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<title>GEM - Preferences</title>
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<img src="images/trident_transparent.png">
<h1>GEM - Preferences</h1>
<em>To edit preferences, from the Eclipse menus, go to <b>Window -&#62; Preferences -&#62; Parallel Tools -&#62; GEM</b></em>
GEM has two preference pages:
<b>GEM Preferences:</b> This preference page is for settings related to how views and various
components within GEM behave and function. Here the user can control which GEM Views are shown and
when, e.g. the active view (the view in focus after verification is complete).
<b>ISP Preferences:</b> This preference page is for command line settings for the underlying formal
verification engine GEM uses, In-situ Parital Order (ISP)
<h4>Below are detailed descriptions of each of GEM's Preference Pages.</h4>
<h2><a name="gemprefs">GEM Preference Page</a></h2>
<a name="gemPrefs"></a>
<img src="images/gemPrefs.png">
Please note the smaller help button on this preference page (below the &#34;Active View:&#34; label).
Clicking this button while viewing the GEM preference page will bring you to this help page.
<h3>GEM Preferences Reference Table</h3>
<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
<tr><th>Preference</th><th>Meaning or Condition When Selected</th></tr>
<td>Number of Processes:</td>
This field takes an integer value that represents the number of processes to use for the next GEM
verification. It is what is stored after going through the motions on the
<a href="setNumProcs.html">Setting the Number of Processes</a> page.
<td>Clear GEM Console on Each Run</td>
When enabled (checked), the GEM Console will be cleared prior to each verification run. If this preference
is not enabled, output is appended to the existing GEM Console content (at the bottom).
<td>Request Command Line Arguments</td>
When enabled (checked), a dialog box will appear when GEM verification is started. This dialog box will ask for command line arguments.
When disabled, no dialog box will appear.
<td>Active View:</td>
The selected view will be the one that gets the active focus after each GEM verification run, e.g. if you
would like to see the Analyzer View after each verification, then simply select &#34;Analyzer&#34;.
<h2>ISP Preference Page</h2>
<a name="ispPrefs"></a>
<img src="images/ispPrefs.png">
If ISP is configured and installed with default values, there is no need to fill in the four items in the &#34;ISP Paths&#34;
group of the ISP preferences page. When blank, the plug-in will assume they are in the default location (<tt><b>/usr/local/bin</b></tt>).
These items simply need to be in your path (we show <tt><b>/usr/local/bin</b></tt> purely for the sake of illustration here).
Please note the smaller help button on this preference page (below &#34;ISP Paths&#34; group).
Clicking this button while viewing the ISP preference page will bring you to this help page.
<h3>ISP Preferences Reference Table</h3>
<table border="1" cellpadding="8">
<tr><th colspan="2">Command Line Options</th></tr>
<tr><td>Enable FIB</td> <td>Enables detection of irrelevant barriers</td></tr>
<tr><td>Log Total MPI Calls</td> <td>Outputs the number of MPI calls trapped for each rank (Console View)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Enable OpenMP</td> <td>Enables OpenMP based parallelization on multi-core machines</td></tr>
<tr><td>Use Blocking Sends</td> <td>Sends will be treated as blocking, without buffering</td></tr>
<tr><td>Report Progress</td> <td>Outputs progress every (n) MPI calls (default is 4). Note: If this is checked, please set the Report progress field below</td></tr>
<tr><td>Use Unix Sockets</td> <td>Enable this when running GEM on a single, local machine. It speeds up ISP/GEM significantly</td></tr>
<tr><td>Verbose Mode</td> <td>Output the transition list for all interleavings, otherwise only output last interleaving if deadlock.</td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">Miscellaneous Options</th></tr>
<tr><td>Port</td> <td>Assigns the port to communicate with MPI programs(default is 9999). GEM will search for a port that is free if specified port is unavailable</td></tr>
<tr><td>Report Progress Every (n) MPI Calls</td> <td>Outputs progress every (n) MPI calls (default is 4). Note: This is ignored if Report Progress is not checked</td></tr>
<tr><td>Host Where ISP Resides</td> <td>If ISP is installed on a remote machine, enter the fully qualified hostname here. If ISP is installed on your local machine (e.g. laptop), leave this blank</td></tr>
<tr><th colspan="2">ISP Paths</th></tr>
<tr><td>isp executable </td> <td>The location of the local <b>isp executable</b> (this is ISP itself)</td></tr>
<tr><td>ispcc script</td> <td>The location of the local <b>ispcc script</b> (for C compilation)</td></tr>
<tr><td>ispCC script</td> <td>The location of the local <b>ispCC script</b> (for C++ compilation)</td></tr>
<tr><td>HB Viewer script</td> <td>The location of the <b>HB Viewer</b> script (a.k.a. ispUI). This will only be local.</td></tr>
<tr><td>remote isp executable </td> <td>The location of the remote <b>isp executable</b> (this is ISP itself)</td></tr>
<tr><td>remote ispcc script</td> <td>The location of the remote <b>ispcc script</b> (for C compilation)</td></tr>
<tr><td>remote ispCC script</td> <td>The location of the remote <b>ispCC script</b> (for C++ compilation)</td></tr>
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