchTab.name"> |
| <associatedDelegate |
| delegate="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.launch"> |
| </associatedDelegate> |
| <placement |
| after="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.applicationTab"> |
| </placement> |
| </tab> |
| <tab |
| class="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.tabs.EnvironmentTab" |
| group="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.parallelLaunchConfigurationTabGroup" |
| id="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.environmentTab" |
| name="%EnvironmentLaunchTab.name"> |
| <associatedDelegate |
| delegate="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.launch"> |
| </associatedDelegate> |
| <placement |
| after="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.applicationLaunch.argumentsTab"> |
| </placement> |
| </tab> |
| <tab |
| class="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.ui.tabs.EnhancedSynchronizeTab" |
| group="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.parallelLaunchConfigurationTabGroup" |
| id="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.synchronizeTab" |
| name="%SynchronizeLaunchTab.name"> |
| <associatedDelegate |
| delegate="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.launch"> |
| </associatedDelegate> |
| <placement |
| after="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.applicationLaunch.environmentTab"> |
| </placement> |
| </tab> |
| <tab |
| class="org.eclipse.debug.ui.CommonTab" |
| group="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.parallelLaunchConfigurationTabGroup" |
| id="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.commonTab" |
| name="%CommonLaunchTab.name"> |
| <associatedDelegate |
| delegate="org.eclipse.ptp.rcp.sysmon.launch"> |
| </associatedDelegate> |
| <placement |
| after="org.eclipse.ptp.launch.applicationLaunch.synchronizeTab"> |
| </placement> |
| </tab> |
| </extension> |
| </plugin> |